No man is an island. Neither are his ideas. It’s why we believe a collaborative environment of “let’s do it” is essential to identifying challenges.
Process Improvement
No man is an island. Neither are his ideas. It’s why we believe a collaborative environment of “let’s do it” is essential to identifying challenges.
No man is an island. Neither are his ideas. It’s why we believe a collaborative environment of “let’s do it” is essential to identifying challenges.
Business Acquisition
No man is an island. Neither are his ideas. It’s why we believe a collaborative environment of “let’s do it” is essential to identifying challenges.
New Technologies
No man is an island. Neither are his ideas. It’s why we believe a collaborative environment of “let’s do it” is essential to identifying challenges.
Process Improvement
Business Acquisition
New Technologies
Concepts & Collaboration
No man is an island. Neither are his ideas. It’s why we believe a collaborative environment of “let’s do it” is essential to identifying challenges and sharing ideas that lead to solutions on areas as diverse as communities of practice. By participating in these, our teammates are engaged with one another and leverage their colleagues’ learnings to find solutions to shared challenges.
Innovating from Zero
So how do we nurture innovation at Balfour Beatty? For starters, each member of our leadership team is absolutely invested in our collective commitment to innovation.
And when we established our Zero Waste commitment several years ago, we recognized the huge opportunity that exists in the industry to innovate and become more efficient in the way projects are delivered. In fact, we believe massive reduction in process waste is our greatest opportunity for creating value for our clients, beating our competition, and inspiring our great people.
Action Over Ambition
—Albert Einstein
“If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got.”
—Mark Zuckerberg
“Unless you are breaking stuff, you are not moving fast enough. People think innovation is just having a good idea, but a lot of it is just moving quickly and trying a lot of things.”
Saying it is one thing. Doing it is quite another. Which is why we believe the most successful path to innovation is one that prioritizes action over ambition. That’s because to be successful, innovation isn’t a one-time thing: it must grow, expand and become the lifeblood of an organization. So rather than thinking of our ideas as the pretty flower or shiny object, we
think about innovation as an ecosystem that grows prolifically throughout our entire company.
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We celebrate — and almost deify — our most successful and universally recognized innovators. But do we actually follow through with their advice?
What is Innovation at Balfour Beatty
For whatever reason, people and companies remain risk averse – sheltering themselves within the status quo rather than taking a chance to discover new and better ways of doing things. At Balfour Beatty, we believe continuously improving the value we deliver for our clients, partners, and teammates through innovation is critical to create sustainable business practices.
—Mark Zuckerberg
“The Hacker Way is an approach to building that involves continuous improvement and iteration. Hackers believe that something can always be better, and that nothing is ever complete.”
There’s nothing more fulfilling than delivering innovative solutions throughout our business and for our clients. It’s why we conduct events such as Hack-a-Thons and Process Storms across the company— to bring teams together and take challenges head on.
And these events have created solutions which have dramatically improved the way we deliver for our clients, most notably in the virtual reality space.Using virtual reality technology has not only helped solve design and constructability challenges, but by incorporating gamification into virtual reality, we’ve been able to create an interactive simulation to train workers to make the right choices when performing one of the most hazardous tasks in our industry—working at height.
Hacking Virtual Reality for
Real-World Solutions
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