Exam tips
Flipped learning
Combining exams and Real-life needs
Motivating teens
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Must-watch webinars streaming live or on demand to get us back into the exams mindset.
Series highlights include:
Season 1
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Essential viewing for exam teachers.
Certificates are issued for attendance of each webinar in the series
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Essential viewing, recommended for you…
All webinars last 60 mins including time for Q&A
Except where indicated, all times are BST.
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Do you teach an exam class? It’s not that easy, is it? Even though students are all preparing for the same exam, they aren’t at the same level. Even though there is a clear goal, they aren’t all equally motivated. Even though they are in an exam class, they also want to learn to use their English in situations beyond the confines of the classroom. In this time of COVID with the shift to online and remote schooling, teaching and learning have become even more challenging. This webinar explores the challenges of preparing students for exams, techniques to embrace the current situation, and offers strategies and tools to help cater for them all. Techniques which provide focussed exam preparation will also be identified as well as activities which not only equip students to be successful in exams, but also allow students to learn and practise real world English (and finally understand the lyrics of their favourite song).
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15:00 GMT
24th March
Exam preparation in the Real World • Olha Madylus
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In this webinar, there will be practical advice and tips for all teachers. Whether you are looking to review or extend your existing practice, getting back to teaching towards the C1 Advanced exam after a break, or preparing for this exam for the first time, make sure you check in for ‘must-have’ tips. We will consider how to develop your teaching skills and build stimulating lessons by focusing more effectively on the specific demands of the C1 Advanced exam, and by using your materials more creatively.
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31st March
Tips for C1 Advanced • Greg Archer
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Schools have opened yet many teachers continue to find themselves in a hybrid, or blended learning, situation. This session will provide support for teachers in this ‘new normal’, by drawing on online materials and using them as springboards for flexible class-based learning. It will include suggestions for asynchronous task setting and ideas for autonomous learning.
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14th April
Flipped classroom flexibility • Deb Hobbs
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In this webinar, there will be practical advice and tips for all teachers. Whether you are looking to review or extend your existing practice, getting back to teaching towards the B2 First exam after a break, or preparing for this exam for the first time, make sure you check in for ‘must-have’ tips. We will consider how to develop your teaching skills and build stimulating lessons by focusing more effectively on the specific demands of the B2 First exam, and by using your materials more creatively.
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21st April
Tips for B2 First • Greg Archer
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The word teenager was first coined nearly a hundred years ago but it has taken a long time for young people between 13-18 to be considered a distinct group in education in particular in English language classes. Yet, we teachers know full well that there are huge differences between adolescents and younger children and that they are not yet adults. Being a teen means having to deal with physical, social, emotional and cognitive turmoil, never more so than at this scary and confusing time of COVID; often not being understood by the adults around you and having to deal with formal exams that can affect future choices. This webinar explores the nature of these many factors and what it means to the English language class in terms of materials, tasks, dynamics and class management.
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28th April
Teen appeal • Olha Madylus
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Tip boxes. They appear in English language course books next to tasks and offer useful strategies to help develop language skills. They highlight common learner challenges for a grammar point or offer advice for a particular exam task. As teachers, we may point to them and ask our learners to read them, but how effective is this approach? This session aims to re-invent the humble ‘tip box’ by providing you with a set of innovative, practical and adaptable ideas that exploit Tip boxes in ways which are both engaging and effective.
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5th May
Reinventing the Tip box • Deb Hobbs
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Deborah Hobbs DipTESOL works in Bristol as a freelance author and instructional designer and also as an English language lecturer in higher education.
Olha Madylus is now a freelance materials writer, consultant and teacher trainer with over 30 years’ experience in English Language Teaching.
Greg Archer is an experienced, DELTA-qualified teacher, materials author and teacher trainer with many years’ experience as an examiner and course developer.
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Deborah Hobbs
Deborah Hobbs works in Bristol as a freelance author and instructional designer and also as an English language lecturer in higher education. She has enjoyed over 10 years of English language teaching, examining and training, and regularly speaks at international teacher training events.
She has worked in several countries including Italy, Spain, China and Argentina. Deborah holds a DipTESOL, a Post Graduate Certificate in Online and Distance Education and is currently studying for an MA ODE (technology enhanced learning and design). Prior to becoming an educator, Deborah was a business change and project manager in financial services.
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Greg Archer is an experienced, DELTA-qualified teacher and teacher trainer who began teaching IELTS at International House in London, where he trained and qualified as an IELTS Examiner in both Writing and Speaking. After moving to Cambridge in 2013, he has been working at an international college there, at various times managing the English Language department, developing appropriate courses to run alongside A Level and GCSE study, and primarily teaching IELTS and English for Academic Purposes classes to students whose ambition is to enter a UK or English-speaking university.
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Olha Madylus
Olha Madylus has been involved in English Language Teaching for over 30 years: living, teaching and training in Greece, Hong Kong and Venezuela.
She is now a freelance materials writer, consultant and teacher trainer and trains teachers (and trainers) worldwide in countries as diverse as South Africa, India, Nigeria, Taiwan, Bosnia and Colombia.
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More Information
More Information
Do you teach an exam class? It’s not that easy, is it? Even though students are all preparing for the same exam, they aren’t at the same level. Even though there is a clear goal, they aren’t all equally motivated. Even though they are in an exam class, they also want to learn to use their English in situations beyond the confines of the classroom. In this time of COVID with the shift to online and remote schooling, teaching and learning have become even more challenging. This webinar explores the challenges of preparing students for exams, techniques to embrace the current situation, and offers strategies and tools to help cater for them all. Techniques which provide focussed exam preparation will also be identified as well as activities which not only equip students to be successful in exams, but also allow students to learn and practise real world English (and finally understand the lyrics of their favourite song).
1. Olha Madylus - Exam preparation in the Real World
In this webinar, there will be practical advice and tips for all teachers. Whether you are looking to review or extend your existing practice, getting back to teaching towards the C1 Advanced exam after a break, or preparing for this exam for the first time, make sure you check in for ‘must-have’ tips. We will consider how to develop your teaching skills and build stimulating lessons by focusing more effectively on the specific demands of the C1 Advanced exam, and by using your materials more creatively.
2. Greg Archer - Tips for C1 Advanced
Schools have opened yet many teachers continue to find themselves in a hybrid, or blended learning, situation. This session will provide support for teachers in this ‘new normal’, by drawing on online materials and using them as springboards for flexible class-based learning. It will include suggestions for asynchronous task setting and ideas for autonomous learning.
3. Deb Hobbs - Flipped classroom flexibility
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Season 1
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The word teenager was first coined nearly a hundred years ago but it has taken a long time for young people between 13-18 to be considered a distinct group in education in particular in English language classes. Yet, we teachers know full well that there are huge differences between adolescents and younger children and that they are not yet adults. Being a teen means having to deal with physical, social, emotional and cognitive turmoil, never more so than at this scary and confusing time of COVID; often not being understood by the adults around you and having to deal with formal exams that can affect future choices. This webinar explores the nature of these many factors and what it means to the English language class in terms of materials, tasks, dynamics and class management.
5. Olha Madylus - Teen appeal
In this webinar, there will be practical advice and tips for all teachers. Whether you are looking to review or extend your existing practice, getting back to teaching towards the B2 First exam after a break, or preparing for this exam for the first time, make sure you check in for ‘must-have’ tips. We will consider how to develop your teaching skills and build stimulating lessons by focusing more effectively on the specific demands of the B2 First exam, and by using your materials more creatively.
4. Greg Archer - Tips for B2 First
Tip boxes. They appear in English language course books next to tasks and offer useful strategies to help develop language skills. They highlight common learner challenges for a grammar point or offer advice for a particular exam task. As teachers, we may point to them and ask our learners to read them, but how effective is this approach? This session aims to re-invent the humble ‘tip box’ by providing you with a set of innovative, practical and adaptable ideas that exploit Tip boxes in ways which are both engaging and effective.
6. Deb Hobbs - Reinventing the Tip box
Do you teach an exam class? It’s not that easy, is it? Even though students are all preparing for the same exam, they aren’t at the same level. Even though there is a clear goal, they aren’t all equally motivated. Even though they are in an exam class, they also want to learn to use their English in situations beyond the confines of the classroom. In this time of COVID with the shift to online and remote schooling, teaching and learning have become even more challenging. This webinar explores the challenges of preparing students for exams, techniques to embrace the current situation, and offers strategies and tools to help cater for them all. Techniques which provide focussed exam preparation will also be identified as well as activities which not only equip students to be successful in exams, but also allow students to learn and practise real world English (and finally understand the lyrics of their favourite song).
Exam preparation in the Real World
1. Anne Robinson
Season 1
In this webinar, there will be practical advice and tips for all teachers. Whether you are looking to review or extend your existing practice, getting back to teaching towards the C1 Advanced exam after a break, or preparing for this exam for the first time, make sure you check in for ‘must-have’ tips. We will consider how to develop your teaching skills and build stimulating lessons by focusing more effectively on the specific demands of the C1 Advanced exam, and by using your materials more creatively.
Tips for C1 Advanced
1. Olha Madylus
Schools have opened yet many teachers continue to find themselves in a hybrid, or blended learning, situation. This session will provide support for teachers in this ‘new normal’, by drawing on online materials and using them as springboards for flexible class-based learning. It will include suggestions for asynchronous task setting and ideas for autonomous learning.
Flipped classroom flexibility
2. Grey Archer
In this webinar, there will be practical advice and tips for all teachers. Whether you are looking to review or extend your existing practice, getting back to teaching towards the B2 First exam after a break, or preparing for this exam for the first time, make sure you check in for ‘must-have’ tips. We will consider how to develop your teaching skills and build stimulating lessons by focusing more effectively on the specific demands of the B2 First exam, and by using your materials more creatively.
Tips for B2 First
2. Grey Archer
The word teenager was first coined nearly a hundred years ago but it has taken a long time for young people between 13-18 to be considered a distinct group in education in particular in English language classes. Yet, we teachers know full well that there are huge differences between adolescents and younger children and that they are not yet adults. Being a teen means having to deal with physical, social, emotional and cognitive turmoil, never more so than at this scary and confusing time of COVID; often not being understood by the adults around you and having to deal with formal exams that can affect future choices. This webinar explores the nature of these many factors and what it means to the English language class in terms of materials, tasks, dynamics and class management.
Teen appeal
4. Grey Archer
Tip boxes. They appear in English language course books next to tasks and offer useful strategies to help develop language skills. They highlight common learner challenges for a grammar point or offer advice for a particular exam task. As teachers, we may point to them and ask our learners to read them, but how effective is this approach? This session aims to re-invent the humble ‘tip box’ by providing you with a set of innovative, practical and adaptable ideas that exploit Tip boxes in ways which are both engaging and effective.
Reinventing the Tip box
5. Olha Madylus
Read the blog article
Read the blog article
Read the blog article
Read the blog article
Read the blog article
Read the blog article