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Provides detailed tracking and analytics on user interactions
Flexible subscriber capture/monetization options
Requires a specialized skillset from design and editorial
Totally optimized user experience for digital consumption
Takes the most time to create (no direct print conversion)
Easy to deliver across devices and browsers
Must have internet connection to view content
Most flexible design, animation, and media capabilities
HTML 5 Platforms
Provides more detailed analytics on content performance
Requires app download on mobile
Flexible content monetization options
Requires submission to and approval by major app stores
Offline viewing available
More time consuming to create than straight file conversion
More robust design, animation, and media options
Mobile App Builder
Little to no tracking
Limited multimedia capabilities
Not mobile friendly
Retains integrity and flow of print design
Subpar user experience
Very quick to produce digital assets
Page Turner
HTML 5 Platform
HTML5 publishing software provides an optimized digital-first experience for web and mobile editorial content.
Mobile App Builder
Mobile publishing solutions provide a hybrid print conversion / digital customization approach.
Page Turner
Traditional page-turning / flipbook software lets you convert PDFs into a static newspapers or magazines that are viewable online.
Choosing the Right Software
There are three main categories of digital publishing software available today:
page turners, mobile builders, and HTML 5 platforms.
iPad Magazine
This interactive contemporary culture magazine features interactive photo galleries, 360 images and videos, and a super flexible navigation system.
NSA Files: Decoded
Although this piece is now 3 years old, it’s stood the test of time using serious reporting, autoplay video clips, and strong graphics that provides a great overview of Wikileaks.
After 64
This interactive feature allows the user to explore the history of Tiananmen Square from multiple perspectives.
The Dawn Wall
This interactive feature has a map of the area that zooms on scroll to give readers context for the story as they read along.
Hamilton Analysis
This interactive feature uses a variety of audio clips to analyze the musical influences at work in Broadway musical “Hamilton.”
Innovative Publishing Examples
Publishers are transforming the art of storytelling for always-on devices. Here are just a few examples of the many publishers pushing boundaries when it comes to digital-first editorial content.
The Future of Digital Publishing
As even more print readers transition to digital content consumption, digital publishing will continue to let go of standard print conventions in favor of a multimedia, immersive approach to storytelling.
Click to explore the interactive content below.
Digital publishing innovators like The New York Times, The Guardian, Mashable, and Polygraph have begun to experiment with interactive content that incorporates videos, sound clips, maps, image galleries, and interactive elements that bring their stories to life.
It wasn’t until the 2000s—when laptops, eReaders like Amazon’s Kindle, and tablets like the iPad grew in popularity—that publishers began transitioning to a digital-first content approach.
In the 1990s, eBooks grew in popularity, and publishers began to create content in PDF and ePub formats for digital consumption. However, digital content was almost entirely derived from existing files designed for print production because of hardware limitations.
Digital publishing began in the early 1980s as a natural outgrowth of personal computer adoption. Publishers began to distribute their content on CD-ROMs to take advantage of PC usage.
Click the years below to explore.
History of Digital Publishing
See Ceros In Action
Today’s content consumers are hungry for digital publications. For traditional publishers, digital readership represents a big opportunity—but also a big challenge. Fortunately, there’s a wide array of software programs out there to simplify the task of designing, publishing, distributing, and tracking digital content.
with Digital Publishing Software
Creating Future-Proof Content