A new Parenting Trend Talk from
Everyday Health Group Pregnancy & Parenting
More than half of all parents agree:
“The pandemic will have a lasting impact on how I shop.”
Parents' new shopping reality
Now, more than a year after the first US-confirmed case of COVID-19, parents continue to roll with the punches and remain agile as they navigate their new normal.
As part of our ongoing Parenting Trend Talk series, we surveyed more than 2,000 expecting, new, and experienced parents to understand how their shopping behaviors have forever changed.
The brand loyalty equation has changed
8 in 10 parents have purchased directly from a brand’s site or app (vs. a retailer) – a +328% increase from 2018 to 2020.
Compared to Millennials, Gen Z Moms are +157% more likely to go DTC because they have a subscription.
Consumer Insight
Parents are going beyond traditional retailers to fill their digital shopping carts. Next-gen consumers will continue to reward brands that make products easy to find and the procurement process even easier.
51% of households have experienced a direct hit to their finances as a result of coronavirus.
Despite this and regardless of household income...
2 in 5 parents report splurging on their children.
HHI less than $75k
Parents also report a +200% increase in concern over their child’s development.
“My daughter is 19 months and hasn’t been to daycare. We are now worried that because she’s been home, it has impacted her development and she is behind on some milestones like language...”
Today, 86% say stores must follow safety protocols. About half say they expect stores to continue adhering to them in the future.
“When I shop now, I look for a bottle of sanitizer at the door. I want to see someone wiping down carts and the 6’ apart stickers on the floor. I think I’ll always feel that way.”
The risk of contagion has fundamentally impacted how consumers feel about shopping in-store. Here's how parents describe shopping before COVID-19 vs. now:
1. Ordinary
2. Uncomplicated
3. Relaxed
4. Convenient
5. Fun
From panic buying to penny pinching to protecting health and wellness, the pandemic has impacted how parents shop – and what they value most.
Whether a brand “works like it says it will” is now parents’ #1 buying criteria, supplanting safety ratings and online reviews.
Click and collect
Curbside pick-up
“All it took was a pandemic for retailers to finally get what a pain it is to go shopping with kids. With curbside pickup, I don't have to take my LO out of her car seat, let alone mask her up."
Parenting Trend Talks deliver the insights you need to make next-parents and parents-to-be fall in love with, and stay devoted to, your brand. Want more?
Let’s talk
5 new shopping rituals identified:
How parents are accelerating
the new normal
Ritual 1: Breaking with tradition
The kids (and parents) are NOT alright
Ritual 2: Defending the spend
HHI more than $75k
Living life on lock-down, families are suffering from FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) and FOFB (Fear Of Falling Behind), and they are spending to fill the gaps.
Consumer Insight
Safety is of paramount importance
Ritual 3: Staying vigilant
1. Stressful (+677%)
2. Rushed (+504%)
3. Frustrating (+588%)
4. Overwhelming (+433%)
5. Scary (+3,183%)
Living life on lock-down, families are suffering from FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) and FOFB (Fear Of Falling Behind), and they are spending to fill the gaps.
Consumer Insight
The brand loyalty equation has changed
Ritual 4: Embracing “the hop”
are going to stick with it
hopped to a new brand
Half because their go-to was out of stock
Even higher among Gen Z Moms
Empty shelves have opened minds. Parents are reaching for brands that meet their new and right-now needs.
Consumer Insight
Ritual 5: Blurring the lines
Forget the bells and whistles
Whether buying online or in-store, it's all just commerce. Though when it comes to how parents shop, the pandemic has made one thing clear: Utility trumps novelty.
Parents expect the physical store, online, and mobile to work together seamlessly. They want a safe, easy, and friction-free experience.
Consumer Insight
Source: New Shopping Rituals: How Parents Are Accelerating the New Normal, Everyday Health Group Pregnancy & Parenting, 2021.
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