Flu vaccines teach the immune system to recognize the influenza virus and produce tailor-made antibodies to destroy it.
Influenza virus
They contain altered influenza viruses that are either:
attenuated (weakened)
inactivated (killed)
That way, when they’re injected into your body, they won’t make you sick.
But your immune system will see a threat and send different types of white blood cells to destroy the altered virus.
Certain immune system cells — B cells and killer T cells — will remember what the virus looks like.
B cells will also produce antibodies that target the virus specifically.
Helper T cell
B cell
Dendritic cell
Killer T cell
So, if the real virus gets into your body, your immune system will recognize it and destroy it.
Flu vaccines teach the immune system to recognize the influenza virus and produce antibodies tailor-made to destroy it.
Helper T Cell
Killer T Cell
B Cell
Dendritic Cell