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Account Takeovers increased by 31% YOY in Q3 of 2017.
Coupon abuse in Q1 of 2018 increased 217% from the last quarter.
Fraud attack rates overall, have increased by 13% since the beginning of 2017
Learn about the state of the online fraud ecosystem and how to combat fraud attacks
Examine fraud rates and top fraud challenges
across industries
Understand the prevalence of specific fraud methods
And explore the various techniques employed by today’s cunning fraudsters
In this report you will:
Forter’s Fifth Annual Fraud Attack Index analyzes the changes in online payment fraud trends as they affect e-commerce and mobile merchants. Online criminals are constantly searching for new ways to successfully exploit payment platforms, and they are growing increasingly more sophisticated in their methods and capabilities. Our Fraud Attack Index aims to provide anti-fraud professionals with a clearer understanding of the trends and movements in the world of online fraud, in order to give them the context they need to succeed.
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