The First 100 Days:
Your Window to Greatness
Make the most of this all-too-important time to build your digital marketing credibility
Keep it simple and focus on improvement
Share lessons learned Correct assumptions with new data Be ready for what’s next
Solicit and deliver feedback to inspire
Focus on outcomes Celebrate quick wins Find ways to improve
Delegate important projects and praise success
Validate assumptions Create an action plan Support with the facts Identify early wins
Build a picture of business performance
Determine goals Identify customers Share observations and get feedback
Build credibility with communication
Meet your team Share your vision Listen and learn
(10 days before- 15 days after you start)
(Days 1 to 30)
(Days 15 to 45)
(Days 30 to 80)
(Days 45 to 100)
Full Research: The Digital Marketing Leader’s First 100 Days
you’re on your way to greatness!