16th October 1923 - 'Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio' Founded By Roy And Walt Disney
6th June 1998 - TV Show 'Sex & The City' Premieres
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20th October 1973 - Sydney Opera House Opens In Australia
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13th July 1923 - First 'Hollywoodland' Sign Dedicated
10th December 1973 - CBGB Music Venue Opens In New York
4th April 1923 - Warner Bros. Pictures Founded
22nd November 1963 - U.S. President John F. Kennedy Is Assassinated
28th August 1963 - March On Washington For Jobs And Freedom
27th February 1973 - Wounded Knee Occupation Begins
22nd January 1973 - Roe v. Wade Decided By US Supreme Court
5th July 1948 - National Health Service Begins Operating In U.K.
8th January 1978 - Harvey Milk Becomes First Openly Gay Person To Hold Public Office In California
12th March 1993 - Janet Reno Is Sworn In As First Female U.S. Attorney General
4th February 1913 - Rosa Parks Is Born
17th May 1973 - Televised Watergate Hearings Begin
4th November 2008 - Barack Obama Elected First Black U.S. President
15th August 1998 - Apple Releases The iMac
28th November 1948 - Polaroid Instant Camera Is Launched
31st October 2008 - Bitcoin Is First Proposed By Satoshi Nakamoto
1st August 2003 - Myspace Is Founded
15 ans depuis...
4th September 1998 - Google, Inc Is Founded
14th April 1998 - Netflix Launches
2nd October 1998 - 'Furbys' Are Released
16th June 1963 - Valentina Tereshkova Becomes First Woman In Space
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3rd March 1913 - 'Woman's Suffrage Procession' Held In Washington D.C.
18th June 1983 - Sally Ride Becomes First American Woman In Space
18th April 1983 - Alice Walker Wins Pulitzer Prize For 'The Color Purple'
19th July 1848 - Seneca Falls Women's Rights Convention Begins
21st June 1948 - HMT Empire Windrush Arrives At Tilbury Docks In U.K.
15th September 2008 - Lehman Brothers Files For Bankruptcy
17th December 1903 - Wright Brothers Achieve Flight
120 ans depuis...
12th June 1963 - Civil Rights Leader Medgar Evers Is Assassinated
15th September 1963 - 16th Street Baptist Church Bombed In Birmingham, Alabama
19th October 1973 - Oil Crisis Begins With OPEC Embargo
16th December 1773 - The Boston Tea Party
16th February 1923 - King Tutenkahmun's Tomb Is Opened
30th January 1948 - Mahatma Gandhi Is Assassinated
20th September 1973 - The Battle of the Sexes: Billie Jean King Defeats Bobby Riggs
18th November 1948 - First Metropolitan Museum of Art Costume Institute Benefit Gala Held
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