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CEO Succession
How do we help you develop a pipeline of Enterprise Leaders?
How do we help you find your
next great leader?
CEO Search
How do we help you develop a
pipeline of Enterprise Leaders?
CEO Succession
How do we help you find your next great leader?
CEO Search
We provide an end-to-end solution for finding and developing the best CEO candidates,
lowering your risks as you select the right CEO today, tomorrow or many years out.
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How important is ESG to us – why are we doing this, who are we trying to satisfy, what is our time horizon and how do we measure success?
How does our board need to evolve to oversee, enable, and support delivery of our ESG strategy?
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How we can help you find your next great leader?
CEO Search
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How we can help you develop a pipeline of Enterprise Leaders?
CEO Succession
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We align your board behind a future-focused CEO Success Profile that links the strategic priorities of the business to the capabilities and attributes needed for success in the CEO role.
Define your success profile
Our search experts combine extensive research on what differentiates high-performing CEOs with deep industry expertise to find the right leader for your organization and ensure a fast transition into the role.
CEO Search
Assess and benchmark
We interview and assess candidates against your success profile, using a range of assessment techniques that can identify the mindsets of an Enterprise Leader.
Scan the marketplace
We draw on our deep industry expertise and extensive networks to identify a diverse
pool of candidates.
Define your success profile
We align your board behind a future-focused CEO Success Profile that links the
strategic priorities of the business to the capabilities and attributes needed for
success in the CEO role.
Our search experts combine extensive
research on what differentiates high-performing CEOs with deep industry
expertise to find the right leader for your organization and ensure a fast transition
into the role.
CEO Search
Identifying and developing an Enterprise
Leader does not happen overnight. We’ll
help you develop a continuous process of progression planning so you can ensure
you have the right CEO ready when you
need them.
CEO Succession
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We provide clear and detailed recommendations on who will be the best fit for the role. Once you have made your decision, we manage the offer process.
Select and offer
We draw on the full expertise of Korn Ferry to build an effective transition plan with the board and outgoing CEO so your new leader can make impact as quickly as possible.
We’ll help you ensure a smooth transition by supporting your outgoing CEO plan for their next phase of life and your new CEO make a bigger impact faster.
Activate and advance performance
Drawing on our extensive networks of diverse talent, we’ll identify the top players and evaluate then against your CEO success profile so you can understand how your talent stacks up against the market.
Access the marketplace
Our award-winning development programs accelerate the readiness of CEO successors, equipping candidates with the capabilities and mindsets they need to be successful in the CEO role.
Accelerate development
We’ll tell you who is ready for the role; who has potential; their capacity to develop and the impact they will have on your strategic priorities if they’re successful, so you know who to invest in and how.
Assess capabilities
We align your board behind a future-focused CEO Success Profile that links the strategic priorities of the business to the capabilities and attributes needed for success in the CEO role.
Align strategy
We draw on our deep industry expertise and extensive networks to identify a diverse pool of candidates.
Scan the marketplace
We interview and assess candidates against your success profile, using a range of assessment techniques that can identify the mindsets of an Enterprise Leader.
Assess and benchmark
We provide clear and detailed recommendations on
who will be the best fit for the role. Once you have made your decision, we manage the offer process.
Select and offer
We draw on the full expertise of Korn Ferry to build an effective transition plan with the board and outgoing CEO
so your new leader can make impact as quickly as possible.
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We’ll help you ensure a smooth transition by supporting your outgoing CEO plan for their next phase of life and your new CEO make a bigger impact faster.
Activate and advance performance
Drawing on our extensive networks of diverse talent, we’ll identify the top players and evaluate then against your CEO success profile so you can understand how your talent stacks up against the market.
Access the marketplace
Our award-winning development programs accelerate the readiness of CEO successors, equipping candidates with the capabilities and mindsets they need to be successful
in the CEO role.
Accelerate development
We’ll tell you who is ready for the role; who has potential; their capacity to develop and the impact they will have on your strategic priorities if they’re successful, so you know who to invest in and how.
Assess capabilities
We align your board behind a future-focused CEO Success Profile that links the strategic priorities of the business to the capabilities and attributes needed for success in the CEO role.
Align strategy
Identifying and developing an Enterprise Leader does not happen overnight. We’ll help you develop a continuous process of progression planning so you can ensure you have the right CEO ready when you need them.
CEO Succession