The building formally known as Berger House located at 36-38 Berkeley Square in the heart of Mayfair, will be demolished to make way for a new development that will offer 85,000 sqft of office space split over nine- upper storeys, with floor space of up to 11,000 sqft; 9,000 sqft of flexible retail and/or office space, space at ground and lower ground floors and 7,000 sqft of terrace gardens.
The demolition of the existing building on site is due to start in early 2021, with a programme to progress demolition through to early Q4 of 2021. The mitigation and management of disruption to the local environment, nearby properties, including local residents, is a priority for the project team, this includes noise, vibration and dust suppression. Toureen Contractors will utilise the latest machinery and techniques to ensure any impact on the local area and neighbouring properties/uses is kept to a minimum and is mitigated and managed effectively at all times throughout the process.
Alice Mann
Assistant Sustainability Manager
Mace Group
155 Moorgate
Tel: 0845 602 5761
Should you wish to contact the project please call the 24/7 telephone number below quoting the project code:
Tel: 0845 602 5761
Tel: 0800 917 1520 (free when calling from a landline)
Quote project code: 38714
JUne 2022
may 2022
april 2022
march 2022
septemBER 2022
august 2022
july 2022
novEMBER 2022
octoBER 2022
december 2022
february 2023
januaRY 2023
JUne 2023
may 2023
april 2023
July 2023
march 2023
- Completing the concrete cores
- Commence removing the jumpform system
- Installing of the riser modules into the core
- Commencing the steelwork/CLT frame and reaching level 4
- Preparation for the second tower crane on top of the core
- Cores 1-3 concreted up to level 7
- Pouring level 4 lobby slab
- Blockwork to basement levels 1 and 2
- Installing insulation and drylining to basement plant rooms
- Series of large plant deliveries for basement plant rooms
- Concrete to the Jumpform cores
- Transformer delivery to UKPN room
- Complete blockwork in the basement
- Plant delivery to the basements
- Core lobby slabs concreted
- Installation of soffit insulation
- Concrete pours continuing on the 3 main cores
- Capping beam works ongoing (demolition of existing piles, underpinning and new liner wall)
- Completion of Core 4
- Striking out props in level B1
- Temporarily waterproofing the basement areas
- Install screed to UKPN substation & painting ready for the Modus fitout
- Concrete pours to the main cores following the installation of the jumpform system.
We have started the year successfully continuing with our substructure and superstructure works. We have completed the liner walls along 40 Berkeley Square and the UKPN structure. In the basement we have been striking out formwork and installing back propping, and started other internal basement works.
- Demolition works.
- Piling activities including installation of the piling mat and guide walls, pile probing activities, piling works and completion of capping beams.
- Bulk excavation works.
- Tower crane installed.
This month we have reached the ground floor, removing the temporary propping system and completing the first pour of the GF concrete slab successfully. Concrete was poured for cores 3 & 4 along with the perimeter liner walls. Works to the number 40 party wall have been completed and the scaffolding has been dismantled.
Liner walls below the capping beam have been completed, and works on the capping beams on the liner wall commenced. Installation of formwork for level B1 slabs has continued, and concrete has been poured for the walls of core 3 and 4 from level B1 – B2.
Liner walls below the capping beam are completed to the 40 Berkeley Square elevation, with the majority completed for Berkeley Square and 35 Berkeley Square elevations. Two cores from basement level 2 to level 1 at the Berkeley Square elevation and in the centre of the site have been poured and are completed.
We have made good progress with works over the past month focusing mainly on superstructure works. The team have been fixing rebar to prepare for concrete works, and poured concrete to the basement slab, columns and liner walls. Waterproofing works have also been ongoing to the basement liner walls.
- Installation of soffit insulation
- Concrete pours continuing on the 3 main cores
- Capping beam works ongoing (demolition of existing piles, underpinning and new liner wall)
- Completion of Core 4
We have carried out four concrete pours to the basement slab and blinded this concrete to ensure strength and an even surface to continue works on. Small concrete pours have also taken place for liner walls on the 35 Berkeley Square elevation, and manhole pits are being dug.
The site progress throughout May has been very good with the bulk excavation activity reaching the formation level for the new basements – all under the watchful eye of MOLA (Museum of London Archaeology). This has been a busy period with lorry numbers increasing to 50-60 number per day to ensure that the dig is maintained.
- Completion of the bulk excavation and discharge of the MOLA planning condition
- Construction of the new linear walls.
- Construction of the new concrete columns slabs.
- Setup the Berkeley Square pitlane for deliveries.
Works have included the construction of the piling mat, plate testing, pile guide walls to ensure there position and piling. We have followed closely behind the piling activity with the permanent concrete capping beam which will enable the temporary propping system to be installed across the site and release the Bulk excavation activity.
J.Coffey have the entire site to themselves and this had led to good progress being made on site in preparation for the piling activity.The existing building has been demolished down to the basement slab (to be used as the platform for piling). Pile probing activities, temporary works and the installation of the pile guide wall have been completed to No 35 & 40 Berkeley Square and the Farm street elevation.
- Commencement of Phase 2 steelwork
- Completion of the core lobby slabs
- Continuing MEP installations to the basement plantroom
- Complete ground floor upstands for the cladding
- Large MEP plant deliveries
- Commencement of Phase 3 steelworK
- Completion of the stair capping slabs
- Commencement of the cladding bracket surveys
- Installation of tower crane 2 on top of the core
- Continuation of MEP in the basement
jANUARY 2022
APRIL 2021
Throughout January we will be relocating our hoarding along Berkeley Square and Farm Street to suit the site requirements. New manholes will be formed within the vaults at basement level on the Berkeley Square elevation, and the vaults will be filled with concrete thereafter.
On 17th November Mace will hold the ‘meet the contractor’ meeting where local stakeholders will have the opportunity to ask questions about the construction project to the project team. The meeting will be held at 27 Farm Street, Mayfair, W1J 5RH, Astrea Management Asset office.
We hope you have noticed our new hoarding that has gone up on both the Berkeley Square and Farm Street sides of the building. The scaffolding erection team, led by Ian Kivlin, has also commenced, and will soon cover the beautiful stone façade for the last time, but we are sure that the new building will be even more spectacular.
Over the next month we will be installing the piling mat and completing the guide walls for piling activities. Demolition of the ground floor slab and columns, and breaking out of the basement slab will be completed. Piling activities will begin to the Farm Street elevation.
We are currently setting up site, with physical deconstruction works commencing in early June. During these initial stages, we will be mobilising and our project team will be on site from February 2021 onwards. We are planning to commence full scaffolding and hoarding from the beginning of 5th April 2021, when our presence will be visible from the external parameters of the site.
- Continue the cladding installation
- Roofing to terraces
- Temporary waterproofing to level 6
- Balustrade installation to terraces
- Handrail to internal main staircase 3
- Installation of the steel/CLT frame
- Continuation of the blue roof build up to the terraces
- Continue the cladding to all elevations
- Temporary weatherproofing to all floors
- Continue the MEP in the basements and risers
- Install Phase 4 steelwork
- Commence Farm street cladding panels
- Commence Waterproofing terraces
- Continue MEP in the basement
- Install walkways on the floor plates
- Completing the steel/CLT frame
- Complete the plantroom steelwork
- Continue installing the cladding panels
- Removal of the tower crane 1
- Installing the tower crane infill structure.
- Blockwork install to GF loading bay area
- M&E fitout in basement plant rooms
- M&E fit out to CAT A floorplates level 1 – 3
- Fireboard, insulation and 1st & 2nd fix dry lining to CAT levels 4 – 5
· Level 3 scaffold access walkway strike and adaptions to terrace edge protection
- Concrete to the Jumpform cores
- Transformer delivery to UKPN room
- Complete blockwork in the basement
- Plant delivery to the basements
- Commencement of Phase 3 steelworK
- Completion of the stair capping slabs
- Commencement of the cladding bracket surveys
- Installation of tower crane 2 on top of the core
- Completing the concrete cores
- Commence removing the jumpform system
- Installing of the riser modules into the core
- Commencing the steelwork/CLT frame and reaching level 4
- Completing the steel/CLT frame
- Complete the plantroom steelwork
- Continue installing the cladding panels
- Removal of the tower crane 1
- Cores 1-3 concreted up to level 7
- Pouring level 4 lobby slab
- Blockwork to basement levels 1 and 2
- Installing insulation and drylining to basement plant rooms
MARCH 2024
- Basement levels M&E fitout ongoing
- Blockwork and M&E 1st fix to ground floor
- Power supply connect to the UKPN room
- M&E fitout and fire boarding install to CAT A floorplates level 1, 2 & 3
- Drylining to core lobby slabs
level 5 – 6
MARCH 2024
- Blockwork install to GF loading bay area
- M&E fitout in basement plant rooms
- M&E fit out to CAT A floorplates level 1 – 3
- Fireboard, insulation & 1st & 2nd fix dry lining to CAT levels 4 – 5
MAY 2024
- Installation of the steel/CLT frame
- Continuation of the blue roof build up to the terraces
- Continue the cladding to all elevations
- Temporary weatherproofing to all floors
- Continue the MEP in the basements and risers
JULY 2024
- Continue the cladding installation
- Roofing to terraces
- Temporary waterproofing to level 6
- Balustrade installation to terraces
- Handrail to internal main staircase 3
- Basement levels M&E fitout ongoing
- Blockwork and M&E 1st fix to ground floor
- Power supply connect to the UKPN room
- M&E fitout and fire boarding install to CAT A floorplates level 1, 2 & 3
- Drylining to core lobby slabs
level 5 – 6
APRIL 2024
- Install Phase 4 steelwork
- Commence Farm street cladding panels
- Commence Waterproofing terraces
- Continue MEP in the basement
- Install walkways on the floor plates
JUNE 2024
- Completing the steel/CLT frame
- Complete the plantroom steelwork
- Continue installing the cladding panels
- Removal of the tower crane 1
- Installing the tower crane infill structure.
- Blockwork install to GF loading bay area
- M&E fitout in basement plant rooms
- M&E fit out to CAT A floorplates level 1 – 3
- Fireboard, insulation and 1st & 2nd fix dry lining to CAT levels 4 – 5
· Level 3 scaffold access walkway strike and adaptions to terrace edge protection
- Complete the facade repairs.
- Remove the welfare facilities from site
- Complete the Class O paint to the GF CLT soffits.
- Complete the Lift finishes.
- Complete the north lightwell works.
may 2024
- Installation of the steel/CLT frame
- Continuation of the blue roof build up to the terraces
- Continue the cladding to all elevations
- Temporary weatherproofing to all floors
april 2024
- Install Phase 4 steelwork
- Commence Farm street cladding panels
- Commence Waterproofing terraces
- Continue MEP in the basement
July 2024
- Continue the cladding installation
- Roofing to terraces
- Temporary waterproofing to level 6
- Balustrade installation to terraces
june 2024
- Completing the steel/CLT frame
- Complete the plantroom steelwork
- Continue installing the cladding panels
- Removal of the tower crane 1
august 2024
- Blockwork install to GF loading bay area
- M&E fitout in basement plant rooms
- M&E fit out to CAT A floorplates level 1 – 3
- Fireboard, insulation & 1st & 2nd fix dry lining to CAT levels 4 – 5
september 2024
- Basement levels M&E fitout ongoing
- Blockwork and M&E 1st fix to ground floor
- Power supply connect to the UKPN room
- M&E fitout and fire boarding install to CAT A floorplates level 1, 2 & 3
october 2024
- Blockwork install to GF loading bay area
- M&E fitout in basement plant rooms
- M&E fit out to CAT A floorplates level 1 – 3
- Fireboard, insulation & 1st & 2nd fix dry lining to CAT levels 4 – 5