An automation platform for a driller. By a driller.
Case Studies
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System Requirements
SmartROS is a modular rig operating system which enables drilling automation and consistent, repeatable drilling performance.
Compatible with any Rig
Given its modular nature, SmartROS can be installed on any rig, regardless of manufacturer. Installation time and requirements will vary based on level of automation.
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Machine Control
Developed for drillers, by drillers and can be easily scaled across your rig fleet, regardless of manufacturer.
Enables a full suite of automation applications and integrates easily with other third-party apps
Customizable to meet the needs of any rig, from light automation to full automation & equipment controls.
Low cost automation solution for your
entire fleet.
Cost Effective
Enables your driller to focus on what matters and remove crews from harms way.
Safety Matters
Replicate the best practices and workflows from your best crews to deliver the best performance with the least downtime.
Performance Driven
Case Studies
SmartROS® is the brain and nervous system of the drilling rig that enabled a transition from historically manual processes, to digital and automated workflows.
SmartROS® Automate to Elevate
SmartROS is a universal controls and automation platform built for drillers by drillers.
SmartROS® Version 4.5 Upgrade
Saudi Arabia Case Study
Better Processes | Fewer Days
The successful use of SmartROS rig operating system and SmartDRILL process automation saved 9.5 hours per well on average. Savings continue to increase as the automation continually adjusts to reflect best practices.
See Full Case Study
News Release - 2023
Nabors Industries Forms Strategic Alliance with Corva to Accelerate Digital Transformation of the Global Drilling Industry
News Release - 2023
Halliburton and Nabors Industries Collaborate on Leading Well Construction Automation
Oil & Gas_360 2022
Drilling automation streamlines operations, improves safety
Automation technology simplifies drilling for improved efficiency
Oil & Gas 2022
OnePetro - 2023
Simplifying SCR to AC Rig Conversions to Deploy Digital and Automated Drilling Technologies
drillingcontractor - 2022
Fully autonomous drilling at scale inches closer to reality, but challenges remain
Nabors - Insights 2022
Automation Deployments Rise on Nabors Rigs; Gaining Ground on Third Party Rigs
New Features Available with SmartROS® Version 4.5
Nabors - Insights 2023
Machine and Process Automation are Improving Personnel Safety and Drilling Performance
OnePetro - 2022
Machine and Process Automation are Improving Personnel Safety and Drilling Performance
OnePetro 2022
OnePetro 2023
Simplifying SCR to AC Rig Conversions to Deploy Digital and Automated Drilling Technologies
drillingcontractor 2022
Fully autonomous drilling at scale inches closer to reality, but challenges remain
Nabors - Insights 2022
Automation Deployments Rise on Nabors Rigs; Gaining Ground on Third Party Rigs
New Features Available with SmartROS® Version 4.5
Nabors - Insights 2023
+90 Million
+157 Rigs
Cost Effective
A valuable, capital light investment with a non-intrusive installation and accessible technology that can evolve your entire rig fleet.
Performance Driven
Increase performance by duplicating the best workflows from your operations delivering consistency and increasing the effectiveness across your entire rig fleet.
SmartROS is a small footprint solution that is easily installed and compatible with multiple control systems and rigs types.
An intuitive user experience that enables your driller to focus on what matters, while increasing competency and consistency of their workflows.
Safety Benefits
Use as much or as little of the technology for as long as you need it. Expand into multiple, adaptable automation services to suit your needs.
Facilitates the interface with third party applications on a single platform to maximize value delivered.
Purpose-fit platform customizable for any rig needs.
AC Rigs
SmartROS is adaptable to any Rig type through a standard interface deployed on any AC Rig, or through an enterprise conversion to existing SCR and DC Rigs.
DC Rigs
SCR Rigs
Learn More
simplified process for rig conversions TO AC RIG
Case Studies
Rig Requirements
Media and News
John is the Nabors Drilling Solutions Sales Manager supporting third party rig contractors with Nabors Automation services. In this role, John has developed successful partnerships with multiple rig contractors increasing the NDS SmartROS footprint on non-Nabors drilling rigs delivering increased performance and improved efficiencies to our customers.
John started his career onshore as a Field Engineer with Schlumberger and has held roles in Operations Management / Sales & Marketing both domestically and internationally and is a graduate of the University of Houston with a BS in Mechanical Engineering.
John Alvarado
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