a nutritionally dense and
ingredient opportunity.
Macadamia nuts can elevate product profiles and fuel growth.
Macadamias are aligned with consumer health
Naturally functional foods don’t need to be backed up by scientifically proven health claims the benefits are intrinsic!
Healthy fats
fuel growth
Healthy fats are good for the body and are fueling product demand and sales growth.
Fewer carbs preferred
Macadamias offer nutrient density and a profile consumers prefer
Many consumers are choosing fewer carbs to feel better!
Food manufacturers can find new ways to incorporate macadamias into product formulations.
As health and nutrition has become part of every company’s strategy,
it’s more important than ever to look for ways to differentiate your product offering.
Macadamias are a premium, niche nut with benefits that appeal to premium consumers prioritizing health in the purchasing priorities.
These ‘health active’ consumers focus on being the best version of themselves – physically, emotionally and mentally.
Life-stylers and early adopters are a priority consumer target as they lean into new concepts and ingredients and are willing to pay a premium for wellness. These consumers represent 25-35% of the market.
Key product category opportunities...
Bars and bites
Better blood sugar
healthier confectionary
Savoury snacking: dried cheese and nut mixes
Savoury, chilled meat and cheese snacking
Plant-based powdered creamer
Fruit & vegetable ‘superfood’ powders
Nut butters
Meat snacking inclusions
Permissible indulgence
A niche within plant-based milk and yoghurt
Plant-based cheese micro-niche
Premium granola and muesli
Permissible indulgence – combining healthy and indulgent – remains a high-demand area for new product development!
Formulate with
Macadamia supply chains are growing and diversifying.
Macadamia production is spread across continents. The current number for 2022 production is 299k MT nut in shell at 3.5% moisture.
The forecast for 2027 is 503k MT, an annual increase of 11.3% per year.
Water Use & Quality
Economic Development
Macadamias are mainly grown in rainy, sub-tropical regions of the world generally within the band of the 35th parallel and the equator. Macadamias are a tree crop and there is a natural water efficiency that comes with this. Traditionally, macadamia crops were not irrigated. For more recent plantings the
majority of orchards receive supplemental irrigation in dry periods, with improving irrigation technology enabling farms to be increasingly efficient in water usage.
In many developing countries, macadamia nuts’ low maintenance requirements and ability to fit into mixed cropping systems makes the nut an ideal food item for small land holders who combine food production with cash-crop options. For both larger and smaller farms, there are often strong connections with local rural communities for labor, supplies and services.
Macadamias offer flavour, mouthfeel, healthy fats and a low carb profile
that consumers prefer
Climate Change
& Carbon
Low Impact & Circular Economy
Macadamia trees typically live for around 40-60 years while some live more than 100 years. Based on their longevity, their store of carbon is long-term contributing to both above ground biomass and in soil organic matter. Macadamia trees can store three tonnes of CO2-equivalent per year in their stems and branches alone, whilst the compost from husks and other organic matter boosts soil carbon and soil health in many macadamia orchards.
Macadamia nut production provides several examples of truly circular crop production. For example, the macadamia husk can be returned to orchards as compost, whilst the macadamia shell is often burned for fuel at the processing plants. There is a strong focus on soil health, with the balance of chemical and organic fertilizers applied based on the nutritional requirements of the trees, rather than as a routine activity. The orchard floors are closely managed, as the shallow network of feeder roots draw nutrients from the soil.
Macadamia supply is increasing, and pricing is favorable:
Average price of the whole kernel has fallen by approximately 20% since 2019 and small styles have fallen by up to 50%.
Formulate with confidence:
A desirable profile
Grown naturally with love to nurture their unique taste, texture, shape and feel, macadamias are a delicious and nutrient-rich food choice. Macadamias are a whole food worth savouring, delivering a mouthful of enjoyment and true health and wellness benefits every time.
3 key reasons
trends and preferences
Source: USDA; 2022 only includes Q1-3 NB: Average price per kg = total value/total volume reported for H3 code 08026 (macadamia kernels).
If you would like to learn more about formulating with macadamia nuts, please click here to download the trade information kit, or contact your distributor.
Min 95% wholes
>20 mm
Style 0
Min 90% wholes
16-20 mm
Style 1
Min 90% wholes
13-18 mm
Style 1S
Min 50% wholes
>13 mm
Style 2
8-12 mm
Style 5
Min 80% halves
> 13 mm
Style 4L
Min 15% wholes
>13 mm
Style 3
Min 50% halves
10-14 mm
Style 4S
It's easy to create new products!
Fine pieces and meal
<3 mm
Style 8
3-6 mm
Style 7
5-9 mm
Style 6
Macadamias are available in a range of styles.
See here!
Significant increases in most growing regions globally have created increased availability.