Nutritious Bean Tips to Digest
Most Canadians have heard that edible beans are healthy for them yet are unaware of what these little gems actually bring to the table. Weighing hardly anything, beans produced by Ontario Bean Growers are packed with goodness.
For more information, connect with Ontario Bean Growers at
Blood Sugar Manager
Gluten-Free Friend
Budget Stretcher
Fuel up on beans’ energy from complex carbohydrates and protein to help build and maintain muscle.
Energy Booster
Diets that are high in fibre are associated with weight management. Beans are loaded with dietary fibre.
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How much fibre is a good thing
According to the Government of Canada, Canadian women require 25 grams of fibre and men need 38 grams of fibre - per day. Most adults only eat about half that much. A half-cup of cooked beans provides up to 9 grams. That is 30 per cent of the
daily value in a single serving.
How much fibre
is a good thing?
Belly Buster
Studies have shown that people who eat beans tend to have lower cholesterol levels and blood pressure, and lower risk of obesity. High cholesterol and blood pressure are risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
Heart Lover
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Can salt in canned beans be reduced
While Ontario-grown dried and canned beans are equally nutritious, canned beans may contain added salt. Simply drain and rinse canned beans well to reduce up to 40 per cent of added salt. Or look for can labels stating no salt is added.
Can salt in canned beans
be reduced?
Pulses, including beans, are high in fibre and protein, low in fat, contain slowly digestible starches, and are low on the glycemic index, which can help manage blood sugar levels after meals.
Blood Sugar Manager
Ground beans create 100 per cent gluten-free flour that outperforms many other gluten-free flours in calcium, iron, potassium, B-vitamins and fibre. A nourishing option for people living with celiac disease and gluten intolerance.
Gluten-Free Friend
Beans are an affordably rich source of plant protein. Swap them with meat two or more times each week and see how much money beans will save you.
Budget Stretcher
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