nLight Wired delivers distributed intelligence with all lighting control actions (i.e., On/Off, Raise/Lower, Occupancy, Daylighting, etc.) carried out locally within each individual lighting zone, thus reducing the wiring requirements and associated labor costs. nLight Wired reduces controls installation time with its plug-and-play feature using industry standard Cat 5e connections as devices and luminaires automatically discover each other and self-commission.
When networked to the nLight ECLYPSE™ system controller, it enables connectivity to an entire building's lighting controls for configurability, updates, control, time scheduling, and more through browser-friendly, web-based software. With this addition, the power of nLight Wired controls expands to meet your business's needs today and tomorrow.
nLight Wired
Scales Easily
Remote programming
nLight Wired Scales Easily
nLight Wired scales easily from a single-room solution with a few control devices, up to a fully networked solution for an entire campus with the ability to go from indoor to outdoor and industrial, all on one system.
– Low Voltage
Out-of-Box Plug-and-Play – Low Voltage
By adding the nLight ECLYPSE, you expand the power of nLight with additional feature sets, such as:
Advanced scheduling
Over-the-network firmware updates
Open standard integration (BACnet/IP, BACnet MS/TP, MODBUS, RESTful API)
Automated demand response
nLight ECLYPSE™ System Controller
nLight ECLYPSE™ System Controller
nLight Wired
nLight Wired
Aids in energy code compliance, without any
additional steps
Once power is applied, switches and sensors control
fixtures with pre-programmed settings
Simple low-voltage connections that support
easy installation
nLight devices ship with default settings so that they simply work, right out of the box. With as little as a switch or sensor and a power pack wired to the luminaires, you can create a perfectly functional nLight Control Zone.
Out-of-Box Plug-and-Play – Low Voltage
Out-of-Box Plug-and-Play – Low Voltage
nLight Wired Scales Easily