Cost calculator
Company name
Enter company name
Please select the company's main business location
Please select
Industry type: Check our descriptions
Please select
Number of employees [3-200]
Enter number of employees
(This should be the number of employees being covered)
Your results
The information provided is an indication of the rough cost an employer may pay based on several assumptions we’ve made – which are listed below.
Company name:
Company location:
Industry type:
Number of employees:
salary benefit
per year
salary benefit
per year
salary benefit
per year
Our assumptions
IMPORTANT: The information provided is an indication of the rough cost an employer may pay based on several assumptions we’ve made - which are listed below. The assumptions used reflect the average employer in a particular industry or nature of business that AIG currently insures. This is not a market price. The actual cost of cover may be significantly different if the employer’s circumstances vary from the assumptions stated below. This calculator is designed for small companies who don’t currently have a group life policy and shouldn’t be used in other situations or in place of a full binding quotation. For an accurate and binding quote please visit our online quote system.
Average salary
Average employee age
% male
Average gender split
% female
IMPORTANT: The information provided is an indication of the rough cost an employer may pay based on several assumptions we’ve made - which are listed below.
The assumptions used reflect the average employer in a particular industry or nature of business that AIG currently insures.
This is not a market price. The actual cost of cover may be significantly different if the employer’s circumstances vary from the assumptions stated below.
This calculator is designed for small companies who don’t currently have a group life policy and shouldn’t be used in other situations or in place of a full binding quotation. For an accurate and binding quote please visit our online quote system.
Please select
North of England
Scotland (not Glasgow)
The Midlands
South of England (not London)
Northern Ireland
East Anglia
Please select
Accommodation and food service activities
Administrative and support service activities
Agriculture and forestry
Arts, entertainment and recreation
Construction and building maintenance
Energy supply and air conditioning
Finance and insurance
Health, social and charity work
Information and communication
Manufacturing (including repairing and printing)
Mining and quarrying
Non-water transport & storage
Oil and natural gas extraction
Professional, scientific and technical activities
Public administration and defence
Real estate activities
Water supply and treatment
Water transport
Wholesale and retail trade
North of England
Scotland (not Glasgow)
The Midlands
South of England (not London)
Agriculture and forestry
Mining and quarrying
Oil and natural gas extraction
Manufacturing (including repairing and printing)
Energy supply and air conditioning
Water supply and treatment
Construction and building maintenance
Wholesale and retail trade
Non-water transport and storage
Water transport
Accommodation and food service activities
Information and communication
Finance and insurance
Real estate activities
Professional, scientific and technical activities
Administrative and support service activities
Public administration and defence (including comp...
Health, social and charity work
Arts, entertainment and recreation
Northern Ireland
Adviser commission
Must be between 3 and 200
Please select a valid Industry type
Please select a valid Location
Please select a company name
All indicative annual premiums are inclusive of adviser commission at this stated percentage
All indicative annual premiums are inclusive of adviser commission at this stated percentage
East Anglia
East Anglia
Group Life Insurance indicative cost calculator
Group Life Insurance indicative cost calculator