Wir präsentieren unser 1-Komponenten Premium Finishlack-System der nächsten Generation, mit dem Sie ein fachmännisch aussehendes Ergebnis erhalten.
Toplac Plus ist das branchenführende Hochglanzfinish mit länger anhaltendem UV-Schutz, das einfach mit einer Rolle und ganz ohne Verschlichten aufgetragen werden kann, und in einer großen Auswahl an strahlenden Farbtönen erhältlich ist.
Klicken Sie auf international-yachtpaint.com, um die in den jeweiligen Ländern verfügbaren Farbtöne zu sehen.
Snow White
YLK000 (001)
Mediterranean White
YLK184 (545)
Matterhorn White
YLK198 (199)
Rescue Orange
YLK265 (265)
Oyster White
YLK194 (195)
YLK187 (812)
YLK027 (027)
Fire Red
YLK504 (504)
Mauritius Blue
YLK904 (018)
Rustic Red
YLK501 (501)
Bondi Blue
YLK898 (016)
Lauderdale Blue
YLK936 (936)
Sapphire Blue
YLK830 (830)
Oxford Blue
YLK993 (105)
Flag Blue
YLK990 (992)
YLK151 (151)
Atlantic Gray
YLK684 (289)
Jet Black
YKL999 (051)
YLK101 (101)
Rochelle Red
YLK299 (011)
YLK292 (350)
Donegal Green
YLK541 (077)
One UP
Grundierung und Voranstrich in einem – für ein einschichtiges Finish
Verminderte Systemkomplexität für Metallsubstrate
Bietet ein glatteres Finish mit zusätzlichem Substratschutz
Für eine verbesserte Optik von Toplac Plus formuliert
Branchenführendes System mit den einschichtigen Finishes und Decklacken von International, auf allen Substraten
Niedrigere VOCs
Lässt sich leicht mit Pinsel oder Rolle auftragen und bietet ausgezeichneten Verlauf und Nivellierung
Leicht zu schleifen, wodurch die Zeit zwischen den Schichten verkürzt wird
Erfahren Sie, wie One UP verrührt wird
Tragen Sie es auf One UP auf, unserer Grundierung und Vorstreichfarbe in einem, mit Untergrundschutz, besonders glattem Finish und geringeren VOC-Werten.
Toplac Plus
Premium Glanzbeschichtung für Yachten mit hoher Widerstandsfähigkeit
Professionelles hochwertiges Finish
Dank der neuen Formel mit verbessertem Verlauf entfällt das Verschlichten bei der Verwendung einer Rolle.
Kein Schleifen zwischen den Schichten
Verbesserter UV-Schutz für Glanz- und Farbbeständigkeit
Außergewöhnlicher Glanzgrad
Mehr erfahren
Es war noch nie so einfach, ein erstaunliches Finish zu erhalten
Got questions? Check out our FAQ's
Pre-Kote Plus FAQ's
Toplac Plus FAQ's
Broschüre herunterladen, um mehr darüber zu erfahren, was Sie mit Toplac Plus und One UP alles machen können?
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Erhältliche Farbtöne
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One UP Viskosität und Mischen
1. Das Produkt kann nach dem Öffnen fest oder dickflüssig erscheinen.
2. Wird es nicht verrührt, wird es selbst beim Umdrehen der Dose nicht herausfließen und kann nicht herausgegossen werden.
3. One UP muss gründlich verrührt werden, damit es die richtig Konsistenz erhält.
4. Sobald das Produkt gründlich verrührt wurde, wird es aus der Dose fließen und ist einsatzbereit.
Questions and answers
Can Pre-Kote Plus and Pre-Kote be physically mixed together?
No, they are not fully compatible with each other.
Can Pre-Kote Plus be applied over Pre-Kote if half-way through a job?
Can Pre-Kote be applied over Pre-Kote Plus?
Yes, but not recommended as the full properties of Toplac Plus
may not be obtained.
Can Toplac be blended with Pre-Kote Plus?
Yes, follow recommendations as for Toplac Plus.
Can Pre-Kote Plus be applied over Interprotect?
I have previously used a primer in timber bilges without overcoating because it was fast dry and easy to apply. Could I use Pre-Kote Plus for the same type of job?
Yes, but use the Blue-Gray product.
Can Pre-Kote Plus be used on Clear Epoxies like West System, Hawk Epoxy, or System Three epoxies?
No, it cannot not be directly applied due to the amine in the epoxy. Recommend to use either Epoxy Primekote 404/414 or InterProtect 2000E over this substrate and then finish off with Pre-Kote Plus as the final primer prior to topcoat.
Would the White Pre-Kote Plus yellow if used in interior and not overcoated with gloss finish?
Most single part finishes tend to yellow in the dark but recover if exposed to light. For example, if used in dry bilge areas it would be wise to use the Blue-Gray Pre-Kote Plus as any yellowing would not be so noticeable.
Can I add other products/additives to Pre-Kote Plus?
No, you should never add any additives or materials that claim to improve specific properties of an AkzoNobel product unless it is specifically stated so on the technical data sheet or labels. Doing so would invalidate any claims for application or performance issues.
Can the product be sprayed?
We do not recommend that DIY users spray the product as it is unlikely that they would have the full correct PPE equipment and suitable ventilated application areas. Professionals may decide to spray apply the product. Pre Kote Plus can be sprayed with Special Thinner 216.
Questions and answers
Can Toplac Plus be applied over recently applied Brightside?
Yes, with light sanding with P400.
Can Brightside be mixed with Toplac Plus?
No. To avoid wasting any Brightside you might use it either as a first
coat before switching to Toplac Plus.
Can Toplac Plus be blended with Pre-Kote Plus?
Yes, follow recommendations as for Toplac Plus.
Can Toplac Plus be applied over Pre-Kote?
Yes, but the enhanced gloss and DOI levels of Toplac Plus may not be fully obtained.
Is Toplac Plus suitable for use on decks with Intergrip added, or
will it be too slippery?
We would recommend the use of Interdeck for decks. Toplac Plus would present the same finish as Brightside with Intergrip added and both would have very similar levels of slip resistance. Actual levels of slip resistance would vary depending on the level of Intergrip added and how evenly it was applied.
Do Toplac Plus colors match the previous Brightside colors
where the color name are the same?
Toplac Plus is not an exact match to Brightside due the new raw
materials used in Toplac Plus, but as with any manufactured color you should always ensure you have the same batch number product to complete any given job. Using Brightside with Toplac Plus of the same
code/color side by side for example may well show a tonal difference that can be affected by very slight color differences andgloss levels. It is best to use any Brightside you have as a first coat, perhaps blended with Pre-Kote Plus and finish with Toplac Plus.
Can I add other products/additives to Toplac Plus?
No, you should never add any additives or materials that claim to improve specific properties of an AkzoNobel product unless it is specifically stated so on the technical data sheet or labels. Doing so would invalidate any claims for application or performance issues. Flattening Agent for one part finishes can be used to create a variety of gloss, satin or matt effects.
Can the product be sprayed?
We do not recommend that DIY users spray the product as it is unlikely that they would have the full correct PPE equipment and suitable ventilated application areas. Professionals may decide to spray apply the product as they would have both. If sprayed Special Thinner 216 is recommended for Toplac Plus.
What equipment (roller/brush) should I use with Toplac Plus?
We recommend to use a fine, thermo-bonded foam roller. Suitable rollers are listed below:
4” High Density Foam Rollers (rounded edges)
6” Closed Cell Foam Rollers (flat edges, cut into 3” sections)
6” Ultra Smooth High Density Foam Rollers (rounded edges)
If a brush is required then any natural bristle brush would be recommended.
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Off White
YLK192 (193)
YLK905 (905)
YLK905 (905)
Off White
YLK192 (193)