Tell us about your biggest win from January 2019 through June 2020 and how you achieved the result for your client.
Caroline Reynolds
I led the trial team that delivered a landmark ruling on behalf of 50,000 people who were unfairly denied coverage for behavioral health treatment (Wit v. United Behavioral Health; Alexander v. UBH).
At trial, we documented how UBH’s “medical necessity” criteria for behavioral health treatments contradicted the terms of its health plans and, with the help of medical experts, we showed how the criteria failed to meet generally accepted standards of care. We then made the case that UBH’s intentional use of the criteria violated its ERISA obligations. This win was a critical blow against widespread mental health discrimination among insurers.
Share two trial tips that have been key to your success.
1) Trial preparation begins with drafting (or responding to) the complaint and should motivate every step throughout the litigation. Stay laser focused on trial; cases do not always end at summary judgment.
2) Embrace the details. Knowing your case inside and out is essential to being an effective trial advocate.
Photo Credit: Marissa Rauch Photography
Mark MacDougall