Applicable to Any Disaster
Disaster Kits
Have 100 feet of defensible space if home or business is in or near forest or wildland interface area.
Clear all flammable vegetation – twigs, leaves, dead limbs.
Remove vines from sides of structure.
Trim dead limbs that overhang roofs.
Prune trees and shrubs that are within 15 feet of chimney or stovepipe outlet.
Mow regularly.
Keep a 10 foot area around any propane tanks or barbeque areas.
Keep firewood stacked 100 feet away from dwelling and uphill.
Clear any combustible or flammable articles at least 20 feet away from buildings.
Put yard waste in a yard waste bag – do not burn.
(Click on a category below to view checklist)
When flood is predicted or imminent, remove furniture, rugs, and other belongings as well as yourself to higher ground.
Check your roof; floods often result from rains, so you want to be sure your roof can withstand not only rain but wind.
Remove loose items from the yard; high winds may pick up and carry property away, as will flood waters.
Do you have other than collision (comprehensive) coverage for your car? It provides coverage for damage from flood and flying objects to your vehicle. However, all vehicles and equipment should be moved to higher ground if possible.
Board up windows if necessary.
Determine if you are in a flood zone
If you are in a flood zone, purchase flood insurance. There is a 30 DAY WAITING period for coverage to take effect.
Elevate and anchor critical utilities such as electric panels, propane tanks, appliances.
Elevate property in basements or lower areas.
Check the sump pump to ensure it works, add battery backup if it does not already have one.
Clear debris from gutters, downspouts and yards.
Where do downspouts discharge? If they discharge close to the building, consider running out a length of pipe to relocate discharge away from the building and basement.
Be sure your car is full of gas and ready for travel. Be ready to leave when an evacuation order is given.
Have necessities packed in a go bag; medications, records, change of clothes, pet food. Include list of prescriptions and physician phone numbers. You may not be able to get extra pills in advance, and if you’re relocated, that will help in getting refills in another town.
Pack hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes, masks, some stable foodstuffs (peanut butter, cereal or protein bars), pet food and water for you and pets. You may be on your own for a number of days.
Have your insurance agent/insurance company’s phone number in case of emergency.
Have a pre-arranged meeting place to connect with family in case phones do not work. Make sure children know where to meet up in case you are separated.
Follow local guidelines for safety; if told to evacuate don’t wait until the last minute to do so; many people are trapped and can’t get to safety when that happens.
Keep important papers – birth certificates, passports, deeds, medical records, insurance papers, pet records in a safe, dry place. Safety deposit boxes are recommended, you can keep photocopies in a safe dry place at home.
Make an inventory of all personal contents, provide a copy to your insurance agent or a friend. There are various apps where you can store the information and photos online. An inventory helps ensure you get the full value of your claim. Photos are tremendously helpful.
Monitor news and weather for important alerts and evacuation notices.
Make a list of shelters you may have to go to; you may need to go farther from home than normal due to a pandemic and quarantine procedures. You may also want to locate medical centers in the area you plan to evacuate in, in case you become ill.
If you have pets, make sure the shelters on your list take pets. Be sure to take pet food and pet records with you if you have to evacuate.
Applicable to Any Disaster
Sleeping bag/blanket
Copies of important documents – identification and passports, insurance policies, bank account information, etc.
Bleach and medicine dropper – nine parts water to one part bleach can be used as a disinfectant. Eight drops of bleach per gallon of water will make the water safe to drink. Wait 1/2 hour before drinking. Do not use scented bleach.
Matches in waterproof container
Fire extinguisher
Nonprescription medication – pain relievers, anti-diarrhea medication, antacids, laxatives
Contact lens solution
Infant formula/food, diapers, wipes, diaper cream
In event of pending disaster, make sure you have additional cash on hand (cash is king in disasters).
Change of clothes, underwear for a week. Be sure to have something warm and something waterproof, even if it’s just a trash bag.
One gallon of water per person per day for at least 3 days for drinking/sanitation; include water for animals.
Three day supply of nonperishable food. (don’t forget can opener, utensils).
Battery-powered or hand crank radio and NOAA Weather radio with tone alert.
First aid kit
Extra batteries
Whistle (to signal for help)
Dust mask to filter contaminated air
Plastic sheeting or trash bags and duct tape (for sheltering in place)
Moist towelettes/disinfectant wipes, hand soap/sanitizer, garbage bags and plastic ties (for personal sanitation)
Feminine supplies and personal hygiene products
Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities
Local maps – GPS may be down, phone may run out of charge
Cell phone with chargers and backup batteries
Disaster Kits
Having a disaster prepared at all times is often recommended. The Department of Homeland Security recommends the following to be kept in a kit ready to go.
Basic Disaster Kit
Design by Chris Nicholls
Illustration: xy/Adobe Stock
Disaster Preparation Guide