Challenging the status quo
“I want to change the industry. It’s
messed up. If we don’t, something or
someone else will. And I’d rather be part
of it than watch it happen.”
—Kim Eckelbarger, Tropical Benefits
“While transparency and visibility will
be critical to eliminating friction around
employees’ return to the office, it’s essential not to be too prescriptive when developing new workplace strategies at the local and global levels. Employees want to see that companies are willing to try new things, but nothing should be set in stone at this stage.”
—Micah Remley, Robin
“I think the biggest misconception in this industry is that a TPA is supposed to do all the work. I thought, you know what? I’m just going to build my own in-house underwriting team and advocacy team, because we know our culture and model.”
—Rachel Means, Employee Benefits Consulting
“As I hear about these dire needs and gaping holes in the current structure, I can then think of vendors who I trust to fill those gaps immediately. And in other situations where the solution may not already exist, let’s partner and put our minds together to create some solutions that aren’t already in the works and will truly fit what we need.”
—Kalli Ortega, MelEos Group
“We’re always looking for the next thing we can add to our arsenal to plug in and save money. We don’t worry about the outside stuff; we can’t control that. The health care system is working exactly like it’s supposed to. It’s definitely not broken, it’s a well-oiled machine that’s running just fine. It’s just going in the opposite direction of what we want.”
—Nick Hansen, PSG Washington
“If every day I woke up and just focused on insurance, I would not be doing this any more. The passion lies in helping employers and employees navigate a complicated industry by reducing costs and simplifying things for people.”
—Braden Monaco, Blue Horizon
“Creative efforts go a long way in helping clients maintain the health of their workforce and create an environment where employees want to work and thrive. We have to stay open to new products and ideas, and not be afraid to embrace change.”
—Suzy Alberts, Comprehensive Benefits Inc.
“Blindly agreeing to the status quo—substandard benefits and increasing costs—is handcuffing you from doing what’s right by your employees and your bottom line.”
—Karthik Ganesh, EmpiRX
“You have the pieces to the puzzle. You just need to get creative to make them fit.”
—Kerry Hands, Gallagher
“New doesn’t have to be problematic. When your people have the right support, you may find they have a louder voice. We are always ready to listen.”
—James Blachek, Dynamic Benefits Solution
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