Adjuster Licensing Requirements for CAT Duty
Ala. Code §27-9A-5
The registration of each individual that will act as an emergency independent adjuster has to be within 5 days of deployment. Registration includes (1) name of the individual, (2) social security number, (3) name of insurer the independent adjuster will represent, (4) effective date of the contract between the insurer and independent adjuster, (5) catastrophe or loss control number, (6) catastrophe event name, and (7) any other information the commissioner deems necessary. This shall remain effective for 90 days; may be extended by Commissioner. Registration must be completed online through the T.E.A.R.S. system. Registration fee: $60.
Click on a state for adjuster requirement details
Alaska Stat. Ann. §21.27.860
Must be in good standing in home state of licensure. Within 10 days of start of investigation, the application needs to be turned in and include the (1) individual and firm name, (2) business mailing address, (3) business physical address and phone number, (4) licensing state of residence, (5) resident license number, and (6) other facts that the director may require. Visit to fill out and submit Form 08-227.
Ariz. Rev. Stat. Ann. §20-321.01(D)
An adjuster who is licensed or permitted to act as an adjuster in the state of the adjuster's domicile is not required to be licensed pursuant to this section or meet the qualifications prescribed in this section if the adjuster is sent to this state on behalf of an insurer for the purpose of investigating or making adjustment of a particular loss under an insurance policy or a series of losses resulting from a catastrophe common to all those losses.
A.C.A §23-64-209 (d)
Not required to be qualified or licensed under this section if within 10 business days of entering the state the adjuster notifies the commissioner in writing of the adjuster's activities on behalf of the insurer. Must register with the Department. Public adjusters are prohibited from adjusting claims in Arkansas. Valid for 90 days and may be extended an additional 90 days. Can register at
Cal. Ins. Code §14022.5
Can work if work performed by the non licensed adjuster is under the active direction, control, charge, or management of a licensed adjuster or an insurer authorized to do business in this state. Registration with the commissioner has to be accomplished within 15 calendar days from the date on which the non licensed adjuster commences the claims adjusting activity in connection with the emergency situation. Valid for 180 days unless extended by the commissioner. Additional 180-day extensions may be granted at the commissioner’s discretion.
Nothing in Statute.
Conn. Gen. Stat. §38a-792
This individual must either hold a license in another state or have a minimum of 2 years of adjusting experience to obtain this registration. Statute does not address catastrophe adjusters. Department website states that emergency catastrophe adjusters must be registered with the department by an authorized representative of the insurance department. License is valid for 120 days and is not renewable. Must be re-registered within a new catastrophe. Visit for more information.
Del. Code Ann. tit. 18, §1707(e)(1)
Shall furnish to the Commissioner written notice within 10 calendar days of any such catastrophic insurance adjustment work. Insurer must send a letter to the department indicating an online application for the catastrophe adjuster. Must include the name, phone number, and email address of the company official who is responsible for the catastrophe adjuster for the duration of the license. License is valid for 60 days unless extended by the commissioner. Visit for more information.
Fla. Stat. Ann. §626.874, 624.501(12)(c), 624.501
In the event of a catastrophe or emergency the department may issue a license to residents or nonresidents to adjust claims. The person must be at least 18 years of age, United States citizen or legal aliens who possess work authorization from the United States Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services, and are not licensed adjusters under this part, but have been designated and certified to it as qualified to act as adjusters by all-lines resident adjusters, by an authorized insurer, or by a licensed general lines agent to adjust claims, losses, or damages under policies or contracts of insurance issued by such insurers. License/appointment fee: $10. Visit for more information.
Ga. Code Ann. §33-23-29
No licenses are required for nonresident independent adjusters for losses arising out of a catastrophe. If the nonresident adjuster is licensed in his home state, and that state requires adjusters to be licensed to handle emergencies in Georgia for a period not exceeding 60 days, and the work is performed for an employer licensed by Georgia or is a regular employer of adjusters licensed in Georgia, the employer will furnish the commissioner a notice in writing immediately as soon as emergency adjustments have started. Visit for more information.
Haw. Rev. Stat. §431:9-201
The common losses suffered that are to be adjusted are a direct result of the catastrophe and shall be so severe that licensed adjusters and licensed independent adjusters who are residents of this state will be unable to adjust the losses within a reasonable time as determined by the commissioner. The nonresident adjuster will provide to the commissioner a certified copy of the adjuster's current license in another state with substantially similar licensing requirement. Within 3 working days of the start of work, the company must submit the name of the nonresident adjuster, the adjuster’s Hawaiian mailing address and phone number, and the adjuster’s permanent mailing address and phone number on its letterhead to the commissioner. Registration lasts 120 days.
Idaho Code Ann. §41-1107
No adjuster's license or qualifications shall be required as to any adjuster who is sent into this state by and on behalf of an authorized insurer or adjusting firm or corporation for the purpose of investigating or making adjustment of a particular loss under an insurance policy issued by an authorized insurer or as a lawful surplus line contract, or for the purpose of temporarily assisting or substituting for a licensed adjuster who is incapacitated due to illness, injury, or any unforeseeable or uncontrollable incident, or for the adjustment of a series of losses resulting from a catastrophe common to all such losses.
Nothing in Statute.
Burns Ind. Code Ann. §27-1-28-11
If a catastrophe is declared, an insurer may contract with an individual not licensed under Indiana Code, but otherwise is qualified to adjust claims to act as a temporary emergency independent adjuster. An insurer must, not more than 5 days after the individual begins to adjust claims arising from the declared catastrophe, submit to the commissioner an application for temporary emergency licensure which includes the (1) name of the individual, (2) name and mailing address of the insurer, (3) effective date of the contract between the insurer and the individual, (4) catastrophe or loss number and (5) the catastrophe event name, and (6) any other information the commissioner considers necessary. Effective 90 days unless extended by the Commissioner. License fee: $20. Visit for more information and to submit the temporary emergency adjuster application.
Nothing in Statute.
Nothing in Statute.
Ky. Rev. Stat. Ann. §304.9-430(14)
A person who is otherwise qualified to adjust claims but does not have a Kentucky license may act as an emergency independent or staff adjuster. An insurer shall notify the commissioner by submitting an application for temporary emergency registration within 5 days of deployment to adjust claims arising from the catastrophe. Includes (1) the name of the individual; (2) social security number of the individual; (3) name of the insurer that the independent or staff adjuster will represent; (4) the catastrophe or loss control number; (5) the catastrophe event name and date; and (6) any other information the commissioner deems necessary. Effective 90 days unless extended by the commissioner. Applies to those not already licensed in the state. Visit for more information and to complete/file Form 8307 (Request for Unlicensed Adjuster Representing and Insurer to Adjust Losses resulting from a Catastrophe).
La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §22:1667
In the event of a catastrophe or emergency, no adjuster’s license will be required for an individual employed by an insurer and brought into the state to investigate or adjust claims. Registration for emergency or catastrophe claims adjusters will be effective for no more than 180 days. The commissioner may extend the period for another 90 days. A fee of $25 is required and must be paid within 10 days of registration.
The commissioner will prepare a handbook for adjusting claims in this state that includes information relevant to evaluating property damage arising out of the catastrophe. The handbook is equivalent to one hour of continuing education for licensees. Adjusters registered per this section will certify that they have read and understand the most recent edition of the handbook on a form provided by the commissioner within 10 days of registration. An insurer employing adjusters so registered will maintain a record of these certifications and will make them available to the commissioner upon request. Visit for more information.
Me. Rev. Stat. tit. 24-A, §1475
An adjuster license is not required for an adjuster sent into this state on behalf of an authorized insurer or fraternal benefit society for the investigation or adjustment of a particularly unusual or extraordinary loss or of a series of losses resulting from a catastrophe common to all such losses.
Nothing in Statute.
Nothing in Statute. However, Bulletin 2016-11 states that when handling property claims resulting from a natural or man-made disaster, adjusters from other states used to assist insurers with Massachusetts claims on an emergency basis must be employed by a non-public adjusting entity or insurer licensed in Massachusetts. They must also be licensed in their home state or, if the state does not require licensing, regularly adjust property claims and only handle claims for their hiring insurer. Property adjusters may handle claims from within or outside the state following a natural or man-made disaster.
Insurers may only refer insureds to service companies or contractors licensed and properly registered in the state of Massachusetts. When an event is designated as “catastrophic” by the Division of Insurance or the Governor has declared a state of disaster, additional provisions may be required.
In the event of a catastrophe, emergency adjusters are required to become licensed in Michigan prior to adjusting claims. Each individual must submit an Electronic Licensing (ERL) application. In response to the emergency, the Department of Insurance and Financial Services (DIFS) will expedite the application process for emergency adjuster applicants. Emergency adjuster applicants should contact the Insurance Licensing Section at to validate the emergency and receive special instructions for licensure.,5269,7-303-22535_60490_23030-97123--,00.html
Minn. Stat. Ann. §72B.06
An insurer must notify the commissioner via registration of each independent adjuster not already licensed in Minnesota that will act as an emergency independent adjuster. Within 5 days notifies commissioner of (1) the name of the individual; (2) the individual’s social security number, (3) the name of the insurer the independent adjuster will represent; (4) the effective date of the contract between the insurer and independent adjuster or the independent adjuster's employer; (5) the catastrophe loss control number; (6) the catastrophe name; and (7) any other information the commissioner deems necessary. Effective for 180 days unless extended by Commissioner.
Miss. Code. Ann. §83-17-409
Within 5 days of any applicant beginning work as an emergency adjuster, the employer of such adjuster shall certify to the commissioner such application without being deemed in violation of this article, provided that the commissioner, after notice and hearing, may revoke the emergency license upon the grounds as otherwise contained in this article providing for revocation of an adjuster's license. This license is effective 90 days unless extended an additional 90 days by the commissioner. License fee: $50. Visit for more information and for application instructions and the emergency adjuster application.
Mo. Ann. Stat. §44.114
At the time of any emergency, catastrophe or other life- or property-threatening event which jeopardizes the ability of an insurer to address the financial needs of its insureds or the public, no political subdivision shall impose restrictions or enforce local licensing or registration ordinances with respect to such insurer's claims handling operations.
Mont. Code Ann. §33-17-301(5)
An adjuster license or qualifications are not required for an adjuster sent into this state by and on behalf of an insurer or adjusting business entity to investigate or make adjustments under an insurance policy for a loss or series of losses resulting from a catastrophe common to all losses.
Nothing in Statute.
Nev. Rev. Stat. Ann. §684A.060
No license shall be required of a nonresident salaried adjuster for the adjustment, in Nevada, of one or more losses arising out of a catastrophe common to all such losses where such losses are designated to be a catastrophe by responsible insurance associations or the Commissioner. Individuals must be at least 18 years old; deemed competent, trustworthy, financially responsible, and of good reputation by the Commissioner; and never have committed any act that would be grounds for suspension, revocation, or refusal of a license under Nev. Rev. Stat. Ann. §683A.451. Within 5 days of beginning such work, the insurer employing emergency adjusters shall submit the following information, in a form prescribed by the Commissioner: (1) the name of the individual; (2) the individual’s social security number; (3) the name of the insurer the individual will represent; (4) the effective date of the contract between the insurer and the individual; (5) the catastrophe or loss control number; (6) the name of the catastrophe; and (7) any other information required by the Commissioner. License valid for 90 days unless extended by the Commissioner. Application fee: $125. Applications must be made online through Sircon or NIPR; visit for more information and instructions.
RSA 402-B:11, 400-A:29
In the event of an emergency or disaster, the Commissioner may, in his or her discretion, issue licenses to persons the Commissioner determines are qualified. Issued upon declaration of a State of Emergency by the Governor. Apply online at Fee: $75. Applicants must have an adjuster’s license in another state or have been adjusting claims for a minimum of 6 months. Visit
New Hampshire
N.J. Stat. Ann. §17:22B-11
This license is effective for 90 days and may be extended an additional 90 days upon another fee payment. An applicant for a license as a temporary sublicensee shall be sponsored by and work directly under the supervision of a licensed public adjuster. The temporary sublicensee shall be an agent of the sponsoring public adjuster, who shall bear full responsibility that the temporary sublicensee shall comply with this act and any rules or regulations promulgated. License fee: $150.
New Jersey
N.M. Stat. Ann. §59A-13-6
An insurer or public adjuster may request additional adjusters to assist with emergencies who are not licensed in the state. Emergency adjuster must be licensed and in good standing in their home state. Responsibility for the conduct of a temporary licensee rests jointly on the licensee and the employer adjuster or insurer. Must submit the following to the Superintendent: (1) the nature of the emergency and the affected region of the state; (2) a list of adjusters the insurer shall use who are not licensed in New Mexico, including each adjuster’s name, home address, last four digits of the adjuster’s individual taxpayer ID or social security number, national producer number, home state, and the effective date of the contract between the adjuster and the insurer; (3) the name, contact information, national producer number, and state license number of the individual designated by the insurer to be responsible for the conduct of these adjusters; and (4) any other information required by the Superintendent. The temporary license may be in force for a period not to exceed 90 days, unless extended by the Superintendent.
New Mexico
N.Y. Ins. Law §2108(n)
Effective 120 days. Insurer shall execute and file a written application for the permit which contains such information as he may require and shall certify that the person named therein to be designated in the temporary permit is qualified by experience and training to adjust claims arising under insurance contracts issued by any insurer. Visit
temp_ind_adjuster_permit for more information.
New York
N.C. Gen. Stat. Ann. §58-33-70(e)
Employer shall furnish to the commissioner a notice in writing immediately upon the beginning of any such emergency insurance adjustment work. An experienced adjuster, who regularly adjusts in another state and who is licensed in the other state (if that state requires a license), is allowed to act as an adjuster in this state without a North Carolina license only for an insurance company authorized to do business in this state, for emergency insurance adjustment work, for a period to be determined by the commissioner. Instructions and application are available at
North Carolina
Nothing in Statute.
North Dakota
Nothing in Statute.
36 Okl. St. §6218
An applicant for an emergency adjuster license shall be certified in the manner prescribed by the commissioner by an adjuster licensed in this state or by an insurer who maintains an office in this state. The employer of this applicant shall certify the application for license as an emergency adjuster to the commissioner within 5 days after the applicant begins working. This license is effective for 90 days, unless extended by the Commissioner for an additional 90 days. Visit for more information.
Or. Rev. Stat. Ann. §744.555
Temporary licenses may be issued to persons licensed in another state sent by the carrier to handle claims in Oregon. Applications for a temporary permit may be submitted to the director as specified; the application must at least show the applicant’s name and address in the home state or other state where the applicant is licensed to adjust claims. Must list applicant’s name and address and the state in which the applicant is licensed or otherwise authorized to engage in business as an adjuster. Temporary permits are valid for 90 days unless extended by the Commissioner.
In order to facilitate the settlement of auto claims arising from a catastrophe or emergency weather event, an insurer licensed in Pennsylvania may temporarily use the services of an individual who does not have a motor vehicle physical damage appraiser (MVPDA) license in Pennsylvania, but is otherwise qualified to appraise vehicle damage. If an individual does not hold an MVPDA license in any other state, that individual must have a minimum of 3 years of experience adjusting motor vehicle physical damage claims.
An insurer must register an emergency MVPDA within 5 days of the individual beginning appraisal activities. The license is valid for 90 days from the submission date unless otherwise extended by the department.
R.I. Gen. Laws Ann. §27-10-8
Must be otherwise qualified to adjust claims. Within 5 days of deployment insurer must notify the department and provide (1) name of the individual; (2) social security number of individual; (3) Name of insurer the company or independent adjuster will represent; (4) effective date of the contract between the insurer and company or independent adjuster, if applicable; (5) catastrophe or loss control number, (6) catastrophe event name, and (7) any other information the department deems necessary. Effective 90 days unless extended by the department. Information must be submitted within 5 business days. Valid for 120 days unless extended by the commissioner. Application must be made online through NIPR. See Rhode Island Insurance Bulletin Number 2005-14 for more information.
Rhode Island
In the event of a catastrophe where there aren’t enough adjusters to handle claims, nonresident adjusters may enter South Carolina to adjust claims arising from that catastrophe without a South Carolina license, provided that the nonresident adjuster submits physical evidence of their home state license. Determination of an emergency will be announced by the department.
The initial emergency adjuster appointment may not exceed 120 days from the date of the initial appointment, but an extension may be granted. If an extension is granted, the system will allow users to reprint the reentry permits with a new expiration date. Please visit for more information.
South Carolina
Nothing in Statute.
South Dakota
Nothing in Statute.
Tex. Ins. Code Ann. §4101.101
A Texas-licensed insurance professional or insurer who hires an emergency adjuster, whether resident or nonresident, must submit an application for that adjuster within 5 days after the person begins working as an emergency adjuster. License fee: $20. The license is effective for 90 days unless extended by the commissioner for an additional 90 days. The license is effective for 90 days unless extended by the Commissioner. Must apply online through Sircon. Visit for instructions and more information.
Utah Code Ann. §31A-26-212
Application must be filled out within a week of beginning work. Fee is the same as other licensed adjusters. Effective 90 days unless extended by the Commissioner.
8 V.S.A. §4803
No adjuster, public adjuster or appraiser license is required as to any adjuster, public adjuster or appraiser sent into this state on behalf of a duly admitted insurer for the investigation or adjustment of a particularly unusual or extraordinary loss, or of a series of losses resulting from a catastrophe common to all such losses. Nor shall such a license be required of a marine-average adjuster.
W. Va. Code §33-12B-4, §33-12B-4, 33-12B-8
A person who is otherwise qualified to adjust claims, but not already licensed in this state when an insurance emergency has been declared, may act as an emergency adjuster if, within five days of the declaration, the insurer notifies the Commissioner by providing the following information: (1) Name and address of the individual; (2) National Producer Number, if the individual has one; (3) Name of the insurer which the independent adjuster will represent; (4) Effective date of the contract between the insurer and independent adjuster, if applicable; (5) Insurance emergency or loss control number; (6) Insurance emergency event name; and (7) any other information the Commissioner deems necessary. License valid for 90 days, unless extended by the Commissioner. Fee: $25.
West Virginia
Nothing in Statute.
Rev. Code Wash. §48.17.420
A Washington state adjuster license is not required for a non-resident independent adjuster to adjust a loss or losses arising out of a catastrophe common to all such losses. License valid for 180 days unless extended; extension of an emergency adjuster license requires re-registration. A nonresident independent adjuster must register with the Commissioner the following: (1) nonresident independent adjuster’s name; (2) nonresident independent adjuster’s contact information; (3) nonresident independent adjuster’s home state and license number; (4) the single loss or specific proclamation from the governor detailing the emergency; and (5) the insurers the nonresident independent adjuster will represent. License valid for 180 days, unless extended by the Commissioner. An extension requires re-registration. Visit
Nothing in Statute.
Wyo. Stat. §26-9-219(c)
Any insurer on whose behalf an adjuster not licensed in Wyoming investigates or adjusts a loss in this state, whether by physical appearance or through electronic or other means, shall notify the commissioner of such action prior to the unlicensed adjuster acting in this state.