How much time do you really spend on chemical inventory?
Use our calculator to find out
Looking for samples, chemicals, or reagents in the lab?
Approximately how much time do you spend each month on the following:
0-8 hours
8-16 hours
16-24 hours
Not applicable/ Not sure
More than 32 hours
24-32 hours
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Making sure chemicals you use are compatible with each other and are stored safely?
Entering data about the chemicals that you use?
Checking stock levels and ordering chemicals?
Waiting for chemicals that are needed to perform an experiment or process?
Managing expired or spoiled chemical inventory?
Looking for chemical safety data sheets and other safety information?
Completing regulatory or compliance documentation?
Summary of Results
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You are an ultra-efficient chemist; finding, ordering, and organizing chemicals with the greatest of ease.
Visit the LANEXO™ system website and request a free demo.
You are a very efficient chemist; chemical inventory rarely gets in the way when you’re doing your science.
You are an efficient chemist; overall fine, but sometimes hampered when a chemical goes missing. You may benefit from a robust chemical inventory management system.
You have some issues with efficiency, often running out of chemicals or having trouble finding them. You are likely to benefit from a robust chemical inventory management system.
You are very inefficient with your chemical inventory, spending valuable time hunting down chemicals when you’d rather be running experiments. Consider a chemical inventory management system that can improve your lab’s efficiency.