Confirm the account you’d like to place a preorder for. When you have the correct account selected, click Continue to enter quantities.
If you need to place a preorder for multiple accounts, please submit them one at a time. You can choose a new account by clicking the Switch Account button.
Step 1
Step 2
Access the FluFirst vaccine ordering tool by clicking on the large FluFirst banner ad located on the home page.
You may be asked to log in to your account using your ASD Healthcare website username and password. If you don't have an online account with ASD Healthcare, simply click Continue to proceed to the screen below. You may now locate your account by entering your account information (Account # and License # or Shipping Zip Code). Click Continue.
Step 3
Confirm the account you would like to place a preorder for. When you have the correct account selected, click Continue to enter quantities.
Step 4
Enter your order units, in packs/vials, in the column highlighted in green and click Continue.
Step 5
Schedule your shipping preferences for the vaccines in your preorder. Select the desired month(s) you’d like to receive vaccines by adding the number of units you’d like to receive in that month. Click Continue.
Step 6
Select or enter a primary contact for your flu preorder and click Continue.
Step 7
Review your summary to confirm your preorder details and contact information are correct. Click the Submit button to complete your preorder.
Step 8
Enter your order in packs/vials only. Doses will be automatically calculated to the right, in the total doses column.
• Requested months are not guaranteed. Shipments may be delayed if vaccines are not yet available from the manufacturer.
• Requesting a specific month to start receiving doses does not guaranteed that vaccines will ship by any specific date. Vaccines may ship at any time within that month, as product becomes available.
Creating a flu
vaccine preorder
Ensure you are providing a valid and regularly monitored email address for your order. The primary contact is the only contact ASD Healthcare will use to send confirmations and future communications.
Scroll down to begin
Welcome to your flu vaccine preorder headquarters!
Our new online tool is available 24/7, so you can preorder when it’s convenient for you—any time, any day, anywhere. Here, you can place orders for multiple accounts and see how each is tracking. Plus, you can readily access order quantities, since—yes!— the tool calculates doses for you.
Ready to get started? Simply scroll down and follow steps 1-8. Hover over the pink icons for more details and note the tips throughout the guide. We hope you find this tool helpful.
Preorder today!
Please use a PO number that works for you and your organization. If a PO number is not applicable, enter today’s date or the date you are making the reservation.