ESG is who we are
Our new ESG Ambition 2025 plan aims to tackle climate change, arguably the greatest challenge of our times.
Three key goals
Strengthening our offer in Responsible Investing savings offering for sustainable development
100% of actively managed open-ended funds will integrate environmental transition ratings
Establish a broad “net-zero” offering
Expand impact investment solutions, reaching €20bn of assets in impact strategies
Enlarge RI in passive management, 40% of ETF range will be ESG ETF
Provide clients with access to cutting edge sustainability analytics through ALTO Sustainability
Deepening the integration of ESG in our investment solutions
Divest from unconventional hydrocarbons by 2022
Deploy a climate engagement plan with more than 1,000 companies
Setting objectives internally in line with commitments
Capture shareholders’ opinions on Amundi’s climate strategy
Reduction of Amundi’s operational emissions by -30% per employee
Embed an extensive integration of ESG criteria into the remuneration policy
“Our new “ESG Plan 2025” is even more demanding and aims to align all of our stakeholders: investors, companies, employees and shareholders. The acceleration of our ESG commitments will be Amundi's primary growth lever around the world.”
Valérie Baudson
Chief Executive Officer of Amundi