A digital brokerage delivers enhanced trust because it eliminates physical risks such as sensitive information being recorded on paper and physically moving through the business, or virtual risks such as inadequate permissions necessary to restrict access to personal client data, cyber threats, business continuity concerns, and regulatory compliance.
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How Digital Brokerages Deliver Enhanced Trust
In Fact
Provides a flexible operating environment with scalability for business growth, stronger business continuity protection, increased mobile access to business information and compliance related to data privacy regulations like Canada's Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) and The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). Hosting brokerage solutions in a cloud purpose-built for your independent brokerage fosters client trust and peace of mind when supported by third-party “white hat” penetration testing, a Chief Data Protection Officer and cloud services team of experts, a pair of redundant data centres, highly available architecture with virtually zero downtime, and multifactor authentication for increased security and ease of password management.
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A survey of small business owners indicated that trustworthiness was the most important factor in the selection of their insurance broker.
Source: ACT
Mary Lou Charles, VP of Operations,
Western Financial Group
Case in Point
Our data centre is actually located in the Toronto area. And then if there’s a disaster recovery or fail-over needed, it goes to the UK. From a Canadian, Commonwealth country legality perspective, that’s the perfect solution for an organization like ours.
Technology Needed to Get Started