Join us at URTeC 2023!
Join AspenTech at this year’s Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTeC)—the premier event focused on the latest science and technology applied to exploration and development of unconventional resources, with special emphasis on integration of the technical/professional disciplines.
With E&P companies re-evaluating their well spacing designs and drilling strategies in the current context of oil price volatility, the ones that will thrive are those that can optimize costs. AspenTech® Subsurface Science & Engineering (SSE) technology, which uses advanced science to deliver highly accurate results, can help its customers minimize their operational costs and maximize return on their investment.
Optimize Your Unconventional Resource Plays
Booth #939
Brochure: Aspen SKUA™
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For more than 20 years, Aspen SKUA has led the industry in providing advanced capabilities for geological and reservoir modeling. With a simple-to-use, workflow-based interface, users can obtain results quickly. And when the modeling gets tough, Aspen SKUA handles complexities that other solutions cannot. Download the brochure to learn how geoscientists use Aspen SKUA to integrate, visualize and manage all subsurface data, extract insights and build accurate models of the subsurface.
Aspen EarthStudy 360™
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The Aspen EarthStudy 360 full-azimuth imaging and characterization system provides 360 degrees of insight into the subsurface. The system is designed to deliver a complete set of data that enables geoscientists to obtain accurate subsurface velocity models, structural attributes, medium properties and reservoir characteristics.
Learn more about AspenTech SSE for Unconventionals
June 13 – 15, 2023 | Denver, Colorado
Colorado Convention Center
Watch this brief video to see how our solutions
drive operational excellence by connecting subsurface intelligence to surface operations:
Learn more
How does AspenTech help you optimize returns from your unconventional plays in tight economics?
Evaluate existing acreage: Assemble all data related to a field for a regional perspective of an asset.
Generate a more accurate characterization of a shale play (fractures, mineralogy, facies, TOC):
Use all related borehole and seismic data and methods. Identify sweet spot zones.
Understand shale heterogeneity: Model fractures and properties to evaluate heterogeneities and data correlations with sweet spots.
Filter productive from non-productive acreage: Model induced activated fault network with new stimulation path technologies that use microseismic data. Evaluate current stimulated zones against field parameters (e.g. well spacing, orientation). Evaluate horizontal drilling practices: Geosteer new and existing wells with alternative data (geomechanical, image density logs). Evaluate current depthing procedures.
Our experts will be on hand to offer scheduled and on demand presentations:
Fracture Characterization Through Advanced Seismic Interpretation – Unconventional Plays
Visit our booth #939!
Presentation Schedule
Case Study - Leverage Modified Stochastic Inversion to Understand Drilling and Completion Hazards
Data-driven Reservoir Modeling for Improved Drainage Estimation and Field Development Optimization
Manage Reservoir Uncertainty to Minimize Risk
Ensemble-based Approach for Optimizing Development Plans
A Novel Approach to Pore Pressure Prediction to Optimize Drilling and Completion Design
Resolving Shallow Velocity Overburden Problems and Precision Depthing to Improve Well Placement in South Texas
Integrated Petrophysical Interpretation to Unlock Unconventional Reservoirs
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Aspen SeisEarth is a one-stop shop for interpreters. This integrated solution suite provides fast, multi-survey structural and stratigraphic interpretation and visualization from regional to reservoir, enabling multiple users to collaborate in a single shared environment.
Aspen SeisEarth™
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Aspen Geolog has long been considered the industry standard for advanced petrophysical analysis and formation evaluation.
In operation at 90% of the top-producing oil companies around the world, Aspen Geolog is unmatched in terms of its best-in-class petrophysical and geological analysis tools, well data management, superior graphics and robust data integration.
Aspen Geolog™
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This was one of the first unconventional hydrocarbon plays undertaken by a major operator in the thick stratigraphic interval of the Montney Formation, Altares area in Northern British Colombia. The challenge was to determine which parts of this thick stratigraphic unit with varying amounts of organics (including bitumen) had good reservoir quality, were brittle enough for fracking, and had the highest chance of producible liquid hydrocarbons.
Case Study: Aspen Geolog Facimage™ Reveals High-Productivity Areas in
an Unconventional Reservoir
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Aspen Tempest, an integrated software suite used in hundreds of installations worldwide, provides a single, consistent interface specifically designed for E&P reservoir engineers. View the brochure to discover the Aspen Tempest advantage.
Brochure: Tempest™ MORE and ENABLE