Be invested in better. For fixed income solutions designed to help you meet your investment goals whatever the market conditions, we’re here for you.
With rates on the move, keep your goals on track
MEet our experts
Our expertise
years of experience
of our fixed income
funds are ESG Integrated
AUM in fixed income*
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Our fixed income expertise
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No assurance can be given that our fixed income strategies will be successful. Investors can lose some or all of their capital invested. Our unconstrained fixed income strategies are subject to risks including counterparty risk, operational risk, liquidity risk, credit risk, and the impact of any techniques such as derivatives. The use of such strategies may also involve leverage, which may increase the effect of market movements and may result in significant risk of losses.
This marketing communication does not constitute on the part of AXA Investment Managers a solicitation or investment, legal or tax advice. This material does not contain sufficient information to support an investment decision.
Due to its simplification, this document is partial and opinions, estimates and forecasts herein are subjective and subject to change without notice. There is no guarantee forecasts made will come to pass. Data, figures, declarations, analysis, predictions and other information in this document is provided based on our state of knowledge at the time of creation of this document. Whilst every care is taken, no representation or warranty (including liability towards third parties), express or implied, is made as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information contained herein. Reliance upon information in this material is at the sole discretion of the recipient. This material does not contain sufficient information to support an investment decision.
Issued in the UK by AXA Investment Managers UK Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in the UK. Registered in England and Wales No: 01431068. Registered Office: 22 Bishopsgate London EC2N 4BQ
In other jurisdictions, this document is issued by AXA Investment Managers SA’s affiliates in those countries.
*figure as of September 2023
[1] Source: AXA IM, as at 31/12/2022
[2] Source: AXA IM, Morningstar, as of May 2023 . Data based on cross-border funds over 5 years
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Our global fixed income solutions offer a wealth of opportunity to bvenefit from our expertise.
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fixed income funds
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At AXA IM, we have experienced, dedicated high yield teams that have been managing portfolios through multipe economic and credit cycles.
High Yield
Fixed income
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Investing in a flexible approach that aims to adapt to changing market environments may help investors to seize opportunities while mitigating against market volatility.
Euro Credit Total Return
Fixed income
Fixed income could help preserve capital, generate regular income from coupon payments on fixed rate bonds, and help to offset market fluctuations over time. It can also provide diversification in a portfolio that includes other asset classes, including generally riskier ones, like equities. Capital at risk.
Our Strategies
View funds
Seeks to outperform, in EUR, on a yearly basis the Harmonised Indices of Consumer Prices Excluding Tobacco (Benchmark), net of ongoing charges. This annualized target outperformance is an objective and is not guaranteed.
Euro Inflation Plus
View funds
Seeks performance by investing mainly in inflation-linked bonds in Euros, over a medium-term period.
Euro Inflation Bonds
View funds
Seeks performance by investing mainly in short duration inflation-linked bonds issued in OECD countries, over a medium-term period.
Global Inflation Short Duration Bonds
View funds
Seeks to create performance by investing mainly across inflation-linked bonds issued in OECD countries, over a medium-term period.
Global Inflation Bonds
View funds
Seeks performance by investing in investment grade corporate and government debt securities in Euros over a medium-term period.
Euro Credit Short Duration
View funds
Seeks to achieve a mix of income and capital growth by investing mainly in investment grade and high yield debt securities in Euros, over a medium-term period.
Euro Credit Plus
View funds
Seeks to achieve a mix of income and capital growth by investing mainly in investment grade corporate debt securities denominated in USD, over a medium-term period.
US Corporate Bonds Intermediate
Fixed income
View funds
Seeks high income in USD from an actively managed bond portfolio whose carbon footprint is at least 30% lower than that of the ICE BofA US High Yield Index (Benchmark).
US High Yield Bonds Low Carbon
Fixed income
View funds
Firstly seeks high income and secondly capital growth by investing in a broadly international high yield corporate debt securities over a long-term period.
Global High Yield Bonds
Fixed income
Our global fixed income solutions offer a wealth of opportunity to benefit from our expertise
Be invested in better. For fixed income solutions designed to help you meet your investment goals whatever the market conditions, we’re here for you.
With rates on the move, keep your goals on track
years of experience
of our fixed income funds are ESG Integrated
of AXA IM Fixed Income funds are 1st and 2nd quartile Morningstar
AUM in fixed income*
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Our fixed income expertise
in numbers
Our global fixed income solutions offer a wealth of opportunity to benefit from our expertise.
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fixed income funds
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Our inflation team are recognised experts with a proven track record over different market cycles offering a wide range of inflation linked bond strategies.
Fixed income
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At AXA IM, we have experienced, dedicated high yield teams that have been managing portfolios through multiple economic and credit cycles.
High Yield
Fixed income
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Managing emerging markets investments for almost 20 years, AXA IM offers investors both sustainable and core solutions for accessing the emerging market debt universe.
Emerging Markets
Fixed income
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Investing in a flexible approach that aims to adapt to changing market environments may help investors to seize opportunities while mitigating against market volatility.
Euro Credit Total Return
Fixed income
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Short duration bonds could provide a more attractive income than cash or ‘safe-haven’ government bonds with less interest rate risk than longer-dated securities and lower volatility than high yield bonds.
Short Duration Bonds
Fixed income
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Fixed income can help preserve capital, generate regular income from coupon payments on fixed rate bonds, and help to offset market fluctuations over time. It can also provide diversification in a portfolio that includes other asset classes, including generally riskier ones, like equities. Capital at risk.
Our Strategies
Be invested in better. For fixed income solutions designed to help you meet your investment goals whatever the market conditions, we’re here for you.
With rates on the move, keep your goals on track
Our expertise
years of experience
of our fixed income funds are ESG Integrated
of AXA IM Fixed Income funds are 1st and 2nd quartile Morningstar
AUM in fixed income*
Learn More
Our fixed income expertise
in numbers
Our global fixed income solutions offer a wealth of opportunity to benefit from our expertise.
Explore our
fixed income funds
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Our inflation team are recognised experts with a proven track record over different market cycles offering a wide range of inflation linked bond strategies.
Fixed income
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At AXA IM, we have experienced, dedicated high yield teams that have been managing portfolios through multiple economic and credit cycles.
High Yield
Fixed income
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Managing emerging markets investments for almost 20 years, AXA IM offers investors both sustainable and core solutions for accessing the emerging market debt universe.
Emerging Markets
Fixed income
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Investing in a flexible approach that aims to adapt to changing market environments may help investors to seize opportunities while mitigating against market volatility.
Euro Credit Total Return
Fixed income
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Short duration bonds could provide a more attractive income than cash or ‘safe-haven’ government bonds with less interest rate risk than longer-dated securities and lower volatility than high yield bonds.
Short Duration Bonds
Fixed income
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Fixed income can help preserve capital, generate regular income from coupon payments on fixed rate bonds, and help to offset market fluctuations over time. It can also provide diversification in a portfolio that includes other asset classes, including generally riskier ones, like equities. Capital at risk.
Our Strategies
View funds
Seeks to outperform, in EUR, on a yearly basis the Harmonised Indices of Consumer Prices Excluding Tobacco (Benchmark), net of ongoing charges. This annualized target outperformance is an objective and is not guaranteed.
Euro Inflation Plus
fixed income
View funds
Seeks performance by investing mainly in inflation-linked bonds in Euros, over a medium-term period.
Euro Inflation Bonds
Fixed income
View funds
Seeks performance by investing mainly in short duration inflation-linked bonds issued in OECD countries, over a medium-term period.
Global Inflation Short Duration Bonds
fixed income
View funds
Seeks to create performance by investing mainly across inflation-linked bonds issued in OECD countries, over a medium-term period.
Global Inflation Bonds
fixed income
View funds
Seeks performance by investing in investment grade corporate and government debt securities in Euros over a medium-term period.
Euro Credit Short Duration
Fixed Income
View funds
Seeks to achieve a mix of income and capital growth by investing mainly in investment grade and high yield debt securities in Euros, over a medium-term period.
Euro Credit Plus
fixed income
View funds
Firstly seeks high income and secondly capital growth by investing in a broadly international high yield corporate debt securities over a long-term period.
Global High Yield Bonds
Fixed income
View funds
Seeks high income in USD from an actively managed bond portfolio whose carbon footprint is at least 30% lower than that of the ICE BofA US High Yield Index (Benchmark).
US High Yield Bonds Low Carbon
Fixed income
View funds
Seeks to achieve a mix of income and capital growth by investing mainly in investment grade corporate debt securities denominated in USD, over a medium-term period.
US Corporate Bonds Intermediate
Fixed income
Our global fixed income solutions offer a wealth of opportunity to benefit from our expertise
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US High Yield Market commentary and Outlook
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Euro Credit Market – positioning and outlook
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What are the opportunities and outlook for US Investment Grade credit?
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Why market turbulence has created opportunities for European credit
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Inflation Quarterly update
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Fixed Income Quarterly Views
Stay up to date with the latest investment insights, to help you make more informed investment decisions.
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Finding all you need for fixed income
Fixed income offers a myriad of investment opportunities whether investors are looking for euro credit, US investment grade or US high yield, we have solutions to help investors build diverse portfolios. Find out more about why fixed income investors choose to invest with AXA IM. Capital at risk.
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US High Yield Market commentary and Outlook
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Euro Credit Market – positioning and outlook
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What are the opportunities and outlook for US Investment Grade credit?
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Why market turbulence has created opportunities for European credit
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Inflation Quarterly update
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Fixed Income Quarterly Views
Stay up to date with the latest investment insights, to help you make more informed investment decisions.
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View funds
Seeks to outperform, in EUR, on a yearly basis the Harmonised Indices of Consumer Prices Excluding Tobacco (Benchmark), net of ongoing charges. This annualized target outperformance is an objective and is not guaranteed.
Euro Inflation Plus
fixed income
View funds
Seeks performance by investing mainly in inflation-linked bonds in Euros, over a medium-term period.
Euro Inflation Bonds
fixed income
View funds
Seeks performance by investing mainly in short duration inflation-linked bonds issued in OECD countries, over a medium-term period.
Global Inflation Short Duration Bonds
Fixed income
View funds
Seeks to create performance by investing mainly across inflation-linked bonds issued in OECD countries, over a medium-term period.
Global Inflation Bonds
FIxed income
View funds
Seeks performance by investing in investment grade corporate and government debt securities in Euros over a medium-term period.
Euro Credit Short Duration
View funds
Seeks to achieve a mix of income and capital growth by investing mainly in investment grade and high yield debt securities in Euros, over a medium-term period.
Euro Credit Plus
View funds
Firstly seeks high income and secondly capital growth by investing in a broadly international high yield corporate debt securities over a long-term period.
Global High Yield Bonds
Fixed income
View funds
Seeks high income in USD from an actively managed bond portfolio whose carbon footprint is at least 30% lower than that of the ICE BofA US High Yield Index (Benchmark).
US High Yield Bonds Low Carbon
Fixed income
View funds
Seeks to achieve a mix of income and capital growth by investing mainly in investment grade corporate debt securities denominated in USD, over a medium-term period.
US Corporate Bonds Intermediate
Fixed income
Our global fixed income solutions offer a wealth of opportunity to benefit from our expertise