Get top tips for sleep, feeding, and more to help you and your newborn thrive.
New parent toolkit:
The first 90 days
Baby prep
Early learning
Immune support
Healthy digestion
Sleep routines
Feeding & nutrition
Back to work
Pick up some formula
Pre-register with the hospital
Cook and freeze meals
Arrange for post-partum help
Install the car seat
Check these off your list
Dr. Mona Amin Pediatrician
Alayne Gatto Reckitt Dietitian
From the experts
Baby prep
Get ready for your little bundle with these helpful tips.
Three things you should do before giving birth.
BabyCenter parents share:
How my body has changed
I tell myself that my body is a rockstar. What I’m doing is the best thing my body will EVER do.
How my body has changed
Even though I gained weight that I never lost, I love my body. My body gave me the most beautiful little girl.
How my body has changed
I just do my best to take care of myself. Then do my best to get back to a happy place again after birth.
How my body has changed
I can't help but feel self-conscious. I try to keep reminding myself it's temporary, however...
How my body has changed
I keep reminding myself that every body is different, every pregnancy is different, and I'm growing a...
I can't help but feel self-conscious. I try to keep reminding myself it's temporary, however it is very hard. I'm doing my best to exercise and eat healthy.
I keep reminding myself that every body is different, every pregnancy is different, and I'm growing a tiny human that needs me to gain some weight to assist with their growth and development.
This can give peace of mind just in case your baby needs it.
try this
Enfamil NeuroPro Gentlease offers complete nutrition for babies through 12 months.
Enlist friends, relatives, or a doula to pitch in.
Stock your freezer so you don't have to worry about cooking.
Also, pack your hospital bag — keep it simple.
Pro tip: fire stations offer free inspections.
Follow these easy steps to boost your baby’s brain development.
Early learning
Alayne Gatto Reckitt Dietitian
Dr. Mona Amin Pediatrician
From the experts
Give your baby brain-nourishing DHA
Read to them
Sing and play music
Play games that involve hands
Give comfort often
Check these off your list
Enfamil NeuroPro Gentlease has Omega 3 DHA in an amount global experts recommend.*
*The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations/World Health Organization (FAO/WHO) recommended amount of DHA is 0.2% - 0.36% of total fatty acids. Similac = 0.15% Vs Enfamil = 0.32% of total fatty acids.
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Reading to your newborn is soothing and encourages brain development.
Expose your baby to different sounds, rhythms, and patterns to help them learn and develop.
Activities like patty-cake, peekaboo, or even puppets engage your baby.
Soothe and reassure your baby to provide emotional security to the brain.
See how other parents set up their babies for success.
Learn how playing with your baby can help with brain-building.
Five tips to promote language development »
I want my child to have my love of books and have an imagination that can go anywhere.
I want my children to have the ability to empathize and see others point of views.
I hope you are not afraid to follow your dreams.
Hopes and dreams for my baby
I want my daughter to have a voice and a soul that knows her worth.
BabyCenter parents share:
Find advice for keeping your baby healthy and happy.
Immune support
Alayne Gatto Reckitt Dietitian
Dr. Mona Amin Pediatrician
From the experts
Look for immune-supporting prebiotics
Some germs are good germs
Don't be scared of day care
Keep up to date on vaccines
Try a baby probiotic supplement
Check these off your list
Enfamil NeuroPro includes an exclusive HuMO6 immune blend of 2'FL HMO, PDX, GOS, Vitamin C & E, and Selenium to support immune health.
try this
2'-FL HMO is an immune-nourishing prebiotic found in breast milk and some formula products.
Some germs can actually help build your baby’s developing immune system.
Exposure to a variety of germs may actually improve overall immune system function.
Vaccines work by mimicking a natural infection, teaching the body’s immune system how to fight off a given invader.
Probiotics have beneficial bacteria designed to support a healthy gut and developing immune system.
Four ways to support your newborn's immune system.
I have my older kids wear masks around the baby and have them consistently wash their hands.
Vitamin D supplements. They have the infant drops at grocery stores.
If you are breastfeeding you can take things like Vitamin C, D, and zinc to...
During the day, the dog is all over everything. Exposure to pets actually helps build their immune system.
How I keep my baby healthy
My daughter goes to daycare. She gets sick but that isn’t a bad thing — it’s good for immunity!
BabyCenter parents share:
If you are breastfeeding you can take things like Vitamin C, D, and zinc to support your immune system which is then passed along to your baby.
Try holding them on their belly so that their belly is resting on your forearm and...
I try to burp my son for a minute or two on my shoulder. If he burps, I keep...
We keep our LO upright after eating to help prevent spit-up.
Baby probiotics really helped our baby with digestive discomfort and reflux/vomiting.
How I keep my baby’s tummy happy
If you are formula feeding — we noticed a huge difference after switching to...
BabyCenter parents share:
Alayne Gatto Reckitt Dietitian
Dr. Mona Amin Pediatrician
From the experts
Learn the best ways to help ease your little one’s digestive discomforts.
Healthy digestion
Check these off your list
Try switching formulas if needed
Burp often
Keep upright during feedings
Get probiotic support
Massage your baby's belly
A gentle belly-rub can help your baby relax and ease discomfort.
Probiotics may help your baby with digestion-related issues.
This will help the formula or breast milk travel more smoothly to their tummy.
Frequent burping helps get air bubbles out of your baby's stomach.
Enfamil NeuroPro Gentlease has easy to digest proteins designed to help ease gas, fussiness, crying, and spit-up in just 24 hours.
If your baby seems extra gassy or fussy, talk to their doctor about switching to a gentler formula.
try this
Is your baby uncomfortable after feeding? Get tips »
Common formula feeding issues and how to solve them.
If you are formula feeding — we noticed a huge difference after switching to a formula pitcher vs mixing each bottle individually. No foam!
I try to burp my son for a minute or two on my shoulder. If he burps, I keep him upright for another few minutes. If he does not burp, I keep him upright for 10 to 20 minutes.
Try holding them on their belly so that their belly is resting on your forearm and gently pat their back while walking around.
Ask for a lactation consultant or make an appointment with...
We have no exact time schedule but we follow the eat/play/sleep method pretty closely.
When we switched formulas, I was alarmed at how foamy it...
We never go more than two to three hours without a feed during...
My tips for feeding success
I like to do the small ready-to-feed bottles, especially at night, for the first couple weeks.
BabyCenter parents share:
Read about how one mom overcame her breastfeeding challenges »
Feeding is complicated – learn how one family trusted their instincts.
Learn why the ingredients in baby formula matter.
Alayne Gatto Reckitt Dietitian
Dr. Mona Amin Pediatrician
From the experts
Ease the transition to bottle feeding
Check for signs they're eating enough
Follow their hunger cues
Get comfortable
Know when to ask for help
Check these off your list
Get answers to common feeding questions new parents have.
Feeding and nutrition
Your baby's doctor, a pediatric dietitian or a lactation consultant can share valuable tips for feeding success.
A rocking chair, nursing pillow, and footstool can provide extra comfort.
Hunger signs: smacking their lips, rooting, putting their hands to their mouth.
Look for steady weight gain, ~6 wet diapers a day, and a happy baby.
If formula or combination feeding, Enfamil NeuroPro Gentlease is inspired by breastmilk with easy-to-digest proteins.
Gradually exchange from one breastmilk feeding time to a formula feeding time.
try this
We never go more than two to three hours without a feed during the daytime so that he is getting most of his calories during the day.
When we switched formulas, I was alarmed at how foamy it was. Another mom suggested instead of shaking to mix, make a larger batch ahead of time with very warm water and mix it with a spoon. That minimized the foam substantially.
When she gets fussy at night I change her and feed her in the...
Get into a routine that works for you and your family, then stick to it. I was such a...
Learn what works for you and your little one. Body language is everything.
Whether you are formula or breastfeeding, be sure your baby is full prior to being put down to sleep!
How I help my family get sleep
Make sure your baby knows it’s night vs day. During the day we...
BabyCenter parents share:
Learn three calming bedtime activities.
Try these top newborn sleep tips to get rest and settle into a routine.
Sleep routines
Alayne Gatto Reckitt Dietitian
Dr. Mona Amin Pediatrician
From the experts
Make sure your baby has a full belly
Read the signs
Start a bedtime routine
Swaddle your baby
Play soothing sounds
Check these off your list
White noise machines or apps can calm newborns.
Swaddling is soothing because it feels like being in the womb.
A calming, predictable routine tells your baby it's time to sleep.
Rubbing eyes, fussy, and pulling on ears are signs they're tired.
If interested in formula, try Enfamil’s family of formulas to find the right fit for baby, whether for everyday nutrition or specialty solutions.
Breastfeeding or bottle feeding before bed can help your baby sleep longer.
try this
Make sure your baby knows it’s night vs day. During the day we keep all the lights on, blinds open. For night time we keep everything dark and cool (like 70 on the AC).
Get into a routine that works for you and your family, then stick to it. I was such a stickler for nap time/bed time those first few months, and it made life so much better for everyone.
When she gets fussy at night I change her and feed her in the dark with white noise going. I put her in a swaddle in her bed and let her wiggle till she falls asleep.
I’ll worry and be sad at work, but I know my kids will grow and learn a lot at daycare.
I’m glad I’ll have some time to slowly adjust since I’ll be working from home.
I love my job, and I miss my LO like crazy when...
It’s bittersweet to me. I definitely cried a...
What helped me when I went back to work
I was referred to a really nice babysitter/nanny...
BabyCenter parents share:
Families share the importance of establishing a schedule.
Alayne Gatto Reckitt Dietitian
Dr. Mona Amin Pediatrician
From the experts
Get your baby used to a bottle
Prep for child care
Buy a breast pump
Have enough formula on hand
Don't forget about you
Check these off your list
Get advice on how to ease the transition back into the workplace.
Back to work
Build self-care techniques into your daily life to help manage stress.
Try practicing and be sure to pump and freeze extra milk.
Finalize details with your day care provider or nanny.
Your baby may be more willing to take the first bottle from someone other than you.
If formula feeding, check out Enfamil’s family of formulas to find the right fit for baby.
Make sure there's enough formula and bottle gear to leave with baby’s caregiver.
try this
Read tips from one mom for going back to work while breastfeeding »
I love my job, and I miss my LO like crazy when I'm at work. But, it is nice to get back into a routine and talk to other adults.
It’s bittersweet to me. I definitely cried a little bit this morning thinking about dropping my baby off at daycare for the first time tomorrow, but I think (after an adjustment period) it’ll be for the best.
I was referred to a really nice babysitter/nanny by my doula. To ease into the transition she’s going to come for a few hours so I can run errands before I go back full time.
The first few months with your baby may feel like a blur. These expert tips and words of mom wisdom can help things go smoother so you can savor this special time with your new bundle.
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Hopes and dreams for my baby
Hopes and dreams for my baby
Hopes and dreams for my baby
I hope my kid invents or does something that’s never been done before to make a difference and change lives.
Hopes and dreams for my baby
How I keep my baby healthy
How I keep my baby healthy
How I keep my baby healthy
How I keep my baby healthy
How I keep my baby’s tummy happy
How I keep my baby’s tummy happy
How I keep my baby’s tummy happy
How I keep my baby’s tummy happy
My tips for feeding success
My tips for feeding success
My tips for feeding success
My tips for feeding success
How I help my family get sleep
How I help my family get sleep
How I help my family get sleep
How I help my family get sleep
What helped me when I went back to work
What helped me when I went back to work
What helped me when I went back to work
What helped me when I went back to work
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DHA is a key nutrient found in
breast milk and formula which helps feed early childhood learning potential.
Ask for a lactation consultant or make an appointment with one outside the hospital for when you leave.
Worried about the formula shortage? We're here to help. »
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your baby's tummy trouble symptoms »
your baby's tummy trouble symptoms »
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