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Little kids have big emotions. They can get frustrated, angry, and upset when they don't know how to deal with them. Try talking to them calmly and giving them cuddles and comfort until they settle down.
Model calmness during difficult moments
See these simple yet powerful strategies to nurture your child's emotional well-being, confidence, and resilience, from day one.
boost your baby's emotional IQ
7 simple ways to
Follow Roar the Dragon on an adventure to help your child learn about feelings while you color together.
Playing and interacting with your baby is crucial for their development. Your special time together doesn’t need to be elaborate, it can be as simple as reading a book or playing a silly game.
Spend quality time together
The Dragon Song gives them a way to calm down with just a few deep breaths.
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Start with the basic feelings like happy, sad, and angry. Help your little one identify these emotions when they’re happening. This will help make it easier for them to communicate their emotions with you.
Name and talk about emotions
By following consistent schedules each day your child learns what to expect, which helps them feel more safe and comfortable. Find some natural times to incorporate routines, like bedtime and mealtime.
Develop and stick to routines
Younger children need lots of reminders about how you expect them to behave in different situations. Be consistent and provide simple, child-friendly reasons why you’re setting these expectations.
Set consistent boundaries
Giving children consistent praise can boost their self-confidence, personal motivation, and even their ability to keep trying even when things are difficult.
Praise and encourage your child
Moments of connection with your child shows them just how important they are to you, helping them feel safe and develop healthy self-esteem. A cuddle, bubble bath, and infant massage are simple ways to bond with your baby.
Show affection as often as you can
Incorporating these practices into your everyday routines can go a long way to support your child’s healthy development and overall well-being, and give them a stronger start in life. Get more tips at
Try playing the emotion name game with your child, to help them cope with big feelings.
Check out these simple daily routines that can be done in 5 minutes or less.
Here’s a list of handy language you can use to help set expectations with your child.
See this bank of positive phrases to pull from if you need ideas.
Did you know hugging for as little as 20 seconds each day can stimulate kids’ emotional, cognitive, and physical development?
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Playing and interacting with your baby is crucial for their development. Your special time together doesn’t need to be elaborate, it can be as simple as reading a book or playing a silly game.
Spend quality time together
Little kids have big emotions. They can get frustrated, angry, and upset when they don't know how to deal with them. Try talking to them calmly and giving them cuddles and comfort until they settle down.
Model calmness during difficult moments
Learn about some of the top milestones and tips to encourage healthy development.
boost your baby's emotional IQ
7 simple ways to
See these simple yet powerful strategies to nurture your child's emotional well-being, boost their confidence, and empower them to be more resilient, from day one.
Start with the basic feelings like happy, sad, and angry. Help your little one identify these emotions when they’re happening. This will help make it easier for them to communicate their emotions with you.
Name and talk about emotions
By following consistent schedules each day your child learns what to expect, which helps them feel more safe and comfortable. Find some natural times to incorporate routines, like bedtime and mealtime.
Develop and stick to routines
Younger children need lots of reminders about how you expect them to behave in different situations. Be consistent and provide simple, child-friendly reasons why you’re setting these expectations.
Set consistent boundaries
Giving children consistent praise can boost their self-confidence, personal motivation, and even their ability to keep trying even when things are difficult.
Praise and encourage your child
Moments of connection with your child shows them just how important they are to you, helping them feel safe and develop healthy self-esteem. A cuddle, bubble bath, and infant massage are simple ways to bond with your baby.
Show affection as often as you can
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