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Improving the way your baby latches onto your breast is the first thing to try to help cracked and sore nipples. Using soft, breast-like nipple...
Improving the way your baby latches onto your breast is the first thing to try to help cracked and sore nipples. Using soft, breast-like nipple shields can offer support whilst your nipples heal.
The best way to find the right breast pump for you is to learn what you need as a breastfeeding mum. You’ll need to consider how often you’ll pump, where you’ll be pumping, and how much milk you need to produce.
Expressing: How the right pump can make all the difference
When you’re functioning on very little sleep, night feeds can leave you running on empty. Don’t be afraid to ask your partner for help. If you’re combi-feeding, you could share the feeds. If you’re breastfeeding, letting your partner change or burp baby, then put them back to sleep, can make a world of difference for you.
Help to make night feeds easier
Try sitting your baby upright, and make sure that the milk covers the entrance to the teat as they drink. Take time to burp them afterwards by gently patting their back. Anti-colic bottles like this one help reduce the amount of air your baby swallows.
How to minimise wind and colic during bottle feeds
Ease colic
Choosing the equipment that best supports your feeding journey means you can enjoy those special newborn feeds.
For smooth, quick and comfortable expressing
Choose manual
Combi-feeding has been a fantastic option for me. I still get to have precious bonding time when breastfeeding my baby, but I also get a much-needed break when other family members feed her, too!
Use a photo of your baby, or a muslin that smells like them to help trigger your let down.
You’ll need clean breast milk storage pots or bags with a tight seal, or lid to store your breast milk.
Spill-proof dust cap which doubles as a measuring cup
Self-sterilises in just 3 minutes – perfect for on-the-go. See this feature in action:
Trying a teat with a shape and feel like mum’s can encourage your baby to embrace bottle feeds.
Brush the bottle teat against your baby’s lips, and then let them draw in the teat once they open their mouth.
Anti-colic bottle
How to establish breastfeeding from the start
There are plenty of reasons why you may wish to add a bottle of either expressed, or formula milk, into your feeding routine. Whether you’re returning to work, giving your partner the chance to feed your baby, or simply need a break, choosing to combi-feed offers flexibility, which may help you breastfeed for longer.
How combi-feeding can support your feeding journey
Early breastfeeding struggles
Sore, cracked nipples
The more you breastfeed, the more milk you’ll produce, so feeding or pumping more can help. Staying properly hydrated, having lots of...
Low milk supply
Made from soft, extra-thin, flexible silicone and with a 'breast-like' feel, these MAM shields are ideal as short-term relief from cracked nipples.
Try this!
Nipple shields
Sore, cracked nipples
Low milk supply
The more you breastfeed, the more milk you’ll produce, so feeding or pumping more can help. Staying properly hydrated, having lots of skin-to-skin contact with your baby, and breast compression, are all natural ways to support milk production.
Breast pads
Try this!
Super absorbent, ultra-thin and invisible through clothing, these pads feature clever fixing strips, meaning they stay perfectly in place.
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Staying dry and comfortable between feeds is a must; Breast pads are great aids for this.
Staying dry and comfortable between feeds is a must; Breast pads are great aids for this.
The most important thing is that breastfeeding shouldn’t hurt. If it does, it might be a sign that your baby isn’t latching correctly...
Poor latch
Poor latch
Start when you’re both relaxed
The most important thing is that breastfeeding shouldn’t hurt. If it does, it might be a sign that your baby isn’t latching correctly. Try these steps for a comfy attachment:
Support your back
Uncross your legs
Bring baby to your breast. Chin touches first, then nipple to nose
Wide open mouth, lips out, tongue forward and down
Keep your baby’s nose clear
If it doesn’t feel right, you can detach and try again
Blocked milk ducts
It may be uncomfortable, but continuing to feed your baby will help move milk through your breast. Alternatively, you could try using a manual breast pump to work the milk through gently, and at your own speed. Other things which might help include massaging the area or applying a warm flannel to your breast.
It may be uncomfortable, but continuing to feed your baby will help move milk through your breast. Alternatively, you could try using a...
Blocked milk ducts
Breastfeeding is best for baby, however it’s a skill that can take time to master – for both you and baby. Don’t worry if it takes you a little while to establish. Let’s look at solutions to some of the most common breastfeeding problems.
Real mum, Jessica, from Leicestershire, made the decision to combi-feed her baby, and has shared her top reasons why the method is working for her family.
The benefits of balancing breast and bottle feeds
Breastfeeding struggles
Making night feeds easier
Combi-feeding has been a fantastic option for me. I still get to have...
Read her story
Single electric
For fast, discreet, and compact expressing
Choose electric
Double electric
For regular, flexible expressing. Anytime, anywhere.
Choose double electric
2in1 upgrade set
Convert your manual breast pump to an electric, with this easy upgrade
Upgrade here
Milk storage pots
Breast milk is precious, that is why it is so important to store it safely and correctly...
Storage solutions
Vented base reduces air bubbles and eases colic
Flat, soft teat just like mum
Newborn sleep support
These freezer-safe MAM storage pots have a handy wipe clean labeling area and can even be reused, making them kinder on the planet and your pockets.
Select your size
Breastfeeding struggles
Balancing breast and bottle
Minimising wind and colic
Making night feeds easier
Choose manual
Choose electric
Choose double electric
Upgrade here
Storage solutions
Ease colic
Newborn sleep support
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Parent tip
Parent tip
Wearable Pump
The new MAM Move Wearable Breast Pump makes pumping possible anytime and anywhere.
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Parent tip
Parent tip
Balancing breast and bottle
Minimising wind and colic
Wearable pump
The new MAM Move Wearable Breast Pump makes pumping possible anytime and anywhere.
Shop now
Parent tip
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Low milk supply
The more you breastfeed, the more milk you’ll produce, so feeding or pumping more can help. Staying properly hydrated, having lots of skin-to-skin contact with your baby, and breast compression, are all natural ways to support milk production.
Breast pads
Try this!
Super absorbent, ultra-thin and invisible through clothing, these pads feature clever fixing strips, meaning they stay perfectly in place.
Stock up
Staying dry and comfortable between feeds is a must; Breast pads are great aids for this.