Typography Desktop

USD 1.01 billion strategic divestment for India Corporate involving UAE sovereign-owned PE firm 

          In the world's largest economy, opportunities abound for businesses beyond and within India. We are honoured to support clients as they look to expand their business through both inbound foreign direct investment into India and pursuing outbound growth."

Mini Menon vandePol

Head of Global India Practice

Strategic partnership win for India's PDS Limited to boost Ted Baker growth

H1 - Condensed Bold 90px

H2 - Condensed Bold 72px

H3 - Condensed Bold 48px

Record-breaking USD 1.1 billion social loan in India

Expansion of Indian Green and Sustainable Technologies with Jain Irrigation

India's First: USD 1.1 Billion green loan for Indian public sector unit

H4 - Condensed Bold 36px

H5-Condensed Bold 24px

Body Copy - Regular 16px

Link text - Semi-bold 16px same size as body copy

Eyebrow - Condensed Regular 14px - 2 pixels smaller than body text

Button Link - Semibold 18px

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