Home & Commercial Services Intelligence
Using Amazon Web Services (AWS), HCSI transforms raw data into a dynamic heatmap and visual dashboards, enabling real-time insights into metrics and KPIs down to the zip code level.
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With integrated financial, operational, field and zip code data, Home & Commercial Services Intelligence (HCSI) dashboards can unlock insights and give your business a competitive advantage.
HCSI dashboards are populated through seamless integration with the U.S. Census, ServiceTitan and Sage Intacct to provide easy access to critical service, customer type and office location data.
HCSI features
HCSI overview
Security and accessibility
Heatmap-based metrics
Merges financial, operational and census data onto an intuitive zip code-based heatmap. Instantly visualize revenue, job distribution, customer counts, housing units, median income, membership metrics and more
Zip code-based graphics
Dive deeper into your data with revenue funnels showcasing revenue by type, location and department. Analyze customer counts and revenue by customer type, along with job distribution across departments.
Seamless data processing
Our nightly process extracts data from ServiceTitan and Sage Intacct, transforming it for analysis within AWS QuickSight.
Customer categorization
HCSI classifies customers into distinct categories, including non-members, loyal members, new members, churned members, recovered members and potential members.
Make tailored decisions based on customer behavior.
Summary tab
Members tab
Details tab
For marketing spend and targeting areas of expansion and staffing
HCSI enhances your existing Sage Intacct and ServiceTitan data by combining financial, operational and census data and overlaying it on a zip code-based heatmap. The Heatmap dashboard allows you to categorize customers based on invoice activity and membership status, so you can analyze revenue by customer type. Data can be filtered by zip code, location or department, so you can easily see overperforming and underperforming areas and critical information about market penetration.
Summary tab
The Summary tab showcases key service metrics, including demographics, revenue distribution, and job counts.
Summary tab components
1. Heatmap: You can drill down on the Summary tab's heatmap and charts to see service data broken down by zip code, account name, location, department or account group.
Key financial metrics in one dashboard
Gain helpful insights into financial data for the current vs. prior year and month and include a detailed breakdown of revenue sources to pinpoint growth communities. Highlighting how financed and membership revenue is distributed empowers you to make better decisions about resource allocation now and in the future.
To visualize revenue trends, the dashboard includes graphs that show a breakdown of revenue by business entity and service department. For a more in-depth look at gross margin, a gross margin by entity report is provided.
HCSI syncs information from ServiceTitan, Sage Intacct and the U.S. Census Bureau into Amazon Web Services (AWS) to take advantage of Amazon QuickSight, a business intelligence and data visualization tool designed to help users analyze data and create interactive dashboards. A subscription to Home & Commercial Services Intelligence includes 10 user licenses for Amazon QuickSight.
Before using HCSI, you must establish minimum user permissions in Sage Intacct and have an assigned AWS user account. With three different permission levels – end users, admin and web services users – you can easily control responsibilities and access based on your company’s needs.
The security of your data is crucial, and AWS comes with numerous security features to provide peace of mind. For information about security features in AWS, see AWS security in Amazon QuickSight.
The QuickSight dashboard has three tabs based on perspectives of service data:
Summary tabThe Summary tab allows you to analyze customer demographics, revenue distribution and job counts.
Members tabThe Members tab gives you a way to assess member distribution, duration and revenue trends by member type.
Details tabThe Details tab provides a detailed, tabular breakdown of service data.
Details tab
The Details tab provides a detailed, tabular breakdown of service data.
Most of the metrics on the Customer Details table use data from Sage Intacct. Population, median income, and housing units are integrated from the Census database.
The QuickSight dashboard has three tabs based on perspectives of service data:
Summary tabThe Summary tab allows you to analyze customer demographics, revenue distribution and job counts.
Members tabThe Members tab gives you a way to assess member distribution, duration and revenue trends by member type.
Details tabThe Details tab provides a detailed, tabular breakdown of service data.
1. Heatmap: The Members heatmap shows geographical membership distribution at a glance. View and analyze member data by city, state and zip code, including metrics like member count. Click on a zip code to filter data on other dashboard components.
In addition to the dashboard filters, you can use the heatmap drilldowns and focus metrics to refine data further
2. Membership details table: The membership details table provides a detailed breakdown of your membership data, including a count of active members, new members and the average length of membership in months.
3. Revenue by membership: The revenue by membership table details total revenue and revenue broken down by members and non-member customers so you can better understand the financial impact of your member base.
4. Member revenue (current vs. previous month) KPI: This KPI card offers a quick comparison of member revenue between the current and previous month, highlighting growth or declines. It's a valuable indicator for short-term membership revenue trends.
5. Customer count by type chart: The customer count by type chart shows the member count broken down by membership status (i.e., recovered, potential, new, loyal, churned and non-member).
6. Member revenue by customer type chart: The member revenue by customer type chart shows revenue from members broken down by status (i.e., recovered, new, loyal and churned).
The QuickSight dashboard has three tabs based on perspectives of service data:
Summary tabThe Summary tab allows you to analyze customer demographics, revenue distribution and job counts.
Members tabThe Members tab gives you a way to assess member distribution, duration and revenue trends by member type.
Details tabThe Details tab provides a detailed, tabular breakdown of service data.
For customer analysis, member statistics and to reduce churn
HCSI QuickSight dashboard enhances your existing Sage Intacct and ServiceTitan data by combining financial, operational and census data to create and display interactive maps, tables and charts that highlight important trends and metrics. Data can be filtered by one or more dashboard visuals, refine data by date, entity, location and department and select the focus metric (housing units, median income, number of customers, etc.) for the heatmap.
4. Total revenue by date chart: Get a snapshot of total revenue distribution for a quick and
clear understanding of revenue allocation. You can use the chart drilldown to see data
broken down by GL account, location, department or member type.
5. Job count by department chart: Display the distribution of job counts by department to
highlight service demand.
2. Customer details: The customer details table provides a breakdown of revenue, customer
count, and job numbers by country, state, city and zip code.
3. Revenue breakout chart: The revenue breakout chart gives you a snapshot of revenue distribution for the year, quarter, month, week, or day broken down by GL account, location, department and member type. You can use the drill down options to see data grouped by different time periods and business units.
Customer Details table metrics
Members tab
The Members tab gives you a way to assess member distribution, duration and revenue trends by member type.
Members tab components
The QuickSight dashboard has three tabs based on perspectives of service data:
Summary tabThe Summary tab allows you to analyze customer demographics, revenue distribution and job counts.
Members tabThe Members tab gives you a way to assess member distribution, duration and revenue trends by member type.
Details tabThe Details tab provides a detailed, tabular breakdown of service data.
For marketing spend and targeting areas of expansion and staffing
HCSI enhances your existing Sage Intacct and ServiceTitan data by combining financial, operational and census data and overlaying it on a zip code-based heatmap. The Heatmap dashboard allows you to categorize customers based on invoice activity and membership status, so you can analyze revenue by customer type. Data can be filtered by zip code, location or department, so you can easily see overperforming and underperforming areas and critical information about market penetration.
Summary tab
Members tab
Details tab