Audit Readiness and Audit Examination Remediation Support
United States Department of Defense, Office of
the Undersecretary of Defense Comptroller
Company Background
Client Challenges
The Office of the Undersecretary of Defense Comptroller (OUSD(C)) required support to build an audit infrastructure to manage audit requirements; overcome material weaknesses; develop and implement corrective actions; and successfully integrate disparate business systems across the Department.
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OUSD(C) required support in its financial improvement and audit readiness process to meet the requirements.
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BDO's Solution
Strengthened the DoD’s auditability through the identification and remediation of internal control deficiencies; provided audit liaison support and audit management support; and improved organizational knowledge to support the sustainment of an audit ready operating environment.

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Value Delivered
Led the identification and reclassification of over $45 million of erroneously classified real property transactions.
Identified unique deficiencies contributing to audit impediments associated with the DoD’s IT infrastructure. This analysis provided the CIO the information needed to prioritize fixes and contributed to the closing of 15 prior year notice of findings and recommendations (NFRs).