Our Safran Arrius 2R engine offers a unique power to this short light single aircraft to take on demanding utility work and smooth transportation.
Bell 505
Powerful Engine Performance
The double doors on the Bell 505 let you load and unload equipment with ease. Why waste a second when every minute counts.
Load With Ease
Our two-bladed rotor system with a higher inertia adds an excellent auto-rotational capability. It gives you a powerful lift without any excess drag.
High Inertia Rotors
99 cubic feet of open cabin space, stowable and removable seats and integrated tie downs allow you to successfully complete your mission.
Flexible Cabin Space
With over a million flight hours, the proven 206L drive shaft system enhances reliability for pilots and mechanics.
Proven Legacy Drive System
Step up to the Mecaer Aviation Group’s Magnificent interior. Upgrades include modified pilot and passenger seats, carpet, new interior panels, headliner with PSU (Passenger Service Unit), USB Charging ports and additional storage.
Make Your Bell 505 Magnificent

Bell 505
Utility & Tourism
Advanced Training
Public Safety
Public Safety
Advanced Training
Utility & Tourism
Utility & Tourism
With 99 cubic feet and a flat floor, the Bell 505 effortlessly carries crew, customers or cargo for your mission.
Your Most Powerful Tool or Tour Guide.
Utility Mission Ready Configuration includes: Cargo Hook/Weighing System/Mirrors, Dual Pilot Controls, Foldable and Removeable Utility Seats
Mission Ready Configuration (MRC) Option: Yes
Flexible cabin includes easily foldable or removable seats
Reconfigurable and Ready
Baggage bay can fit 18 cubic feet/250 lbs of cargo
Easily removable dual pilot controls
Flat floor with 99ft of cabin and integrated tie downs
Next: Possibilities
Next: Reconfigurable and ready
Max cruise speed: 125kts
HOGE: 10,460 ft (ISA, MGW)
Wide power margin provided by 505 shp turbine engine
Cargo hook with 2,295 lb external load capability
Next: VIP Cabin
Simple, easy to complete pre-flight procedures
Crash attenuating seats provided for all 5 aircraft occupants
FADEC Engine control eases pilot workload and minimizes likelihood of limit exceedances
G1000H NXi Avionics provides outstanding aircrew situational awareness
Modern design brings ultimate control and safety
Next: modern design
18" wide seats with ample head space
Large doors for easy cabin access
Cabin space with 14 inches of legroom - 30% more than competition
New executive interior
VIP Cabin
Corporate Mission Ready Configuration can include: Premium Seats, Air Conditioning, Carpet, Headliner
With a spacious interior, the Bell 505 cabin can be customized to exceed your expectations. Own your flight with a comfortable business class experience at an affordable price.
True Business-Class Comfort
Next: Robust & Durable
Next Generation Glass Cockpit
Next: Next Generation Glass Cockpit
Safran Arrius 2R engine with dual-channel Full Authority Digital Engine Control (FADEC)
Energy-attenuating seats
For your safety:
Optional dual-pilot controls for efficient student-flight instructor interaction
The Ideal Trainer
Trainer Mission Ready Configuration includes: Full length trainer shoes, rotor brake, cargo hook equipment
Join generations of military and civilian pilots who learned to fly with confidence. With a glass cockpit and new avionics, the Bell 505 combines an upgraded platform with the familiarity of the Bell 206 to empower new pilots.
A Trusted Platform
Advanced Turbine Training
Crash-resistant fuel tanks
4-point seat belts
Moving Map Display
Helicopter Terrain Awareness and Warning
Traffic Information System
Optional flight displays increase situational awareness:
FADEC system to increase fuel efficiency and reliability
Fully integrated Garmin G1000H NXi flight deck with twin 10.4" LED back-lit displays
“Pathways in the Sky” Display
Garmin’s Helicopter Synthetic Vision Technology™
Next: The ideal trainer
Drive system provided by proven, simple 206L-4 transmission and rotor component
Rugged air-frame delivers stable, comfortable ride in turbulent conditions
Proven Durability with full auto-rotation capability
Robust and Durable
High inertia rotor system provides excellent auto-rotation capability
Next: Operator-Driven Design
Rising operating cost
Challenge: Aging OH-58 Fleet
Case Study: Sacramento Police Department
Next: Case Study
Lower costs drives more flight hours, providing more support to officers on ground
Very low-cost alternative to larger aircraft
The Bell 505 has among the lowest acquisition and operating cost of public safety aircraft on the market
95% of Mission Solution, Only 50% Cost
Next: Mission Solution
Greater than 3 hrs endurance allows for most ALE missions (patrol, command/control, etc)
Superior visibility enhances law enforcement operations
Operator-Driven Design
Public Safety Mission Ready Configuration includes: EO/IR Camera, Searchlight, HD Tactical Display, Public Address Speaker.
Outfitted with the same equipment as more expensive aircraft at nearly half of the cost, explore the opportunity to enhance or create your own Airborne Public Safety unit.
Full Awareness, Less Cost
Public Safety
Integrated glass cockpit allows for maximum safety and control
Simple pre-flight procedures for fast call to action
Life Cycle Cost will be significantly less than any Long Light Single
Outdated mission equipment
Advanced avionics
Solution: The Bell 505
Bell 505’s thermal imaging and infrared helped SPD capture two suspects shortly after delivery
Ergonomic seats
Air Operations Team flies comfortably during long missions
Maintenance and operation
Easy and low cost Enhanced safety – Certified to latest safety standards
Speeds of 125 knots and useful load of 1,500 pounds - provides high performance to meet the SPD’s mission
Next: explore the platform
Baggage bay can fit 18 cubic feet of cargo and provides ample space for medical supplies
In less than five minutes, you can install or uninstall a Med-Pac EMS-LITE interior, ideal for keeping your aircraft multi-mission capable.
Rapid Multi-mission Capability
Next: Rapid Multi-Mission Capability
Easy to access navigational and waypoint data simplifies flight planning and management
Large windows deliver excellent all-around crew visibility
Save money and go farther.
Flexible open cabin with removable seats and wide 55" doors allow for affordable HEMS
Explore the only short, single-light platform capable of completing HEMS missions
HEMS Mission Ready Configurations includes: Casualty Evac or HEMS Interior
Expand your HEMS market with an affordable new option, covering over 90% of the same area of a larger HEMS aircraft within the golden hour for nearly 50% of the cost.
Safe and Affordable
Mission Ready Configuration (MRC) Option: Yes
Mission Ready Configuration (MRC) Option: Yes
Mission Ready Configuration (MRC) Option: Yes
Mission Ready Configuration (MRC) Option: Yes
Open cabin and forward-facing seats give passengers or students better views during flight
Delivering Performance When Your Community Needs it.

Fully integrated Garmin G1000H™ NXi Avionics System with twin 10.4” LCD screens reduces pilot workload.
14,450 ft / 4,404 m
Bell 505
Hover Ceiling IGE
10,460 ft / 3,188 m
Hover Ceiling OGE
125 kts | 231 km/h
Max Cruise
*No Reserves, 60 KIAS
Max Endurance*
*MGW, Sea Level, ISA, No Reserve
Range at VLRC*
18,610 ft PA / 5,672 m PA
Service Ceiling
306 nm | 566 km
> 3.9 hrs
18 ft / 0.5 m
Baggage Compartment Volume
22 ft / 2.0 m
Cabin Floor Area*
2,180 lbs / 989 kg
Empty Weight
(Base aircraft)
2,295 lbs / 1,041 kg
Useful Load
1,500 lbs / 680 kg
Internal Useful Load
4,475 lbs / 2,030 kg
Max Gross Weight (External)
3,680 lbs / 1,669 kg
Max Gross
Weight (Internal)
*Includes Copilot area of 10 ft²/0.9 m²
459 shp / 342 kW
Max Continuous
505 shp / 377 kW
Airport Diagrams
Diagnostics/Maintenance Page
Moving Map Display
Traffic Information System (TIS)
Engine Instruments and Crew Alerting System (EICAS)
Power Situation Indicator (PSI)
Flight Planning
Traffic Alert System (TAS)
“Pathway in the Sky” display
Garmin’s Helicopter Synthetic Vision Technology™ (HSVT)
Helicopter Terrain Awareness and Warning System (HTAWS)
Optional flight displays increase situational awareness:
Standard avionics features include:
Safran Arrius 2R (Uninstalled Thermodynamic Rating)
Flight Stream 510

Customer Advantage Plan (CAP)
Bell 505
Take back the time you need to keep flying. Reduce inventory, optimize staffing and minimize AOG costs.
Simplified Operations
Maximize aircraft resale with OEM-approved parts and transferrable Premier CAP plans.
Protected Aircraft Value
Aircraft Coverage
DMC Competitive
Over 100+ CSFs to Support You
Click to view our full list of benefits
CAP Benefits
Premier Plan
Standard Plan
New aircraft only
Low annual flight hour customers
No minimum annual flight hours
5 years or 2,000 hours
No minimum annual flight hours
5 years and unlimited hours
New aircraft and fielded fleet
High annual flight hour customers
CAP Benefits
Predictable maintenance costs
Priority access to parts and assemblies
Enhanced parts forecasting capability
Reduction in your transactions and suppliers
Complete airframe coverage
Maximized aircraft’s residual value
Increased aircraft availability
Costs aligned with aircraft usage
Ease of maintenance and planning
From costs to scheduling, we handle surprises, so you don’t have to.
Worry-Free Predictability
From costs to scheduling, we handle surprises, so you don’t have to.
Worry-Free Predictability
Take back the time you need to keep flying. Reduce inventory, optimize staffing and minimize AOG costs.
No waiting in line for the right part. Receive exclusive access to our OEM-backed rotable inventory.
Receive 1-on-1 support 24/7 from your personal account manager and our global support network.
Maximize aircraft resale
with OEM-approved parts and transferable Premier CAP plans.
Aircraft Value
From costs to scheduling, we handle surprises, so you don’t have to.
Worry-Free Predictability
Tap each icon to learn more.
CAP Benefits
Receive 1-on-1 support 24/7 from your personal account manager and our global support network.
Protected Aircraft Value
No waiting in line for the right part. Receive exclusive access to our OEM-backed rotable inventory.
VIP Experience
With our Blades & Avionics CAP, pay one amount upfront to cover your new Bell 505’s blades and avionics for up to five years or 1000 flight hours - whichever milestone you hit first.
Bell 505 Blades & Avionics CAP