Go From Stress To Strength
With specifically formulated, high-quality ingredients to support a healthy stress response in the body, there’s a good reason why Executive B is Australia’s #1 stress formula.
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Australia’s #1
Stress Formula
Blackmores Executive B Stress Formula is specifically formulated to support a healthy stress response in the body including:
Eight essential B complex vitamins
Magnesium, Oats and Passion Flower
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Supports general health and wellbeing
Maintains energy levels and production
Maintains healthy nervous system function and health
Nervous System Health
Supports healthy stress response in body
Stress Support
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Available at leading pharmacies & retail stores
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Actionable advice to reduce stress,
delivered to you, weekly.
3 ways to stress less
Trouble sleeping?
Embrace the slow life
Be more mindful
Digital minimalism
Stress and the immune system
11,396 Views / 1 min to read
Managing work-related stress better
14,361 Views / 1 min to read
Stress - symptoms, causes and management tips
7,265 Views / 1 min to read
How to fight fatigue, no caffeine required
6,593 Views / 2 min to read
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The Top 4 Ways to
Manage Stress
Restful sleep
Research shows that it’s harder to cope with stressful events and situations that crop up when we’re tired, mostly because when we haven’t had enough sleep we tend to react more strongly to those events.
A nutritious diet
A 2021 Study revealed that people who eat more fruit and vegetables are less stressed than people with lower intakes. The wide range of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants linked to better mental wellbeing is thought to be key.
Daily movement
Research shows that just one 30-minute exercise session can dampen down stress levels for hours afterwards, thanks to the positive impact it has on areas of the brain that regulate emotions.
Lend a helping hand
Providing help to others has been found to ‘’buffer’’ against the negative impact day-to-day stress can have. Something as simple as holding a door open for someone or asking if they need help reaching something in the supermarket can deliver a protective effect.
Always read the label and follow the directions for use.
How to fight fatigue, no caffeine required
474 Views / 1 min to read
Stress - symptoms, causes and management tips
7,265 Views / 1 min to read
Managing work-related stress better
14,361 Views / 1 min to read
Stress and the immune system
11,396 Views / 1 min to read
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