There are many circumstances where it can be appropriate to establish a trust during one’s lifetime, whether for tax planning, to protect vulnerable beneficiaries, or to secure certain assets for the next generation.
We know how important it is to protect the family’s wealth. We can assist in creating and advising on Canadian and international ownership structures and arrangements, designed to preserve assets for the global family.
Domestic and International Trust Planning
We often use trusts as Will substitutes, such as alter ego trusts and joint spousal trusts, where appropriate to pre-emptively protect against Will challenges, reduce taxes, ease administrative burdens on death, and protect privacy.
Using Will Substitutes
We work with Canadians and international private clients with assets in Canada to ensure that their assets pass on to their intended beneficiaries. We use testamentary trust structures where appropriate for family, disability, and tax planning, including for our cross-border clients. Our planning is done with a holistic approach in mind, seeking simplicity where possible.
Will Planning
Many people experience health or other situations that require the support of others to make decisions on their behalf. We work with Canadians and international private clients with assets in Canada to ensure that their financial and personal care decisions are made by people they trust following our clients’ directives.
Powers of Attorney, Mandates,
Health Directives