Unmatched experience
BLG represents the vast majority of English, French-language, public and
Catholic boards in Ontario
and hundreds of independent schools across Canada,
either directly or through their associations. We’ve been involved in central bargaining, central arbitrations, and all
the province-wide strikes and work-to-rules in Ontario since the inception of the School Boards Collective
Bargaining Act.
We have some of Canada’s best legal minds, with significant wins for school boards in matters ranging from data breaches and privacy, real estate, construction, crisis management, litigation, tax, health and safety, and municipal law. Our institutional memory saves you time and money.
One-stop service
We offer sensible resolution of everyday issues (usually in one day), expert handling of crises, and well-coordinated advice on large projects. Our relationships with arbitrators and union counsel help us resolve matters quickly and smoothly. Our volume of work means contracts, collective agreement provisions, settlements and bylaws are never drafted from scratch.
Practical, efficient solutions
We’d be happy to provide a complementary 30-minute presentation to your school
or board on today’s hot-button issues, including workplace investigations, cybersecurity and privacy, anti-racism, safe schools protocols, boundary training and social media. Reach out to Melissa or
John-Paul to schedule your
in-person or virtual session.
Generous with know-how
You’ll find us everywhere: presenting at conferences;
doing in-services for principals, superintendents, associations and boards; advising the representative bodies for boards and independent schools; and engaging with the Canadian
Bar Association and other
groups on education law. Our ransomware workshop at the 2024 Canadian School Boards' Association Congress was the highest rated of all sessions.
Sought-after experts
As the exclusive law firm
for the two most prestigious independent school associations in Canada,
BLG is the authority on independent schools and
the law. Whether you’re buying land, have been contacted by CRA or face scrutiny in a high-stakes situation, we understand that your reputation is everything.
The independent school’s go-to
On the forefront of what matters
in education