Fusions et acquisitions
Questions réglementaires et services-conseils
liés aux produits
Propriété intellectuelle
Questions visant les sociétés
Cybersécurité et protection des données
Contrats commerciaux
Investissements étrangers
Hover over icons to find out more
Coentreprises, rachat par
capital-investissement, dessaisissements, opérations de restructuration
Questions réglementaires et de conformité, responsabilité du fait du produit, réglementation des paiements, gestion des risques
Brevets, secrets commerciaux, marques de commerce, droits d’auteur
Conventions d’actionnaires,
régimes de rémunération des fondateurs, gouvernance d’entreprise
Conformité, gestion des risques,
réponse aux incidents, Loi canadienne anti-pourriel (LCAP)
Capital de risque, capital-investissement, premiers appels publics à l’épargne
Développement de logiciels, ententes de service et d’externalisation, concession de licences de PI, contrats d’approvisionnement, ententes de confidentialité, coentreprises
Examens aux termes de la Loi sur Investissement Canada, concurrence, antitrust
Arbitrage, procédures judiciaires, actions collectives, responsabilité du fait du produit, enquêtes
Nous pouvons ainsi vous épauler à toutes les étapes du cycle de vie des technologies, notamment pour ce qui touche les éléments suivants :
Financial services businesses deal with highly sensitive information
and a breach of any size can lead
to major loss. BLG’s privacy and data protection team is globally recognized and was awarded a national top-tier ranking by Chambers in 2022. We can assist you on consumer protection compliance requirements, evolving open banking considerations, usage of personal data, risk management, incident response plans and crisis management.
Privacy and data protection
Whether you are looking to develop new financial services and product programs, execute M&A transactions, or enter into a partnership or joint venture transaction, we can help make your deal a reality. We can also help you structure B2B and B2C contracts, license and outsource technology, and negotiate agreements with financial service providers and financial institutions.
Corporate commercial and M&A
We cover all sides of the transaction and frequently act
as counsel to investors, funds, entrepreneurs, and financial
service providers in relation to
coin or token offerings, digital asset-focused fund formation, equity and debt financing, and initial public offerings. We have
the full picture to evaluate and advise at any step.
Financing and capital markets
We are frequently consulted on legal and regulatory questions and challenges that financial services providers face, including Canada’s largest banks, financial institutions, payment networks, acquirers, issuers, FinTechs, other alternative financial services providers, governmental bodies, authorities and regulators, as well as global businesses with Canadian activities.
Regulatory compliance
Let us be a part of your long-term digital vision
Shareholder agreements, founder compensation plans and corporate governance
Corporate matters
Compliance, risk management, incident response, Canada’s
Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL)
Cybersecurity and
data protection
Financing, venture capital, private equity and initial public offerings
Procurement, software development, outsourcing and service arrangements, IP licensing, supply agreements, NDAs and joint ventures
Commercial contracts
Reviews under the Investment Canada Act, competition,
anti-trust matters
Foreign investment