Commissioner of US Customs and Border Protection (retired), White House Office of National Drug Control Policy Director (former), and Seattle Chief of Police (former) Gil Kerlikowske
Middlesex County Sheriff Peter Koutoujian
Essex County Sheriff Kevin F. Coppinger
Barnstable County Sheriff Donna Buckley
Boston Police Commissioner (retired) Ed Davis
New Orleans Chief of Police (retired) Ron Serpas
Boston College Chief of Police and Boston Police Commissioner (retired)
William Evans
Washington, D.C., Metropolitan Police Chief of Police (retired) and Philadelphia Police Commissioner (retired) Charles Ramsey
East Bridgewater Chief of Police (retired) Scott Allen
Plymouth Chief of Police (retired) Mike Botieri
Gloucester Chief of Police Edward Conley
Jeffersontown, Ky., Police Major (retired) Brittney Garrett
Rockport Chief of Police John Horvath
Marblehead Chief of Police Dennis King
Arlington Chief of Police (retired) Fredrick Ryan
Flagler County, Fla., Sheriff (retired) James Manfre
New York Police Lieutenant (retired) Joanne Naughton
Canton, Miss., Police Assistant Chief (retired) Juan Cloy
Washington, D.C., Metropolitan Police Officer (retired) Ronald E. Hampton
Rochester, N.Y., Police Chief (retired) Wayne P. Harris
Tucson Police Chief (retired) Chris Magnus
Baltimore Police Detective (retired) Deborah B. Ramsey
Emeryville, Calif., Police Chief (retired) Jennifer Tejada
Seattle Police Chief (retired) Norm Stamper
Baltimore Police Major (retired) Mike Hilliard
Los Angeles Police Deputy Chief (retired) Stephen Downing
New York Police Officer (former) Jeff Kaufman
Montgomery County, Md., Police Captain (retired) Sonia Y. W. Pruitt
San Diego Sheriff’s Department Commander (retired) David Myers
Michigan State Police Detective Sergeant (retired) Theodore L. Nelson
Albany Police Chief (retired) Brendan Cox
Sinclair Community College (Dayton, Ohio) Public Safety Chief
Thomas N. Thompson
Gun violence continues to ravage our country, with mass shootings of four or more people daily, and shootings are now the leading cause of death for children in America. Moreover, 2023 is on pace to set a new record for mass shootings and deaths. Last year, there were over 650 mass shootings, and this year there have already been more mass shootings and school shootings than the number of days in the year.
Don’t let an assault weapon end another life.
A woman stood at a growing memorial for victims of a mass shooting in Half Moon Bay, Calif. On Jan. 23, 2023, seven people were killed and another injured during the shooting, which took place on two mushroom farms. (Carlos Avila Gonzalez/San Francisco Chronicle via AP)
JAN 25, 2023
We, the undersigned, implore Congress to enact a new national ban on all military-style assault weapons and ammunition magazines greater than five rounds. We, and the law-abiding people we serve, should be provided the same respect and consideration our hunting laws currently provide to protect populations of game animals. It will save lives and will not infringe on law-abiding citizens’ rights.
Law enforcement
Still, many in Congress remain stubbornly aligned with the largely unregulated gun industry, refusing to take action on civilian access to military-style assault weapons, including AR-15 assault rifles and large-capacity ammunition magazines involved in many mass shootings. As law enforcement officers, survivors of gun violence, gun owners, policy makers, public health workers, faith leaders, businesspeople, and union members, we respect and support the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. However, as Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia wrote in the 2008 District of Columbia v. Heller ruling, “Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose.”
A person reacted while visiting the memorial outside the Star Ballroom Dance Studio where a mass shooting took place on Jan. 25, 2023, in Monterey Park, Calif. Eleven people died and nine more were injured at the studio. (Mario Tama/Getty Images)
JAN 25, 2023
Scalia further noted that present-day military-style assault weapons did not exist at the time of the nation’s founding and are not protected by the Second Amendment. He stated that “nothing in our opinion should be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of firearms.”
MARCH 29, 2023
MARCH 29, 2023
MARCH 29, 2023
MARCH 29, 2023
MARCH 29, 2023
MARCH 29, 2023
MARCH 29, 2023
MARCH 29, 2023
FEB. 13, 2023
A woman cried while singing at a prayer vigil for the victims of a mass shooting on July 5 in Philadelphia. The shooting left five people dead; a 2-year-old boy and a 13-year-old were also shot but survived. (Matt Slocum/AP)
This image of a bullet-damaged prayer book was introduced as a court exhibit on May 30, 2023, in the federal trial of a gunman who was convicted June 16 for killing 11 people in a mass shooting at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh on Oct. 27, 2018. Tree of Life Rabbi Jeffrey Myers testified at the trial that the book serves as a “witness to the horror of that day.” (Department of Justice via AP)
Wilson Garcia became emotional during a vigil for his 9-year-old son, Daniel Enrique Laso, on April 30, 2023, in Cleveland, Texas. Garcia’s son and wife were among five people killed allegedly by their neighbor on April 28 after the neighbor was asked to stop firing rounds in his yard. (David J. Phillip/AP)
On May 14, 2023, one year after a mass shooting at a Buffalo supermarket that left 10 dead and three injured, Naujaj Buchanan, 2, nestled close to a portrait of her godmother, shooting victim Geraldine Talley, at a remembrance for the victims. (Libby March/The Buffalo News via AP)
People stood outside a commercial building in Atlanta on May 3, 2023, after a shooting. One person was killed and four injured. (Ben Gray/AP)
Mourners attended a vigil on April 16, 2023, the day after a mass shooting at the Mahogany Masterpiece dance studio in Dadeville, Ala. At least four people were shot and killed at a teenager's birthday party, with 32 injured. (Photo by Megan Varner/Getty Images)
Arthur Vance, 75, donated platelets at the American Red Cross following a mass shooting in Louisville, Ky. On the morning of April 10, 2023, a gunman opened fire inside the Old National Bank building, killing five people and injuring eight others. ( Michael Swensen/Getty Images)
A group prayed with a child outside a reunification center after a mass school shooting at The Covenant School in Nashville, on March 27, 2023. Three 9-year-old children and three adults were killed in the shooting. (John Bazemore/AP)
Nisreen Hajaj was comforted on May 9 at a memorial near the scene of a shooting at the Allen Premium Outlets in Allen, Texas, on May 6, 2023. Eight people were killed by the shooter, including a 3-year-old boy, and at least seven were injured. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)
Abel Lopez and a relative comforted Felicha Martinez, Lopez's wife, during a panic attack while their granddaughter Katalina Mata, 2, looked on, months after their son Xavier was killed. (Tamir Kalifa/The New York Times)
A mourner hugged Jerome Lloyd-Anderson and Dawana Davis, father and mother of Michigan State University shooting victim Arielle Anderson, at a funeral in Detroit, on Feb. 21, 2023. (Paul Sancya/AP)
Ban assault weapons.
The public’s access to military-style assault weapons and large-capacity ammunition magazines is deadly to law enforcement officers and the public. While a bullet from a typical handgun is designed to penetrate a person’s soft tissue and lacerate organs, a high-velocity round from a military-style weapon is designed to expand and cause maximum soft tissue and organ damage — often proving fatal and rendering victims, especially children, unrecognizable. These high-powered firearms and military ammunition rounds are also specifically designed to penetrate soft body armor, outgun police officers, and kill as many people as possible without the need to reload. By contrast, typical law enforcement service weapons are handguns with 15-round ammunition magazines, and officers — and those they seek to protect — are placed at great risk when forced to reload.
While easily concealable handguns account for the majority of the average daily 130 firearm deaths and 150 injuries (including a child shot every 30 minutes and seven killed every day), many mass shootings occur with military-style assault weapons and large-capacity ammunition magazines carrying 30 or more rounds. The semiautomatic AR-15, which has accounted for millions of gun sales, was modeled after the M4 carbine and the M16, which was intended for use on the battlefield, not America’s streets.
Assault weapons have no useful purpose for hunting or sport. Hunters are required to obtain a state license and the number of rounds they can carry in their hunting rifles is limited. Duck and deer hunters are limited to three and five rounds, respectively, to protect duck and deer populations. Incredibly, when the purpose is to shoot humans and overpower police officers who have 15 rounds before having to reload, there’s no federal law requiring a gun license or a limit on the number of rounds in a magazine.
Law enforcement officials are on the front lines and are routinely outgunned by shooters using military-style weapons. They’re dedicated to serving and protecting the people in their communities. Still, as long as Congress allows access to more powerful handguns and rifles designed for war, without even a criminal background check in 32 states, law enforcement officials’ lives are increasingly at risk. Their hands are tied, limiting their ability to keep citizens safe and stop the mass shootings in their communities.
In 1994, law enforcement — including every major national association representing over 450,000 police officers — led the effort to enact the Federal Assault Weapons Ban. Yet Congress allowed the ban to expire in 2004, even though during the 10-year ban there was a 66 percent reduction in the use of banned assault weapons at crime scenes, proving that such a ban effectively saved lives and reduced preventable mass shootings — without prohibiting most firearms.
Therefore, we implore Congress to enact a new national ban on all military-style assault weapons and ammunition magazines greater than five rounds. Our nation’s citizens should be provided the same respect and consideration our hunting laws currently provide to protect populations of game animals. It will save lives and will not infringe on law-abiding citizens’ rights.
Abbey Clements, Sandy Hook Elementary School, Newtown, Conn., cofounder of Teachers Unify to End Gun Violence
Gloria Cazares, mother of Jackie Cazares, murdered at Robbs
Elementary School, Uvalde, Texas
Jaclyn Corin, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, Parkland, Fla.,
cofounder of March For Our Lives
David Hogg, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, Parkland, Fla.,
cofounder of March For Our Lives
Ryan Deitsch, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, Parkland, Fla.
Megan Ackerman, family member of multiple gun violence victims
Pamela Barsam Brown, daughter of Sybil Melcon Barsam Sylvestre,
murdered in California
Elaine Becker, Roanoke, Va.
Denise Brown, parent of Roman E. Bradley, murdered in Miami
Cynthia Bruce, parent of Marcus Downer, murdered in Baltimore
Amy Bruner, daughter of Richard Bruner, murdered in Des Moines
Kimberly Brusk, domestic and gun violence survivor, Michigan
Andrea Chamblee, wife of John McNamara, murdered at
the Capital Gazette News, Annapolis, Md.
Ellen Crafts, daughter of Robert Scherer who died by suicide by gun
Jessica Craven, cousin to Kristin who took her own life with a handgun
Romania Dukes, parent of De'Michael Dukes,
murdered in Miami
Shenna Foster, parent of Walter Thomas, murdered in Waldorf, Md.
Paul Friedman, grandnephew of Elizabeth Shulkin, murdered in Miami
Diana Garlington, mother of Esscence T. Christal, killed in Providence
Greg Gibson, author of “Gone Boy” and father of Galen Gibson, murdered with an assault rifle at Simon’s Rock college
Wayne Gilbert, brother of Dr. Ronald Gilbert, murdered in Newport Beach, Calif.
Tonya R. Godwin-Baines, daughter of Robert Godwin, murdered in Cleveland
Marion Gray-Hopkins, mother of Gary Hopkins Jr., murdered in Lanham, Md.
Roxanna Green, parent of Christina-Taylor Green, murdered in the Safeway Tucson mass shooting
Lori Haas, parent of student survivor of the Virginia Tech massacre
Holly Hall, survivor of California State University, Fullerton 1976 massacre
Cyrena Arokium, Sandy Hook Elementary School, Newtown, Conn.
CJ Hoekenga, Sandy Hook Elementary School, Newtown, Conn.,
cofounder of Safer Tomorrow
Jackie Hegarty, Sandy Hook Elementary School, Newtown, Conn.
Pamela Hight, mother of Ya-Quin English, murdered in Troy, N.Y.
Renee Hopkins, brother of Arnie, fatally shot at his school in Moses Lake, Wash.
Christine Ilewski, daughter of John who committed suicide
Celeste Iroha, niece of Noel Njoku, murdered while working as a DoorDash driver in Maryland
Rachael Joseph, niece of Shelley Joseph-Kordell, murdered in Minnesota courthouse shooting
Farideh Kioumehr-Dadsetan, aunt of Kian Joon
Rachel Krauss, Sandy Hook Elementary School, Newtown, Conn.
Camila Kuntz, aunt of Jonathan Michael O’Shaughnessy, killed in Minnesota
Gwendolyn La Croix, mother of Jonah who took his own life
with an unsecured firearm
Vita Larkin, cousin of Joseph, killed in an armed robbery
Marsha Lee, mother of Tommy Lee, murdered in Illinois
Sarah Lerner, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, Parkland, Fla., cofounder of Teachers Unify to End Gun Violence
Denise Marks, Dover, Del.
Cathy Marshall, Dexter Township, Mich.
Melody Geddis McFadden, daughter of Patricia Ann Geddis, killed in South Carolina, and aunt of Sandy Pa’Trice Geddis Barnwell, killed in Myrtle Beach, S.C.
Miriam Meisler, family member of gun violence victim, Ann Arbor, Mich.
Charlene Mokos Hoverter, sister of Diane Mokos Kriz, fatally shot in Chicago
Sydney Montstream-Quas, cousin of Johnny Montstream,
murdered in Rochester, N.Y.
Giselle Morch, mother of Jaycee Webster, fatally shot in Maryland
Emily Nottingham, mother of Gabe Zimmerman, murdered in the Safeway Tucson mass shooting
Mia Livas Porter, sister of Cipriano C. Livas Jr. who died by gun suicide
Deborah Parker, parent of Lindsay, murdered in Chandler, Ariz.,
with an AR-15-style rifle
Nicholas Payne, father or Rebecca, murdered in Mission Hill, Boston
Maria Pike, mother of Ricky Pike, shot in Chicago
Laura Pitchford, sister of a Salon Meritage mass shooting victim
in Seal Beach, Calif.
Cristen Rescigno, cousin of Daniel Barden, murdered at Sandy Hook Elementary School, Newtown, Conn.
Judi and Wayne Richardson, parents of Darien, killed in Maine
Gail Schwartz, aunt of Alex Schachter, murdered at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, Parkland, Fla.
Kaylee Reder, Saugus High School shooting, Santa Clarita, Calif.
Jaimee Roeschke, Saugus High School shooting, Santa Clarita, Calif.
Madison Roeschke, Saugus High School shooting, Santa Clarita, Calif.
Aimee Roeschke, parent of Madison and Jaimee who survived
Saugus High School shooting
Carol Rodgers, shooting survivor from Elk Grove, Calif.
Mia Safford-Lee, sister to Thomas R. Lee II, murdered in Harvey, Ill.
Joseph Sakran, shot in throat with a .38-caliber in Burke, Va.,
now a trauma surgeon
Alicia Schemel, daughter of Captain Donald M. Schemel, murdered in Illinois
Clare Senchyna, mother of Camilo Senchyna-Beltran, killed in San Francisco
Ruth Senchyna, aunt of Camilo Senchyna-Beltran, killed in San Francisco
Tiffany Shepis-Tretta, mother of Mia, injured in Saugus High School shooting, Santa Clarita, Calif.
Kristin and Mike Song, parents of Ethan, killed at neighbor’s house with unsecured gun, in Guilford, Conn.
Barbara Stowe, sister to Patricia Springer, shot in North Carolina by ex-boyfriend
Danika Sudik, partner of Christian Reynoso, murdered in Sun Valley, Calif.
Giesela Tanner, mother of Ellis Reed, fatally shot in Fullerton, Calif.
Jessica Treat, mother of Michael Lopretta, murdered in Fairfield, Calif.
Ka Lor Vang, sister of Gina Xiong, murdered on Mother’s Day in Stockton, Calif.
Sedona Verrett, Edmund Burke school shooting survivor, Washington, D.C.
Tamara Verrett, mother of a student who survived Edmund Burke school shooting, Washington, D.C.
Michele Voigt, niece of Louise Zylwitis who died by suicide with a gun
Bethany Webb, sister of Laura Webb, murdered in Salon Meritage mass shooting in Seal Beach, Calif.
Elizabeth Wiegard, mother of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School (Parkland, Fla.) shooting survivor Emma Gonzalez
Jane Weiss, aunt of Veronika, murdered in the Isla Vista, Calif., mass shooting
Stacey Wesch, mother of Olivia Wesch, survivor of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School (Parkland, Fla.) shooting
Nicole Williams, mother of Antonio Maurice Wilson Jr., murdered in Los Angeles
Greta Willis, parent of Kevin L. Cooper, fatally shot by police
when he was 14 years old, Baltimore
Missy Zeitsoff, mother of Justin, murdered in Los Angeles
Megan O’Donnell Clements, survivor of Las Vegas music festival mass shooting where the gunman used a Smith & Wesson AR-15 manufactured in Massachusetts
Nicole Cook, parent of child who survived the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School (Parkland, Fla.) mass shooting where the gunman used a Smith & Wesson AR-15 manufactured in Massachusetts
Fred Guttenberg, parent of Jamie, murdered in Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School (Parkland, Fla.) mass shooting with a Smith & Wesson AR-15 manufactured in Massachusetts
Stephanie Jacobs, survivor of Highland Park, Ill., mass shooting where the gunman used a Smith & Wesson AR-15 manufactured in Massachusetts
Abby Kisicki, survivor of the Highland Park, Ill., mass shooting where the gunman used a Smith & Wesson AR-15 manufactured in Massachusetts
Manuel and Patricia Oliver, parents of Joaquin, murdered in Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School (Parkland, Fla.) mass shooting with a Smith & Wesson AR-15 manufactured in Massachusetts
Lonnie and Sandy Phillips, parents of Jessica, murdered in
Aurora, Colo., with a Smith & Wesson AR-15 manufactured in Massachusetts
Samuel Schwartz, cousin of Alex Schachter, murdered in Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School (Parkland, Fla.) mass shooting with a Smith & Wesson AR-15 manufactured in Massachusetts
Angela Weber, gun owner and parent of survivor of mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School (Parkland, Fla.) where the gunman used a Smith & Wesson AR-15 manufactured in Massachusetts
Garnell Whitfield, son of Ruth Whitfield, murdered in Buffalo with an AR-15
Fred and MJ Wright, parents of Jerry, murdered at Pulse nightclub in Orlando with a SIG Sauer MCX
Chaplain Clementina Chéry, president and CEO of the Louis D. Brown Peace Institute and mother of Louis D. Brown, caught in the cross fire
of a shootout in Dorchester
Cardinal Sean P. O’Malley, OFM Cap., archbishop, Boston Archdiocese
The Most Rev. William D. Byrne, bishop, Springfield Archdiocese
The Most Rev. Robert J. McManus, bishop, Worcester Diocese
The Most Rev. Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., bishop, Fall River Diocese
The Rev. Anne E. Derse, deacon, St. John’s Norwood Episcopal Church
The Rev. Dr. Kharma Amos, minister, Unitarian Universalist Church
of Brunswick, Maine
The Rev. Sari Ateek, rector of St. John’s Episcopal Church,
Norwood Parish, Maryland
The Rev. Eugene Dyszlewski, pastor, Lime Rock Baptist Church, Lincoln, R.I.
The Rev. Dr. Cynthia Good, Calvary Church Arlington
Pastor Ray Hammond of Greater Boston Interfaith Organization
The Rev. Gloria White-Hammond, co-pastor, Bethel AME Church, Boston
The Rev. Burns Stanfield, president of Greater Boston Interfaith Organization
The Rev. Holly R. Jackson, pastor, United Church of Christ of Germantown, Md.
The Rev. Jeffrey Brown, associate pastor, Twelfth Baptist Church, Roxbury, and cochair, Board of Directors, Embrace Boston
The Rev. Hope Christensen, executive director, The Dietrich Bonhoeffer Institute
The Rev. Michele H. Morgan, St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Capitol Hill, D.C.
The Rev. Dr. Frances W. Rosenau, pastor, Culver City Presbyterian,
and niece of Bryan McCracken who died by gun suicide
The Rev. Rob Schenck, D.Min., founder of The Dietrich Bonhoeffer Institute
Jeremy Langill, executive minister, Rhode Island State Council of Churches
The Rev. Jason Smith, executive director, BPFNA/Bautistas por la Paz
The Rev. Robert Tiller, American Baptist Church (retired)
The Rev. David Wright, executive director of Black Ministerial Alliance of Boston
The Rev. Laura Martin, associate pastor, Rock Spring UCC, Arlington, Va.
The Rev. Phyllis Myung, associate pastor, Acton
The Rev. Jennifer Whipple, associate pastor, Congregational Church
of Brookfield, Conn.
Sister Diane Smith, St. Joseph of Carondelet
Sister Rose Therese Nolta, SSpS, Holy Spirit Missionary Sisters, USA-JPIC
Senior Rabbi Audrey Marcus Berkman, Temple Ohabei Shalom, Brookline
Senior Rabbi Claudia Kreiman, TBZ, Brookline
Rabbi Danny Burkeman, Temple Shir Tikva, Wayland
Rabbi Wes Gardenswartz, Temple Emanuel, Newton
Rabbi Suzie Jacobson, Temple Israel, Boston
Rabbi Jay Perlman, Temple Beth Shalom, Needham
Rabbi Jonah Dov Pesner, director of the Religious Action Center
of Reform Judaism
Rabbi Michelle Robinson, Temple Emanuel, Newton
Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg, scholar in residence, National Council of Jewish Women
Rabbi Benjamin J. Samuels, PhD, Congregation Shaarei Tefillah, Newton
Rabbi Cantor Hollis Schachner, Temple Shir Tikva, Wayland
Rabbi Toba Spitzer, Congregation Dorshei Tzedek and MA Board of Rabbis (former)
Rabbi Elaine Zecher, Temple Israel, Boston
Amanda Berman, executive director of Zioness Movement
Sheila Katz, CEO, National Council of Jewish Women
Athena Fulay, Community of Sant’Egidio
Kathleen Higgins, worship leader, WellSprings UU Congregation
Margaret Hilton, St. John’s Episcopal Church, Bethesda-Chevy Chase, Maryland
Angela Howard-McParland, Sisters of Mercy of the Americas, Rhode Island
Sister Maria Orlandini, of St. Francis of Philadelphia, Franciscan Action Network
Susan Bender, representing the DC Area Interfaith Network of 54 faith leaders
The Rev. David Wright, Esq., Peoples Baptist Church, Roxbury
The Rev. Irene Monroe, coproducer of “All Rev’d Up” podcast
Faith leaders
Representative Katherine Clark, Democratic whip
Representative James McGovern
Representative Bill Keating
Representative Steve Lynch
Representative Seth Moulton
Representative Lori Trahan
Representative Jake Auchincloss
Representative Ayanna Pressley
Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey
Boston Mayor Michelle Wu
Massachusetts House Speaker Ronald Mariano
Massachusetts Senate President Karen Spilka
State Representative Marjorie Decker
State Representative James Arena-DeRosa
State Representative Jennifer Armini
State Representative Christine Barber
State Representative Ruth Balser
State Representative Peter Capano
State Representative Daniel Carey
State Representative Tackey Chan
State Representative Michelle Ciccolo
State Representative Rob Consalvo
State Representative Manny Cruz
State Representative Josh Cutler
State Representative Kip Diggs
State Representative Carol Doherty
State Representative Kate Donaghue
State Representative Mindy Domb
State Representative Bill Driscoll
State Representative Patricia Duffy
State Representative Rodney Elliott
State Representative Sally Kerans
State Representative Tricia Farley-Bouvier
State Representative Dylan Fernandes
State Representative Ann-Margaret Ferrante
State Representative Michael Finn
State Representative Bill Galvin
State Representative Sean Garballey
State Representative Judith Garcia
State Representative Denise Garlick
State Representative Carmine Gentile
State Representative Jessica Giannino
State Representative Ken Gordon
State Representative Carlos González
State Representative Danielle Gregoire
State Representative Patricia Haddad
State Representative Christopher Hendricks
State Representative Natalie Higgins
State Representative Kevin Honan
State Representative Vanna Howard
State Representative Daniel Hunt
State Representative Hannah Kane
State Representative Kristin Kassner
State Representative Mary Keefe
State Representative Meghan Kilcoyne
State Representative Michael Kushmerek
State Representative Kathy LaNatra
State Representative John Lawn
State Representative David LeBoeuf
State Representative Jack Lewis
State Representative David Linsky, former assistant district attorney
State Representative Kate Lipper-Garabedian
State Representative Jay Livingstone
State Representative Adrian Madaro
State Representative Sam Montaño
State Representative Frank Moran
State Representative Brian Murray
State Representative Tram Nguyen
State Representative James O'Day
State Representative Steve Owens
State Representative Sarah Peake
State Representative Alice Peisch
State Representative Ted Philips
State Representative Estela Reyes
State Representative David Rogers
State Representative Jeff Roy
State Representative Lindsay Sabadosa
State Representative Margaret Scarsdale
State Representative Paul Schmid
State Representative Dawne Shand
State Representative Thomas Stanley
State Representative Steven Ultrino
State Representative Andy Vargas
State Representative Thomas Walsh
State Representative Bud Williams
State Representative Kate Hogan
State Representative John Mahoney
State Representative Paul Donato
State Representative Simon Cataldo
State Representative Natalie Blais
State Representative Christopher Worrell
State Representative Rita Mendes
State Representative Tommy Vitolo
State Senator Cynthia Creem
State Senator Julian Cyr
State Senator James Eldridge
Former Massachusetts attorney general and lieutenant governor Francis X. Bellotti
Former Massachusetts governor Michael Dukakis
Former Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick
Former Massachusetts House speaker Robert DeLeo
Former first assistant Suffolk County district attorney and former director of public safety, Boston, Daniel P. Mulhern
Former Massachusetts Senate president Robert Travaglini
Mayor Paul Brodeur, Melrose
Policy makers
IATSE Local 11, International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees,
168,000 members
Massachusetts Nurses Association, 25,000 members
Massachusetts Teachers Association, 115,000 members
Jeremy Burton, executive director, Jewish Community Relations Council, Boston
Michael Curry, chair of the National NAACP Board’s Advocacy & Policy Committee and vice chair of the Political Action and Legislation Committee
Tim Foley, executive vice president SEIU Local 1199, 56,000 members
Rahsaan D. Hall, Esq., president and CEO, Urban League of Eastern Massachusetts
Unions and associations
Don Law, chairman, Live Nation New England
Jon Davis, founder and CEO, The Davis Companies
Josh Kraft, president, New England Patriots Foundation
Ron Shaich, founder and former chair and CEO of Panera Bread, chair of Cava, Tatte, Level 99, Life Alive
Bob Rivers, CEO, Eastern Bank
Carol Fulp, CEO, Fulp Diversity
Lora Pellegrini, president and CEO, Massachusetts Association of Health Plans
Jeff Bussgang, general partner and cofounder, Flybridge Capital Partners
Mary-Jo Adams, executive director, Finca Vigia Foundation
Anthony & Dd Allen, OTTO Pizza
Leonard Aron, US Postal Inspector (retired)
Dave Balter, CEO, Flipside Crypto
Carolyn Barclift, founder, Build Back Better USA
Lisa Bardin, founder, Pepperidge Honey
Pam Beale, owner, Cornwall’s Restaurant
Patrick Bench, founder and CEO, Benchmark Strategies
Alice Benson, Benson Executive Search
Lauren Broadhurst Cook, CEO of Ellis Early Learning
Jason Burke, founder, All Stage; cofounder, TBD Angels
Vanessa Calderón-Rosado, PhD, CEO, IBA-Inquilinos Boricuas en Acción
Jose Gutierrez, CSO, Danaher
Ursula Cassidy, SVP People and Culture, Inkhouse
David Chang, GM, Hunt Club; founding member, TBD Angels
Tom Coburn, CEO, Jebbit
Alexandra Drane, CEO, ARCHANGELS
Korey L. Dudley, owner/director, Children’s House Montessori School, Atascadero, Calif.
Jana Eggers, CEO, Nara Logics
Joanne DiFrancesco, JDCommunications Inc.
Timothy Fulham, Old Colony Partners
Jamie Goldstein, founder and partner, Pillar VC
Rebecca Roth Gullo, founder, The Gallows Group
Garrett Harker, Eastern Standard
Diane Hessan, CEO, Salient Ventures
Sarah Hodges, general partner, Pillar VC
Brian Kavoogian, managing partner, National Development
Dr. Farideh Kioumehr, researcher, International Health & Epidemiology Research Center
Samantha McGarry, Inkhouse Public Relations and Communications
Beth Monaghan, founder and CEO, Inkhouse
Jon McNeill, CEO, DVx Ventures
Valerie Ploumpis, national policy director, Equality California
Barbara Quiroga, president, BQ & Associates
Jennifer Rego, president, Three Rego Creative
Dr. Clifford Robinson, director, Business Incubation Boston University (retired)
Eneida Roman, president and CEO, Amplify LatinX
John Sasso, president, ADV Strategies
Robert Stringer, CEO, Crimson Seed Capital
Joshua Summers, cofounder, TBD Angels
Adam Towvim, partner, Chameleon Collective; adjunct marketing professor, Brandeis International Business School
Jill Whitey, Little Sprouts Nanny Services
Russ Wilcox, general partner, Pillar VC; founder, E Ink
Kate E. Wood, chief advancement officer, Steppingstone
Laurie Woodward Garcia, People Power United
Dr. Heidi Wyle, founder and CEO, Venti Technologies
Mark B. Glovsky, Esq., Glovsky & Glovsky
Livia A. Cowan, founder and CEO, Mariposa Inc.
Steve Walsh, president and CEO, Massachusetts Health & Hospital Association
Business leaders
Lenworth Jacobs, MD, MPH, FACS
Peter Krims, MD, chief of gastroenterology, Emerson Hospital
Elizabeth A. Davis, MD, clinical director of addiction care,
Cambridge Health Alliance
Robyn Riseberg, MD, founder, Boston Community Pediatrics
Halleh Akbarnia, MD, FACEP, emergency medicine physician
and gun violence survivor
Annie Andrews, MD, pediatrician and researcher
Deborah Goddard, MD, Krauss Dermatology
Madeline Krauss, MD, Krauss Dermatology
Michael Bosworth, MD, Krauss Dermatology
Dr. Katrina Green, MD, FAAEM, emergency physician
Pamela Norden, MD, Krauss Dermatology
Andrew L. Warshaw, MD, FACS
Shikha Jain, MD, FACP, physician
Emily Cleveland Manchanda, MD, MPH, Department of Emergency Medicine, Boston Medical Center
James Hudspeth, MD, Department of Medicine, Boston Medical Center
Sabrina E. Sanchez, MD, MPH, trauma surgeon, Boston Medical Center
Katherine Gergen Barnett, MD, Department of Family Medicine, Boston Medical Center
Timothy Munzert, LICSW, Division of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery,
Boston Medical Center
Medical professionals
Sandro Galea, dean, Boston University School of Public Health
Ira Jackson, former vice provost University of Massachusetts Boston; cofounder, The Civic Action Project
Robert MacArthur, educator and entrepreneur
Jack McDevitt, Northeastern University professor
Sari Beth Rosenberg, NYC public school teacher and cofounder of Teachers Unify to End Gun Violence
David Rosenbloom, Boston University professor
Len Schlesinger, Baker Foundation Professor of Business,
Harvard Business School
Kristof Haavik, teacher in Menomonee Falls, Wis.
Jimmy Tingle, comedian and founder of Humor for Humanity
Rosanne Cash, musician, singer, songwriter
Salvation Army Captain Lacy Parrish shed tears at an April 12 vigil for the five people killed in the April 10 shooting at the Old National Bank in Louisville, Ky. Eight others were wounded as the gunman used an AR-15-style rifle while livestreaming the attack. (Michael Swensen/Getty Images)
John Rosenthal is the cofounder of Stop Handgun Violence and a sportsman/gun owner.
The Rev. Shawn Freeman spoke on July 3 during a prayer gathering at the site of a mass shooting in Baltimore two days earlier. Two people were killed and 28 injured. (Nathan Howard/AP)
Don’t let an assault
weapon end another life.
Read why Advocate John Rosenthal calls for a nationwide assault weapons ban
Don’t let an assault
weapon end another life.
Read why advocate
John Rosenthal calls for a nationwide ban on military-style assault weapons
Read 350+ signatures from law enforcement, faith leaders, survivors, policy makers, unions, business leaders, educators, medical professionals, and entertainers
Editors: Marjorie Pritchard and Amy MacKinnon Design/UX/Project management/Social media design: Heather Hopp-Bruce Copy editor: Jessie Tremmel
Audience engagement: Deanna Schwartz Production: Andrew Nguyen and Rebeca Pereira
Editors: Marjorie Pritchard and Amy MacKinnon
Design/UX/Project management/Social media: Heather Hopp-Bruce
Copy editor: Jessie Tremmel
Audience engagement: Deanna Schwartz
Production: Andrew Nguyen and Rebeca Pereira