Do I have OCD?
Please answer the following questions based on how often you have experienced these things in the past month.
How much of your time is occupied by obsessive thoughts?
Occasionally (<1 hr/day)
Frequently (1–3 hrs/day)
Very frequently (3–8 hrs/day)
Nearly constantly (>8 hrs/day)
How much do your obsessive thoughts interfere with daily life (work, school, social, etc.)?
Slight interference, but overall not impaired
Definite interference, but still manageable
Substantial impairment
How much distress do your obsessive thoughts cause you?
Not too disturbing
Disturbing, but still manageable
Very disturbing
Near constant and disabling distress
How much effort do you make to resist obsessive thoughts?
Try to resist all the time
Try to resist most of the time
Make some effort to resist
Yield to all obsessions, but with some reluctance
Yield to all obsessions completely and willingly
How successful are you in stopping or diverting obsessive thinking?
Complete control
Usually can stop or divert with some effort
Sometimes can stop or divert
Rarely successful, can only divert with difficulty
Obsessions are completely involuntary
How much time do you spend performing compulsive behaviors?
How much do your compulsive behaviors interfere with daily life (work, school, social, etc.)?
How anxious would you become if prevented from performing your compulsion(s)?
Only slightly anxious
Anxiety would mount but remain manageable
Prominent disturbing increase in anxiety
Incapacitating anxiety
How much of an effort do you make to resist the compulsions?
Always try to resist
Yield to almost all compulsions, but with some reluctance
Yield to all compulsions completely and willingly
How much control do you have over the compulsions and how strong is the drive to perform them?
Pressure to perform the behavior but usually can control it
Strong pressure to perform behavior, can control it only with difficulty
Very strong drive to perform behavior to completion, can only delay with difficulty
Overpowering drive to perform behavior, rarely able to delay
Your score ranges from 0–7.
No signs of OCD
Next steps
If you feel that OCD-like behaviors are interfering with your daily life, the first step is to see a medical provider for an official diagnosis. A doctor can tell you about your treatment options, including therapy and medication.
Editor’s note: This quiz does not reflect an official diagnosis and you should see a doctor for more information.
Your score ranges from 8–15.
Mild OCD
Your score ranges from 16–23.
Moderate OCD
Your score ranges from 24–31.
Severe OCD
Your score ranges from 32–40.
Extreme OCD