Cambridge English
at IATEFL 2022
It’s really great to be back with everyone in Belfast and we’re here with some brilliant talks to support the ELT community at this year’s event. We’re excited to bring you sessions by speakers like Silvana Richardson and Herbert Puchta, covering a range of topics from boosting exam confidence to new ideas for developing creativity in teenagers.
Our talks
Discover insights from our latest research projects and see what’s new in learning and assessment.
Visit us
Stand 54 in the exhibition hall
Share something new with colleagues in Belfast.
Write one, take one!
At this year’s IATEFL we have a new feature on our stand: our ‘Write one, take one’ wall. Jot down your teaching tip or advice on one of our cards and clip it to the wall. Whilst you’re there, take a look and see if there’s an idea or piece of advice that might help you and take it away! It’s that easy.
We are committed to our presence at IATEFL being part of a positive, sustainable future for the event. As such, everything we have produced for the event has been done so with our planet in mind. Our stand is built to have as minimal effect on the planet as possible. We’ve made our stand from 85% recycled material and, when we leave, everything will be reused or recycled – sending nothing to landfill.
Did you know?
© Cambridge University Press & Assessment 2022
Reducing our impact on the planet, not society.