Welcome to Think Second Edition, the course that develops your students’ communication and critical thinking skills, values and life competencies so they can successfully meet the challenges ahead.
Student’s Book
Have you ever asked yourself: “how can I be expected to prepare my students to succeed in a world that’s changing so fast?” While it’s impossible to predict what specific skills will be in demand by the time our students enter the workforce, there are some things that we as educators can do to ensure our students are as well prepared for their futures as they can be.
We know there is an ever-increasing need for individuals to be able to work together effectively with others around the world, and to be able to think creatively and solve problems collaboratively. They also need to be able to analyse and process sources of information more critically, communicate and support their views more effectively, and they need to maintain a positive mindset in challenging environments.
With Think you can be sure you’re giving your learners the tools they need to build a brighter future for themselves and a better world for us all.
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Think Second Edition was developed using the latest research into teen cognitive science and best practices and methodologies for the secondary classroom.
The second edition builds and expands on these strengths:
What’s new in
the second edition?
The development of critical thinking, positive values and self-esteem
The high-interest, relevant and thought-provoking topics
The inclusion of Cambridge Exams practice sections
A syllabus built upon the Cambridge English Learner Corpus and English Profile
We’ve kept everything that teachers loved about Think First Edition:
All-in-one digital tools and support will empower teachers to deliver dynamic and effective lessons.
The authentic, real-world documentary-style videos will captivate student interest and provoke meaningful thought and lively classroom discussion.
The Life Competencies strand, supported by entertaining student vlogs and correlated to the Cambridge Life Competencies Framework, will help them develop the vital capabilities they’ll need to be successful throughout their lives.
The globally focused content will appeal to teens’ natural curiosities and interests, and feed their growing sense of the world around them.
Digital support
Teacher’s Book
Think big in English!
Student’s Book
Each unit of Think Second Edition builds students’ knowledge and skills through a series of carefully constructed learning inputs and activities. Units begin with a thought-provoking question and introductory video, followed by a series of high-interest readings and abundant opportunities for personalised speaking practice.
Learning objectives clearly show unit aims at a glance, including language functions and target vocabulary and grammar concepts.
Each sequence of exercises helps students unlock the text, while contextualised vocabulary and grammar concepts recycle and build throughout the unit, sharpening students’ language proficiency.
Odd numbered units conclude with a focus on developing life competencies.
This feature encourages students to reflect on and discuss a wide range of important values, helping to develop their character as well as their sensitivity to others.
Grammar presentations use a scaffolded inductive approach to help students understand the features and structures of English grammar.
These short but catchy videos help illustrate and explain grammar concepts in an innovative and memorable way.
These features provide valuable practice with words or phrases that often have multiple uses or meanings in English.
Each unit includes grammar and vocabulary sections that are presented in context and supported by additional practice in the Workbook.
Grammar and vocabulary
Each unit includes scaffolded writing activities presented in a real-world context, as either an informal activity or a more academically focused task.
Frequent opportunities for speaking practice build on students’ prior knowledge and encourage them to relate the text to their own experience, personalising the speaking tasks.
Each life competency is introduced by a life lessons vlog, recorded by a student. These videos help introduce the competency area in a natural and accessible way and serve as a springboard to the activities that follow.
Life lessons videos
These lessons focus on developing a key competency area from the Cambridge Life Competencies Framework. The competencies that students develop will serve them throughout their lives, within their communities and in the world at large.
Life competencies
These modelled speaking activities provide abundant practice to help students build their speaking confidence while ‘phrases for fluency’ tips focus on authentic language to help them sound more natural.
Developing speaking
Each unit is introduced by a documentary-style video, with questions designed to pique curiosity, activate prior knowledge and get students thinking critically.
get thinking
Digital support
Student’s Book
Teacher’s Book
Each life competency is introduced by a life lessons vlog, recorded by a student. These videos help introduce the competency area in a natural and accessible way and serve as a springboard to the activities that follow.
Life lessons videos
These lessons focus on developing a key competency area from the Cambridge Life Competencies Framework. The competencies that students develop will serve them throughout their lives, within their communities and in the world at large.
Life competencies
Cross-references in the Teacher’s Book indicate appropriate points within the unit to direct students to this section. Activities help students avoid common errors as identified by the Cambridge English Learner Corpus.
Get it Right!
Each life competency is introduced by a life lessons vlog, recorded by a student. These videos help introduce the competency area in a natural and accessible way and serve as a springboard to the activities that follow.
Life lessons videos
These lessons focus on developing a key competency area from the Cambridge Life Competencies Framework. The competencies that students develop will serve them throughout their lives, within their communities and in the world at large.
Life competencies
This handy reference covers sounds that are likely to pose a challenge for English learners and provides additional practice and support via the classroom audio programme.
References at the back of the book give extra help with pronunciation and grammar.
Each life competency is introduced by a life lessons vlog, recorded by a student. These videos help introduce the competency area in a natural and accessible way and serve as a springboard to the activities that follow.
Life lessons videos
This page allows students to check their progress and is based on the language presented in the previous pair of units. The emoji scoring key encourages them to continuously monitor their progress as they move through each level.
Test Yourself
Exercises on these pages replicate the format of tasks from the Cambridge English exams. Cross-references to the Workbook lead to additional exams practice and useful test-taking tips.
Each life competency is introduced by a life lessons vlog, recorded by a student. These videos help introduce the competency area in a natural and accessible way and serve as a springboard to the activities that follow.
Life lessons videos
An extended writing section guides students through the writing process for a variety of text types. Students are presented with a model text for analysis of the task and purpose, to practice the language they will need, before they move on to produce and share their own compositions.
These sections introduce interesting topics and information about people and places around the world. They spark discussion in a speaking task that requires students to make use of the information presented in the text.
Each life competency is introduced by a life lessons vlog, recorded by a student. These videos help introduce the competency area in a natural and accessible way and serve as a springboard to the activities that follow.
Life lessons videos
These lessons focus on developing a key competency area from the Cambridge Life Competencies Framework. The competencies that students develop will serve them throughout their lives, within their communities and in the world at large.
Life competencies
These sections encourage students to reflect on the topics presented in the reading texts and to express their opinions on meaningful issues, as well as requiring them to work together to achieve a consensus or to solve a problem.
train to think
Even numbered units conclude with exams-style pages.

The Workbook offers extra practice of the language and skills presented in the Student’s Book. Cross-references immediately following activities in the Student’s Book direct students to corresponding pages in the Workbook.
These sections provide tips and practice to help students prepare for Cambridge English exams, building their confidence for exam day.
Cambridge Exams practice
Digital support
Graded grammar and vocabulary activities help mixed ability classes. Difficulty level is clearly indicated by the star rating system.
Student’s Book
Teacher’s Book
How to use the Teacher’s Book
The Think wraparound Teacher’s Book is designed to help you plan and deliver highly effective lessons easily and seamlessly.
White panel side notes provide guided lesson support and include model student responses in activities and answers to questions.
Light blue panel notes provide additional background information and optional suggestions for building and expanding on lessons.
Purple panels identify lesson objectives and assist with unit navigation.
Yellow panels identify potential homework and flipped classroom ideas.
Red panels alert teachers to available teaching resources and point out areas where students are likely to struggle.
Strategies to help teachers get the best use out of the Get Thinking videos and activities ensure students are primed to discuss the topic.
Get Thinking
Ideas to introduce students to the unit’s topic help activate their prior knowledge and experience and encourage classroom discussion.
A listing of all the lesson support available for the unit, including teaching resources, video, digital support and assessment tools.
Resources for this unit
This icon identifies which life competency is being developed and what teachers should expect students at this level to be able to do.
Alternative activities
Useful ideas for activities that students could do at home to consolidate in-class learning and encourage independent study.
These notes help alert teachers to potential problem areas for English learners and offer mitigation and/or remediation strategies and tools.
Cambridge Life Competencies Framework
Digital support
These notes help alert teachers to potential problem areas for English learners and offer mitigation and/or remediation strategies and tools.
Get it Right! and pronunciation
Student’s Book
Teacher’s Book
Presenting all your digital tools together in one place!
With Think Second Edition, everything you need is at your fingertips, on Cambridge One.
Teacher’s Resource Bank
Test Generator: an easy to use tool to customise and create end of unit, end of term and end of year tests, as well as practice tests
Accessible online and offline
Additional games and activities
Embedded links to classroom audio and video
Student’s Book and Workbook with interactive exercises
Presentation Plus
Teachers can share students’ project work with the class in the Showcase area
Students can work together on digital projects online using the Collaboration Plus tools and teachers can set, view, support and grade the work
Collaboration Plus
Performance tracking
Online speaking tasks
Bite-sized learning activities with audio and video
Mobile-friendly platform and content
Practice Extra
Teacher’s Book
Digital support
Online teacher resource area with support for projects, graded grammar sheets and vocabulary practice worksheets, writing templates, extra speaking activities and more
Student’s Book
C1 Unit walkthrough