Up with approvals,
down with fraud.
Cardinal is raising the bottom line for merchants with
Cardinal Consumer
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Meet Cardinal Consumer Authentication
Streamlined authentication process to help reduce friction and maximize approvals
How it works
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More data = better informed decisions
CCA intelligently connects data in real-time to help reduce fraud, increase approvals, and remove unnecessary friction from the customer experience.
Improved user
More data to help increase approvals and reduce fraud.
Flexible device and channel support.
Support for regional regulations.
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Enhance your experience with CCA
CCA delivers above and beyond just the basic features of EMV 3DS.
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Network agnostic
Data centric
Customized rules
Use cases
Supports EMV 3DS across all major and regional card networks with the flexibility to route transactions properly.
Provides 135+ data points to help provide optimal risk decisioning, lower fraud, and improve the customer experience.
Offers a variety of integration solutions for customized connectivity—client- driven, API based, hybrid, mobile, IoT, and more.
Enables a rules strategy based on data points and risk decisions to leverage when and how an authentication should occur.
Supports payment, non-payment, recurring, installment, add-card, split shipments, browser, app, IoT and data only transaction types.
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The bottom line is... a better bottom line for merchants
With CCA, merchants can experience an increase in approvals and decrease in fraud, while helping to deliver a better customer experience.
1.1% lift in approvals
35% reduction in fraud
We’re more than just 3DS.
We’re a company focused on better payment decisioning to help increase authorizations, decrease fraud, and streamline the customer experience.
Choose Cardinal as your global trusted provider and partner.
Let's talk.
Visa EMV 3DS Case Study, North America, Aug 2021
Contact support@cardinalcommerce.com
EMV® is a registered trademark in the U.S. and other countries and an unregistered trademark elsewhere. The EMV trademark is owned by EMVCo, LLC
EMV 3DS features
Cardinal Consumer Authentication enhancements
Low risk
Authentication occurs behind the scenes with no customer impact
High risk
Additional authentication is required
An authentication approval is returned to the merchant. The merchant then submits the authorization request
Prompt for customer challenge or decline transaction
*For Visa Secure with EMV 3DS vs. non-Visa Secure with EMV 3DS transactions and then the source of the stat
Analysis conducted in accordance with Visa’s rules and operating regulations based on Visa.net data-comparing 3DS vs. non 3DS transactions after normalizing for different transaction characteristics using custom model, Aug 2021
Network and merchant agnostic EMV® 3-D Secure solution supporting all major credit and regional debit networks
Customized rules-based authentication program based on 135+ data points
Supports all devices and use cases – payment, non-payment, recurring, installment, add-card, browser, loT, and data only transaction types
Streamlined customer experience
Increase approvals
Decrease fraud