The broad nature of services offered means that our advice can either be provided from inception to implementation or selected on a standalone basis depending on your needs.
Contact us
For further information on our National Commercial Development service, please contact one of our professionals:
Our National Commercial Development team, working with our network of regional offices, is led by experts in commercial property development consultancy and development agency.
020 7518 3202
Head of National Commercial Development
Will Mooney
020 7518 3338
Associate Partner
Samuel Turner
020 7518 3335
Associate Partner
Ben Le Coq
Click on a service to find out more
National advice at a local level
National Commercial Development
Development consultancy
& agency services
National Commercial Development brings together a suite of skillsets from across our business to provide our clients with an expert team of property advisors to deal with every aspect of the commercial property development sector.
We provide services to both the private and public sectors.
We cover a wide range of property sectors including:
Logistics, industrial & trade counter
Science & technology
Retail & leisure
Roadside services, EV charging, truck stops & car showrooms
Healthcare, care homes & retirement
Our National Commercial
Development services
Wider support services
Planning consultancy & stakeholder engagement
Project management & cost consultancy
Natural capital & biodiversity net gain
Minerals & waste management
Lease consultancy
Land assembly & compulsary purchase
Estate strategies
Energy, infrastructures & utilities
Building surveying & development monitoring
Asset management
Architecture &
Natural capital is currently at the front of the minds of land managers. We believe there will be a number of ways for income to be generated into estate budgets by taking steps to improve the environment.
We provide management and advice on private sector funded initiatives including biodiversity net gain and carbon offsetting as well as government sector funded initiatives and subsidy schemes.
As part of its multi-disciplinary offering, we have a holistic geospatial practice covering all scales and all sectors from socio-economic strategy to architectural detail and Building Information Modelling (BIM).
We have established the most complete property information practice on the market today. Our specialists can objectively assess the need for land and property, and accurately measure capacity. Our fundamental objective is to provide the tools that allow clients to get the best out of their portfolio.
Our expert team of chartered surveyors and chartered planners is recognised as a leading provider of specialist estate management, valuation and development advice relating to all mineral properties and waste management matters and infrastructure.
The team advises landowners, operators, financial institutions and infrastructure providers throughout the UK and has considerable experience of projects involving aggregates, industrial and energy minerals, construction materials manufacturing plants and all types of waste management facilities.
Our mineral and waste management services cover the whole process from strategic planning, site search and promotion to valuations for all mineral, waste management and ancillary properties as well as advice on the compulsory acquisition of mineral and waste management assets.
Our specialist consultants understand the intricacies of occupational leases and are well versed in rental valuation, reviews and lease renewals including arbitration and expert appointments. We advise on structuring leases to balance daily operational needs with longer term strategic priorities in addition to break clauses, extensions to leases, deeds of surrender and variations to lease terms.
Compulsory purchase of land and property and the associated compensation is complex and frequently contentious. The valuation and successful resolution of claims requires both technical expertise and commercial acumen.
Our teams provide a nationwide service for both acquiring authorities and claimants needing specialist compensation advice and support across the life of a compulsory purchase scheme.
We work for all types of affected claimants, including blue chip corporations, SMEs, public sector organisations, developers, housing associations and individual home and landowners.
We provide intelligent and practical investment advice founded upon extensive market knowledge and experience. We advise a wide range of clients from institutional investors through to charities, local authorities, colleges, propcos and private investors.
We work with our clients to develop holistic estate strategies, designed to deliver the changes identified. The process is wide ranging and includes option appraisals, asset reviews, estate rationalisation and consolidation, relocation and acquisition management as well as joint venture partner procurement.
We have developed a Location Asset Strategy Review (LASR) model to identify key opportunities for the rationalisation of estates and property portfolios, thereby identifying potential to release capital receipts and/or revenue streams and to improve overall operational efficiencies.
Our infrastructure team is the fastest growing of its kind in the country with 80 surveyors covering a number of sectors including energy, utilities, telecommunications, transport and measured surveys.
Our market leading energy team comprises surveyors, valuers, environmental specialists, project managers and town planners. This blend of expertise enables us to provide sound independent advice across all forms of energy projects, including battery energy storage, biomass, electric vehicle charging, solar, wind and much more.
Our utility specialists provide expert advice on a range of areas including, but not limited to, utility legislation, compensation assessment and negotiation, program and project management, customer and stakeholder engagement, and wayleave and easement negotiation.
A business case is often required to support justification for the undertaking of a project. Such cases are usually based on the estimated cost of development and implementation against the risks, anticipated benefits and savings, all of which is measured against the client’s strategic objectives. Our established team is well versed in the production of business cases which range from concise short-form plans for senior management, committee or board-level approval, through to HM Treasury’s Five Case Model and supplementary Green Book guidance for formal review by the Cabinet Office.
Our experienced consultants with building surveying, cost consultancy or project management backgrounds offer bespoke monitoring services for all clients. The team can assess and advise on the risks involved in individual projects and monitor the development project throughout the construction period, acting as an adviser to protect clients’ interests throughout a highly complex process.
We understand what is involved and when advising on the implementation of strategy, so we liaise closely with our skilled construction professionals to ensure operational and strategic needs are met.
We have a strong track record in property asset management, ranging from day-to-day management to the preparation of business plans focused on lease restructuring, change of use, refurbishment and development. We can administer commercial rent collection and diary triggers for lease events such as break dates, rent review and upcoming expiries.
Our in-house masterplanning teams are involved at all stages in the development and regeneration process. We help to create and deliver attractive, commercially and operationally viable and sustainable places that combine the optimum mix of uses in high quality buildings and environments.
Click on a service to find out more
Our National Commercial Development team forms part of a wider service offering, coordinated with other development related professionals throughout the firm. We bring together relevant support expertise to deliver a comprehensive service paired with prime development consultancy advice.
This unique approach ensures we cover all aspects of the development process from inception to completion.
Coordinating development related services & advice
Business case developement
Mapping & geospatial
& utilities
The valuation of property stands at the heart of all property decision making; hence it is a core part of our practice. We have a comprehensive network of over 100 RICS Registered valuers across the country to advise our clients.
Our valuation teams provide specialist advice in their
fields and a balanced, market led approach, aided by
up-to-date market knowledge from our agents and extensive market contacts.
We also have experts in all the main asset classes of residential, retail, industrial, office and rural property. In addition, we are market leaders in many specialist areas including affordable housing, civic, education, leisure, medical, strategic land and student accommodation. Our national network of offices ensure we can offer our clients a national service with local knowledge.
We have a wide range of experience in developing regeneration strategies for the public sector, particularly in towns which have struggled with the decline of the traditional high street. We develop a detailed picture of the economic, social and spatial ‘health’ of a given place and understanding what is most needed to help support future regeneration initiatives but what is most likely to be successful in terms of the local market, rather than simply what might look good on paper.
Infrastructure & Utilities
Our planning teams operate from regional hubs across the UK and have a strong track record of negotiating and delivering a variety of development schemes. This includes complex sites for both public and private sector clients. Our teams are experts in the preparation of Local Plan representations and appearing at inquiry, as well as coordinating applications from a simple change of use through to complex planning applications involving multiple buildings and uses.
One of our key strengths as a team is our ability to work collaboratively with developers, landowners, local communities, businesses, and stakeholders to better understand the potential opportunities and constraints of new development sites. Our approach to engagement ranges from informal face-to-face meetings, through to coordinating more formal stakeholder workshops and public exhibitions, often working in parallel with the client organisation as required.
All projects will invariably entail a degree of complexity and challenges requiring specialist management. From the simplest repair project through to major infrastructure developments, effective project delivery is dependent on the effective management of four key dynamics: people, costs, timescales and quality. We cover the full spectrum of the service from helping to define the project brief and building the team to defining the timelines, agreeing the project governance and progress reporting.
Our cost consultancy services cover development monitoring, project cost control, reinstatement cost assessment and strategic procurement.
A selection of our commercial development consultancy work
Town Centre Prospectus
Babergh Mid Suffolk District Council
Borehamgate Shopping Centre, Sudbury
Overview of Services
An asset strategy review was undertaken on the existing shopping centre with demand gap analysis to inform the preparation of development option plans. Development viability testing was undertaken before plans were finalised and presented to the public in a prospectus pack setting out the vision and timescales for delivery of the town centre regeneration proposal.
Development Partner Identification
& Procurement
Norwich City Council & Norfolk County Council
Norwich Airport Industrial Estate, Norwich
Overview of Services
Strategic review of 119 acre site including analysis of development options and preparing development appraisals leading to the identification of prospective development partners, the preparation of a briefing document and undertaking interviews prior to shortlisting and appointment.
Business Case Development
Oxford City Council
Diamond Place, Oxford
Overview of Services
HMT compliant Green Book business case for the redevelopment of the Diamond Place site including cash flow modelling and non-financial analysis for six options. Further analysis undertaken for alternative delivery routes to determine highest returns and considerations of risk, reward and control for the Council.
Asset & Estate Strategies
Buckinghamshire Council
1,500 sites across the County
Overview of Services
Large-scale estate strategy review providing a new estate blueprint for the Council. The estate strategy considered alternative uses, intensification and collaboration for 1,500 property assets owned by the Council, NHS, police, central Government, and third sector organisations. The review was nominated for a property industry award and is recognised by the Government’s ‘One Public Estate’ scheme as a successful large-scale strategy project for public sector change.
Employment Land Assessments
Babergh Mid Suffolk District Council
Delphi Centre, Sudbury
Overview of Services
Analysis of former 345,000 sq ft production and manufacturing facility to test the viability of differing levels of employment space over five different development scenarios ranging from 25% employment space and 75% residential housing to 100% employment space.
Feasibility & Financial Viability Assessments
Hull City Council
Albion Square, Hull
Overview of Services
Development viability, sensitivity, risk and cost analysis conducted using Argus Developer software, to appraise the architectural plans for redevelopment of the existing building into a mixed-use city centre scheme.
Demand, Need & Option Assessments
Cambridgeshire County Council
Shire Hall, Castle Street, Cambridge
Overview of Services
Undertook a development options review on a 75,000 sq ft office building considering a range of potential end uses. Planning consultancy provided to identify opportunities and constraints set against planning policy. Detailed market analysis undertaken to ratify demand for proposed end uses.
Carter Jonas has worked on several key projects within the private and public sector, advising a wide range of clients.
We are appointed to several public sector frameworks which allow our clients to instruct us directly across a variety of different disciplines and sectors.
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07899 897045
07776 181799
07800 571972
020 7518 3210
07815 489449
Graduate Surveyor
Sophie Spriddell
Vision & strategy
Development feasibility & viability
Identification & aquisition of buildings & land
Project delivery & development agency
Delivering an overarching development strategy.
Demand, need and option assessments combined with development viability testing.
Using bespoke, in-house, land and asset searching systems to identify and secure opportunities.
Development partner identification, development agency and exit strategies.
Vision & strategy
On behalf of regional and national developers, we are actively searching for short, medium, and long term strategic land which is generally suitable for mixed-use or commercial led development.
In addition, we undertake targeted site and building searches, including on and off market opportunities, to acquire assets with development potential to unlock value for both developers and occupiers.
Development feasibility & viability
We provide development and financial viability advice combined with demand, need and option assessments to help our clients identify, understand and unlock the value of their sites and assets.
The team undertakes in-depth market assessments to identify trends, activity
and opportunities while looking to inform development options / land use mix,
scale of buildings and phasing for delivery.
Assessments can also extend to a review of demographics, SWOT analysis, soft market testing and issuing questionnaires to existing occupiers to ratify occupier demand.
Identification & aquisition of buildings & land
Using bespoke, in-house, land & asset searching systems, we search for short, medium, and long-term strategic land suitable for mixed-use or commercial led development. In addition, we undertake targeted site and building searches, including on and off market opportunities, to acquire assets with prominent potential to unlock value for both developers and occupiers.
The team undertakes in-depth assessments across various markets to identify trends, activity and opportunities to ratify decisions to acquire sites or bring them forward for development.
Project delivery & development agency
Development partner identification and procurement
We work with clients to agree and implement a suitable project delivery
and exit strategy including the process of selecting the right partner,
where appropriate.
Development agency
We offer the full spectrum of development agency advice across a wide range
of sectors seeking to identify end occupiers before and throughout the
delivery process.
Marketing & exit strategies
In line with the agreed asset management plan, we work with clients to agree and implement a suitable exit strategy. This can include seeking a development partner to deliver the proposed scheme; holding, managing, investing and re-gearing; or trading.
Development funding
To ensure project delivery, the team can source capital for development schemes covering a wide variety of industry standard and innovative financial structures.
Malvern Hills Science & Technology Park
Worcestershire County Council and Malvern Hills District Council
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Malvern Hills Science & Technology Park
Overview of Services: Carter Jonas has recently concluded the consultancy phase of a comprehensive assessment to support the development of Malvern Hills Science Park (MHSP). The expansion site is a 4.5-hectare parcel of employment land adjacent and to the south of the existing MHSP which benefits from Outline Planning Consent for up to 300,000 sq. ft. of commercial floorspace. The study involved:
• An assessment of the opportunity and proposition inc. market research,
competition analysis, ancillary uses to enhance the park and a SWOT analysis
of the site.
• The creation of a market strategy inc. establishing market demand,
marketability of the sites, brand identity, a review of the USP’s and a full
marketing activity strategy.
• Provide development consultancy advice inc. development and option
appraisals detailing the viability of the sites, development phasing,
recommendations around building diversification.
University of Essex
Knowledge Gateway Business Park
Knowledge Gateway Business Park, Colchester
Overview of Services: Instructed to review the existing (c. 68,000 sq. ft.) and proposed buildings at the 32-acre site in the context of the University wanting to create a science park targeting high growth knowledge based science, technology and digital creative companies. Instructed to undertake an asset and development option review analysing previous masterplans of the site. This review considered the existing occupiers on the site, expected demand, uses, siting, scale, accessibility, layout, phasing and parking for each building. Market and demand analysis was undertaken into offices, high technology, retail, food & beverage and hotels.
The study has led to the instruction of Carter Jonas’ Masterplanning team who has worked closely with the National Commercial Development Team to provide an updated masterplan that directly responds to the recommendations made in the study and current market demand. The team have recently completed a viability exercise running development appraisals, sensitivity analysis and cash flows on the proposed development. Cost analysis was provided by Carter Jonas’ Quantity Surveying team which fed into the development appraisals prepared. This is an ongoing and joint development consultancy, masterplanning and cost analysis exercise. Alongside this, Carter Jonas continues to provide commercial agency, asset management, Landlord & Tenant and telecommunications advice on the University of Essex Knowledge Gateway development.
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Shire Hall, Castle Street, Cambridge
Cambridgeshire County Council
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Shire Hall, Castle Street, Cambridge
Overview of Services: Undertook a development options review on a 75,000 sq. ft. office building considering a range of potential end uses. Planning consultancy provided to identify opportunities and constraints set against planning policy. Detailed market analysis undertaken to ratify demand for proposed end uses. Subsequently instructed by Brookgate Property Ltd to submit a bid to acquire the site on an ‘income strip’ basis. Chosen as the preferred bidder with lengthily investigations undertaken thereafter including option, viability and sensitivity analysis on various proposed end uses including apart hotel, student accommodation and office space. Working in parallel with colleagues in the planning team and geo-spatial team (LIDAR measured survey of building).
London East Business & Technical Park, Dagenham
BD Group
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Baldock Urban Extension
Hertfordshire County Council
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Various sites with development potential identified
Various commercial developers
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Plot 206, Lancaster Way Business Park
Ely Diocese Board of Finance
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Travelodge Hotels Ltd
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Rougham Hill, Bury St Edmunds
West Suffolk Council
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Ely Gateway, Ely
Frontier Estates
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London East, Dagenham
Overview of Services: Barking & Dagenham District Council, the owners of the site, had an aspiration to redevelop and create a mixed-use employment site comprising of an innovation centre, R&D and lab suites and ‘mid-tech’ units at the site. Various plots had been identified as being potentially suitable for development. To support the development aspirations, Carter Jonas was instructed to build a development feasibility and property business case to go to Council Cabinet. The report provided a high-level summary of a previous options and viability study, an analysis of existing occupiers (business types / tenancy arrangements etc.) and the results of feedback obtained from onsite discussions with stakeholders on the site around future demand for space. Market analysis and occupier requirements informed the creation of a high-level masterplan with an overview of the potential development sites and end uses. A high-level Order of Cost Estimate was used to undertake a development appraisal for the proposed development to demonstrate development viability and support the case for the delivery of the proposed buildings.
Baldock Urban Extension, Land North of A505
Overview of Services: Undertook a review of a proposed employment site to specifically consider the merits and risks associated with a ‘themed’ development focused on ‘high value’ jobs within specific sectors (e.g. advanced manufacturing / engineering, life sciences, digital technology and media / creative sectors). Required assessment of office and industrial markets trends, existence of business clusters, regional university specialisms, demographic statistics and LEP initiatives to support certain business sector growth.
Overview of Services: We have been instructed by multiple commercial developers to identify sites with development opportunities across the country. Using the National Commercial Development Terrier GIS mapping system, we have performed searches to find off market opportunities for logistics / industrial / warehouse / mixed use and electric vehicle charging schemes.
Lancaster Way Business Park
Overview of Services: Carter Jonas was instructed by EDBF to identify and secure a 5,000 sq. ft. office within / in the immediate surrounds of Ely as a relocation from the existing offices.
The original aspiration was to secure an existing office however due to limited
existing accommodation within the search area, design and build solutions had
to be considered. Three potential development sites were identified and
analysed to test the deliverability of the site within the timescales required
with terms sought on a freehold plot and or ‘turnkey’ basis for a design and
build office. Terms were negotiated and agreed on the purchase of a development plot at Lancaster Way Business Park with Grovemere Property Limited (site vendor) given the contract to deliver a 7,700 sq. ft. two storey office in accordance with the agreed specification.
Overview of Services: Our National Commercial Development team are retained as Travelodge’s outsourced development managers securing new hotels in East Anglia and Essex. As outsourced development managers we find, review, negotiate and manage the development pipeline on Travelodge’s behalf. We currently have an active target list of 48 locations. The hotel site identified in Maldon was part of a retail park developed out by Aquilla Holdings. Maldon has been a target location for several years with challenges in securing sites driven by high residential residual land values. Through persistence and working with the developer Aquilla Holdings and Quantity Surveyors Wakemans, our professionals were able to deliver a 57-bed hotel on Blackwater Retail Park.
Rougham Hill, Bury St Edmunds
Overview of Services: The National Commercial Development team were instructed to act on behalf of West Suffolk Council in relation to the disposal of the Former Household Waste Site, Rougham Hill, Bury St Edmunds. We were instructed to market the site, manage enquiries, analyse and report bids using a bid matrix, perform viability appraisals and appoint development managers to assist with the development process. Planning is due to be submitted
Q4 2023.
Ely Gateway, Ely
Overview of Services: Provided agency advice to Frontier Estates on the creation of a 28 acre, mixed-use, development including five logistics / warehouse units, three trade counter units, a hotel, petrol filling station and drive thru as well as six retail / leisure units. Pre-lets secured and terms negotiated with Premier Inn, Lidl, Pets at Home, Iceland Food Warehouse, B&Q, Pure Gym, B&M and Cinch Self Storage. Assisted in the development of the estate wide masterplan creation with input provided throughout from site acquisition through to planning submission and completion of terms with future occupiers.
Vision & strategy 1/2
Vision & strategy 2/2
Development feasibility
& viability 1/3
Development feasibility
& viability 2/3
Development feasibility & viability 3/3
Identification & acquisition of buildings & land 1/2
Identification & acquisition of buildings & land 2/2
Project delivery and development agency 1/3
Project delivery and development agency 2/3
Project delivery and development agency 3/3
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• Market analysis
• Development agency and consultancy advice
• Development option and viability appraisals
• Development appraisals
Key services
• Development agency and consultancy advice – formation of masterplan
• Development option and viability appraisal
• Market analysis
• Development appraisals
Key services
• Development option and viability appraisals
• Pre-let negotiations
• Market analysis
• Development appraisals
Key services
• Review of existing occupier demand and terms
• Development option and viability appraisals
• Development agency and consultancy advice – formation of masterplan
• Market analysis
• Development appraisals
Key services
• Review of regional businesses presence
within specific sectors: advanced
manufacturing/ engineering, life sciences,
digital technology and media/creative sectors
• Market analysis
• Development appraisals
Key services
• Targeted development site searches using
bespoke mapping software
• Identification of land for a range of services
(e.g. roadside retail, EV charging, industrial
and mixed use development)
• On and off market searches
• Identifying market trends
Key services
• On and off market office search
• Identification and review of relocation options
• Agency negotiations – disposal of existing office and acquisition of development site with design and build contract
• Development appraisals
Key services
• Identification of hotel development site as
Outsourced Travelodge Development
• Negotiation of pre-let terms on behalf of
• Hotel development viability advice
• Wider development agency advice on
associated uses (e.g. retail)
• Development appraisal
Key services
• Development option and viability appraisals
• Marketing of development site with analysis of bids and tenant strength
• Pre-let negotiations
• Development consultancy to support masterplan preparation
• Development appraisals
Key services
• Development option and viability appraisals
• Marketing of development site
• Pre-let negotiations on range of disposals (hotel/retail/drive thru/petrol filling station/self-storage/industrial/trade counter)
• Development consultancy to support masterplan preparation
• Development appraisals
Key services
and services
Case study categories
Vision & strategy
Development, feasibilty
& Aquisition
Identification & acquisition
of buildings & land
Project delivery & development agency
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020 7062 3084
07890 300103
Graduate Surveyor
Oliver Sigurdsson