Oxford planning & development team
The team in Oxford is made up of of 18 planning and development professionals, with a range of specialisms and extensive experience of working collaboratively on planning and development projects of all types and sizes.
At a glance
11th leading UK employer for Chartered Town Planners
100+ property specialists within
our division
We are advising on over 30k acres of potential development land with the capacity for up to 130,000 new homes
We work for 154 local authorities
We provide a national service from 6 hub offices
80% of our business comes from repeat clients
Our clients
“Carter Jonas has been a marvellously proactive and effective advisor to us. They have effectively identified stakeholders, overseen a huge amount of often tricky engagement, and been wonderfully good at troubleshooting when required. At every stage, Carter Jonas has listened to the client team and communicated effectively. We have come to trust them absolutely.”
Professor William Whyte – Professor of Architectural History and Senior Responsible Owner of the Humanities Building Project
Our work
Culham Science Village, South Oxfordshire
Local Plan Promotion, Strategic Planning, Planning Permissions and Socio-Economic Analysis
ARC Oxford (formerly Oxford Business Park)
Estate Planning, Policy and Planning Permissions
Clarendon Centre,
Planning Permissions and Socio-Economic Analysis
Harwell Campus
Estate Planning, Policy and Planning Permissions
Central Abingdon Regeneration Framework
Development Consultancy
University of Oxford, Humanities Building
Planning Permissions, Policy and
Socio-Economic Analysis
Planning Permissions and Development Agency
Wantage, Oxfordshire
Planning Permissions, Development Agency,
Development Consultancy and Project Management
Milton Heights
Development Consultancy
Culham Science Centre, UKAEA
Estate Planning, Policy and Planning Permissions
Contact us
Planning & Development
James Bainbridge
Head of Development South
07887 834070
Steven Sensecall
Head of Planning South
07970 796762
Emma Jewson
Partner (Development)
07585 303731
Nicky Brock
Partner (Planning)
07971 972870
James Cordery
Partner (Development)
07780 667005
Huw Mellor
Partner (Planning)
07739 519195
Planning & Development
Oxford planning & development team
The team in Oxford is made up of of 18 planning and development professionals, with a range of specialisms and extensive experience of working collaboratively on planning and development projects of all types and sizes.
At a glance
80% of our business comes from repeat clients
We provide a national service from 6 hub offices
We work for 154 local authorities
We are advising on over 30k acres of potential development land with the capacity for up to 130,000 new homes
100+ property specialists
within our division
11th leading UK employer for Chartered Town Planners
Our work
Culham Science Village, South Oxfordshire
Local Plan Promotion, Strategic Planning, Planning Permissions and Socio-Economic Analysis
ARC Oxford (formerly Oxford Business Park)
Estate Planning, Policy and Planning Permissions
Clarendon Centre,
Planning Permissions and Socio-Economic Analysis
Harwell Campus
Estate Planning, Policy and Planning Permissions
Central Abingdon Regeneration Framework
Development Consultancy
University of Oxford, Humanities Building
Planning Permissions, Policy and
Socio-Economic Analysis
Planning Permissions and Development Agency
Wantage, Oxfordshire
Planning Permissions, Development Agency,
Development Consultancy and Project Management
Milton Heights
Development Consultancy
Culham Science Centre, UKAEA
Estate Planning, Policy and Planning Permissions
Our clients
“Carter Jonas has been a marvellously proactive and effective advisor to us. They have effectively identified stakeholders, overseen a huge amount of often tricky engagement, and been wonderfully good at troubleshooting when required. At every stage, Carter Jonas has listened to the client team and communicated effectively. We have come to trust them absolutely.”
Professor William Whyte – Professor of Architectural History and Senior Responsible Owner of the Humanities Building Project
Contact us
Huw Mellor
Partner (Planning)
07739 519195
James Cordery
Partner (Development)
07780 667005
Nicky Brock
Partner (Planning)
07971 972870
Emma Jewson
Partner (Development)
07585 303731
James Bainbridge
Head of Development South
07887 834070
Steven Sensecall
Head of Planning South
07970 796762
A major new 3,500 home community, with services and facilities including schools and shops, focussed on the colocation of homes and jobs at the adjacent Science Centre with the opportunity to utilise and improve the existing railway station towards carbon neutrality.
The Carter Jonas Planning team negotiated with South Oxfordshire Council on the allocation of the site, which required its release from the Green Belt. This site was included in the Local Plan adopted in December 2020.
We are now leading a multidisciplinary team delivering EIA scoping and a range of outline and full planning applications.
Culham Science Village, South Oxfordshire
Services: Local Plan Promotion, Strategic Planning, Planning Permissions and Socio-Economic Analysis
Carter Jonas is commissioned to provide planning consultancy advice on the future development of the former Oxford Business Park, now known as ARC Oxford. Proposals for the site seek to modernise and intensify the R&D offer at ARC Oxford.
Carter Jonas has initially advised on the Masterplanning of the site. This has subsequently led to the submission of a number of new planning applications for the refurbishment of some buildings and development of currently vacant plots. Projects coming forward for this client seek to challenge and test Local Planning policy.
ARC Oxford (formerly Oxford Business Park)
Services: Estate Planning, Policy and Planning Permissions
Major redevelopment of a central Oxford site, delivering the first new streets in a generation, as well as a mix of public spaces, shops, cafes, lab spaces, offices and student accommodation.
Carter Jonas planning team managed the planning process from start to finish; negotiating the principle of development, analysing town centre impacts, directing design and heritage impacts, and engaging with a range of relevant stakeholders including the City Council. The project received a resolution to grant planning permission in June 2022.
Clarendon Centre, Oxford
Services: Planning Permissions and Socio-Economic Analysis
The Vale of White Horse has an ambitious growth agenda and has identified circa 218 hectares of land for future employment development, 128 hectares of which is allocated for delivery at Harwell Campus in Oxfordshire.
Carter Jonas is currently advising on circa 100,000 sqm of science and tech floorspace at the Campus, located in the North Wessex Downs AONB.
Carter Jonas provides a broad planning service, advising on strategic matters (including working with key stakeholders on future growth beyond current local plan period and major infrastructure needs), as well as managing individual major planning applications and the strategy around delivery.
Harwell Campus
Services: Estate Planning, Policy and Planning Permissions
Most recently, Carter Jonas secured planning permission for a 16,000 sq m vaccine research and manufacturing facility to provide the UK public with access to cutting-edge mRNA vaccines. The new facility will be occupied by Moderna, in a 10 year venture with the UK Government.
Carter Jonas led the project team appointed by Vale of White Horse District Council to produce the Central Abingdon Regeneration Framework (CARF) which was published in February 2023. Carter Jonas provided planning and development, urban design and masterplanning services.
The CARF establishes aspirations for positive change, setting out non-prescriptive opportunities to deliver and fund interventions and help steer how key sites could come forward alongside improvements to transport, mobility and the public realm. It complements the Abingdon Neighbourhood Plan and will help inform the Joint Local Plan with South Oxfordshire District Council.
Central Abingdon Regeneration Framework
Services: Development Consultancy
The Humanities Building, housing seven Humanities faculties and six libraries, a high profile new Institute for Ethics in AI, the Oxford Internet Institute and a number of research centres and facilities, as well as a new concert hall, theatre, exhibition space and spaces for performance and public engagement.
Carter Jonas planning team directed a strategy focussed on heritage management, design, and wider community engagement.
The location of the project required close negotiation and analysis of town centre impacts, student needs and the University’s aspirations. Carter Jonas remain instructed through the construction phase.
University of Oxford, Humanities Building
Services: Planning Permissions, Policy and Socio-Economic Analysis
Carter Jonas successfully completed the sale of an 8.5 acre site with outline planning permission for up to 90 new homes in Marcham, Oxfordshire in September 2022.
Having originally negotiated a promotion agreement on behalf of the landowners, Carter Jonas then acted as planning consultant to successfully secure planning permission in late 2021.
Following receipt of planning permission, we were appointed by our landowning clients and Catesby to handle the sale of the land, where we managed a successful open market tender exercise that resulted in 28 separate bids being submitted and our clients realising a sale far in excess of expectations.
Services: Planning Permissions and Development Agency
Carter Jonas brought two farming families together at Wantage to promote a strategic development scheme, forming a Pool Trust to achieve collaboration and equalisation between multiple landownerships. A promotion agreement was then negotiated with Lands Improvement Holdings under which Carter Jonas obtained planning permission for the strategic development scheme which includes 1,500 new homes, a local centre and a primary school. Carter Jonas also successfully promoted the site for allocation in the Local Plan.
Wantage, Oxfordshire
Services: Planning Permissions, Development Agency, Development Consultancy and Project Management
A development agreement was then negotiated with St Modwen for delivery of the development, allowing the landowners to sell serviced development parcels over the lifetime of the development, with St Modwen responsible for infrastructure delivery and s106 obligations.
Carter Jonas continues to act for the landowners and St Modwen in bringing forward delivery of the overall scheme as planning consultants and land agents.
A group of seven vacant residential dwellings owned freehold by a charitable client, who required advice in relation to an approach by the neighbouring landowner in respect of a joint venture (JV) to redevelop the combined site for a new residential scheme.
The client required an assessment of the appropriate division of development costs and receipts between themselves and the JV partner and the development potential of their site in isolation, in order to determine the appropriate way forward.
Milton Heights
Services: Development Consultancy
Carter Jonas Development Surveyors provided development appraisals of the sites both individually and combined, an assessment of the likely synergistic (marriage) value and an options appraisal providing our view on the potential risks and rewards of various routes open to the client to maximise value, including relevant JV terms.
Carter Jonas is the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority’s (UKAEA) retained Planning & Development advisor for Culham Science Centre (CSC) and for other UKAEA sites across the UK.
CSC is home to the UK’s fusion research programme, the European JET facility (the largest fusion facility in the world) and other related programmes which support international fusion R&D programmes. Carter Jonas’ property support at CSC continues to ensure that the UK plays a leading international role in the future development of fusion power.
Culham Science Centre, UKAEA
Services: Estate Planning, Policy and Planning Permissions
Our Planning team works with the UKAEA to facilitate the delivery of future development projects ranging from major new development proposals to smaller applications for the maintenance and upkeep of the estate’s day to day working and operation, and liaison with contractors post determination to enable delivery.
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Culham Science Village, South Oxfordshire
A major new 3,500 home community, with services and facilities including schools and shops, focussed on the colocation of homes and jobs at the adjacent Science Centre with the opportunity to utilise and improve the existing railway station towards carbon neutrality.
The Carter Jonas Planning team negotiated with South Oxfordshire Council on the allocation of the site, which required its release from the Green Belt. This site was included in the Local Plan adopted in December 2020.
We are now leading a multidisciplinary team delivering EIA scoping and a range of outline and full planning applications.
ARC Oxford (formerly Oxford Business Park)
Carter Jonas is commissioned to provide planning consultancy advice on the future development of the former Oxford Business Park, now known as ARC Oxford. Proposals for the site seek to modernise and intensify the R&D offer at ARC Oxford.
Carter Jonas has initially advised on the Masterplanning of the site. This has subsequently led to the submission of a number of new planning applications for the refurbishment of some buildings and development of currently vacant plots. Projects coming forward for this client seek to challenge and test Local Planning policy.
Clarendon Centre, Oxford
Major redevelopment of a central Oxford site, delivering the first new streets in a generation, as well as a mix of public spaces, shops, cafes, lab spaces, offices and student accommodation.
Carter Jonas planning team managed the planning process from start to finish; negotiating the principle of development, analysing town centre impacts, directing design and heritage impacts, and engaging with a range of relevant stakeholders including the City Council. The project received a resolution to grant planning permission in June 2022.
Harwell Campus
The Vale of White Horse has an ambitious growth agenda and has identified circa 218 hectares of land for future employment development, 128 hectares of which is allocated for delivery at Harwell Campus in Oxfordshire.
Carter Jonas is currently advising on circa 100,000 sqm of science and tech floorspace at the Campus, located in the North Wessex Downs AONB. Carter Jonas provides a broad planning service, advising on strategic matters (including working with key stakeholders on future growth beyond current local plan period and major infrastructure needs), as well as managing individual major planning applications and the strategy around delivery.
Most recently, Carter Jonas secured planning permission for a 16,000 sq m vaccine research and manufacturing facility to provide the UK public with access to cutting-edge mRNA vaccines. The new facility will be occupied by Moderna, in a 10 year venture with the UK Government.
Central Abingdon Regeneration Framework
Carter Jonas led the project team appointed by Vale of White Horse District Council to produce the Central Abingdon Regeneration Framework (CARF) which was published in February 2023. Carter Jonas provided planning and development, urban design and masterplanning services.
The CARF establishes aspirations for positive change, setting out non-prescriptive opportunities to deliver and fund interventions and help steer how key sites could come forward alongside improvements to transport, mobility and the public realm. It complements the Abingdon Neighbourhood Plan and will help inform the Joint Local Plan with South Oxfordshire District Council.
University of Oxford, Humanities Building
The Humanities Building brings together seven Humanities faculties and six libraries, a high profile new Institute for Ethics in AI, the Oxford Internet Institute and a number of research centres and facilities, as well as a new concert hall, theatre, exhibition space and spaces for performance and public engagement.
Carter Jonas planning team directed a strategy focussed on heritage management, design, and wider community engagement. The location of the project required close negotiation and analysis of town centre impacts, student needs and the University’s aspirations. Carter Jonas remain instructed through the construction phase.
Carter Jonas successfully completed the sale of an 8.5 acre site with outline planning permission for up to 90 new homes in Marcham, Oxfordshire in September 2022.Having originally negotiated a promotion agreement on behalf of the landowners, Carter Jonas then acted as planning consultant to successfully secure planning permission in late 2021.
Following receipt of planning permission, we were appointed by our landowning clients and Catesby to handle the sale of the land, where we managed a successful open market tender exercise that resulted in 28 separate bids being submitted and our clients realising a sale far in excess of expectations.
Wantage, Oxfordshire
Carter Jonas brought two farming families together at Wantage to promote a strategic development scheme, forming a Pool Trust to achieve collaboration and equalisation between multiple landownerships. A promotion agreement was then negotiated with Lands Improvement Holdings under which Carter Jonas obtained planning permission for the strategic development scheme which includes 1,500 new homes, a local centre and a primary school. Carter Jonas also successfully promoted the site for allocation in the Local Plan.
A development agreement was then negotiated with St Modwen for delivery of the development, allowing the landowners to sell serviced development parcels over the lifetime of the development, with St Modwen responsible for infrastructure delivery and s106 obligations.
Carter Jonas continues to act for the landowners and St Modwen in bringing forward delivery of the overall scheme as planning consultants and land agents.
Milton Heights
A group of seven vacant residential dwellings owned freehold by a charitable client, who required advice in relation to an approach by the neighbouring landowner in respect of a joint venture (JV) to redevelop the combined site for a new residential scheme.
The client required an assessment of the appropriate division of development costs and receipts between themselves and the JV partner and the development potential of their site in isolation, in order to determine the appropriate way forward.
Carter Jonas Development Surveyors provided development appraisals of the sites both individually and combined, an assessment of the likely synergistic (marriage) value and an options appraisal providing our view on the potential risks and rewards of various routes open to the client to maximise value, including relevant JV terms.
Culham Science Centre, UKAEA
Carter Jonas is the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority’s (UKAEA) retained Planning & Development advisor for Culham Science Centre (CSC) and for other UKAEA sites across the UK.
CSC is home to the UK’s fusion research programme, the European JET facility (the largest fusion facility in the world) and other related programmes which support international fusion R&D programmes. Carter Jonas’ property support at CSC continues to ensure that the UK plays a leading international role in the future development of fusion power.
Our Planning team works with the UKAEA to facilitate the delivery of future development projects ranging from major new development proposals to smaller applications for the maintenance and upkeep of the estate’s day to day working and operation, and liaison with contractors post determination to enable delivery.