The Story
How CBRE Building Consultancy supports you
A potential tenant assesses his needs for an office space using Spacer and issues the output to the Landlord as his base requirement for an office area.
The right office space can help you hire competitive talent, keep your employees healthy, reduce operating costs, and create the perfect conditions for the next big idea. Each goal has a direct impact on how much space you choose to occupy, but the task of creating a highly customized workplace that meets your goals can be daunting. That’s where Spacer comes in.
Key Features Include
CBRE’s expert perspective on work space planning for employee engagement, productivity, and efficiency
Our Company
Aenean sed pretium diam. Nulla facilisi. Ut volutpat, quam nec posuere euismod, urna massa suscipit sem, eu posuere nisl arcu eget nulla. Quisque dui libero, dictum sed nibh non, varius hendrerit leo. Vivamus quis sapien vel justo condimentum porttitor.
Our Company
Our History
Our Ideal Client
Our Proven Success
Our Team
Sed ac pulvinar neque. Curabitur ut dui a libero egestas facilisis eget ut risus. Vivamus dignissim dolor magna, sit amet condimentum magna molestie at. Ut eu ex quis mi accumsan venenatis. Etiam dapibus lorem nec molestie elementum. Cras eu sagittis erat. Nullam sed est ut turpis.
Our History
Our Company
Our History
Our Ideal Client
Our Proven Success
Our Team
Nullam ultrices, elit ac cursus egestas, ex sem ornare ante, id iaculis risus urna vel magna. Sed nisl enim, fermentum et ex vitae, maximus luctus neque. Proin rhoncus est ac risus auctor laoreet. Vestibulum volutpat suscipit dolor ac facilisis. Proin quis fermentum diam. Etiam in dictum risus, nec tincidunt quam. Pellentesque eu gravida urna, at luctus enim.
Our Ideal Client
Our Company
Our History
Our Ideal Client
Our Proven Success
Our Team
Aenean sed pretium diam. Nulla facilisi. Ut volutpat, quam nec posuere euismod, urna massa suscipit sem, eu posuere nisl arcu eget nulla. Quisque dui libero, dictum sed nibh non, varius hendrerit leo. Vivamus quis sapien vel justo condimentum porttitor.
Our Proven Success
Our Company
Our History
Our Ideal Client
Our Proven Success
Our Team
Nunc convallis quis quam non eleifend. Nulla mattis urna sed condimentum vehicula. Fusce ullamcorper laoreet orci, in congue ante. Praesent sed mi varius, tempor ligula ac, eleifend tortor. In ut urna orci. Integer mattis est non magna varius fermentum. Ut at purus et lacus vehicula rutrum.
Our Team
Our Company
Our History
Our Ideal Client
Our Proven Success
Our Team
Custom office profiles that reflect the unique qualities and characteristics of your workplace and organization
Interactive program-editing capabilities that reflect updated results in real time
Key Services
Building audit & certification (dedicated inspector to be appointed – standard reports and benchmarking);
Technical Due Diligence and technical advisory;
Sustainability audit and thermal performance audit (thermal imaging & report), energy saving advisory;
BREEAM & LEED certification;
Building benchmarking compared to market standard and repositioning advisory;
Lift study and audit, facade audit & inspection,;
Schedule of dilapidations, building defect rectification;
Cost estimates and 10 year CAPEX cashflows;
Insurance valuations.
Geomatics & 3D Services
We report on the detail
Where every millimetre counts
Digital Twin
Every organisation has a story and an identity. In order to design an interior that suits you, we believe it’s important to really get to know your organisation. The end result is an appealing and creative design that your organisation can identify with.
Fit-outs & Renovations
Week 1
Week 15
Week 40
Project Inception/Set-Up Stage
Procurement Management
Design Management
Construction Management
Post Construction Management
Project Inception/Set-Up Stage
Design Specification Establishment
Site Inspection and Due Diligence
Project Cost Plan
Project Time Plan
Project Execution Plan
Design Institute Selection
Procurement Management
Pre-qualification of Contractors/Suppliers
RFP Preparation and Tender Invitation
Tender Clarification and Tender Interview
Tender Assessment and Recommendation
Contract Preparation and Negotiation
Design Management
Design Review
Value Engineering
Time Management
Cost Management
LEED Management
Construction Management
Programme Management
Cost Management
Quality Management
Communication Management
Statutory Application/Inspection
Post Construction Management
Testing & Commissioning Management
Defect Rectification Management
Statutory Inspection Management
Archiving Management
Facility Management Training
Handover Management
Project Final Account
Finalization - 1 - 8 weeks
Aenean sed pretium diam. Nulla facilisi. Ut volutpat, quam nec posuere euismod, urna massa suscipit sem, eu posuere nisl arcu eget nulla. Quisque dui libero, dictum sed nibh non, varius hendrerit leo. Vivamus quis sapien vel justo condimentum porttitor.
Whether you own an office, a shop, a hotel, space arrangement, it is considered an investment in the productivity, efficiency and creativity of the people who occupy it.
As part of the Design & Build project, CBRE will be your single point of contact. We do it all by creating a multidiscipline team of architects, engineers, interior designers, inspectors, cost managers, procurement specialists and site supervisors.
During the execution of a new project, the Design & Build team undertakes to:
Respect the following regulations: fire safety, electrical installations and construction law
Deliver the project in accordance with the quality, budget and schedule set at the very beginning
Project Management
Tech Consultancy
Digital Twin
Fitouts & Renovations
Project Management
Lifecycle of your building.
The Host
Environment & sustainability
Technical upgrades / technological migration
Digital Twin
Aenean sed pretium diam. Nulla facilisi. Ut volutpat, quam nec posuere euismod, urna massa suscipit sem, eu posuere nisl arcu eget nulla.
Itemized Breakdown
Aenean sed pretium diam. Nulla facilisi. Ut volutpat, quam nec posuere euismod, urna massa suscipit sem, eu posuere nisl arcu eget nulla.
Best Value
Itemized Breakdown
Aenean sed pretium diam. Nulla facilisi. Ut volutpat, quam nec posuere euismod, urna massa suscipit sem, eu posuere nisl arcu eget nulla.
Itemized Breakdown
Iwona Pasik
Associate Director
Design Advisory
+48 608 653 962
Bartosz Kwiecień
Associate Director
Fit-outs & Renovations
+48 22 544 80 68
Marcin Wołoszka
Client Solutions Manager
+48 695272 620
Jonathan Steer
Executive Director
Head of Building Consultancy CEE
+48 22 544 8068
Krzysztof Koziar
Associate Director
Technical Advisory
+48 608 650 721
Artur Pakuła
Project & Cost Management
+48 667 725 852
We have dedicated teams that bring all our skills together
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CBRE’s Energy and Sustainability team provides a market-leading service for occupiers, actively helping companies to navigate sustainability legislation, reduce operational costs and increase wellness and productivity.
We offer:
Conducting energy audits for property owners, administrators and maintenance;
Conducting complex energy analyzes in commercial buildings;
Sub-reports for real estate and transportation;
Summary report, giving a comprehensive picture of the energy consumption of the business.
The summary report will allow to compare the energy consumption of the various indicators used by the Client to determine the strategies and directions for future energy use.
BREEAM & LEED certification
Environment & Sustainability
The expectations of tenants concerning comfort and technology is constantly growing. Although creative solutions are essential, your project must be up to date with technology as well. . Safety, security, automation or lightning – all have to represent latest technology. How well do the new possibilities of the property match your investment strategy, objectives and the real expectations of your tenants growing needs? Our integrated approach includes planning, permit applications, technical consulting, tenders, contracting, building construction of all technological upgrades or migrations. We are constantly focused on your goals and the success of your business plans.
Extensive business solutions for the transformation of commercial properties
Feasibility studies for upgrades or redevelopments, including budgets and schedules, architecture, marketing proposals and market conformity
Technical advisory including effectiveness study
Complete process including execution design and construction and project management
Keepin the highest standards
CBRE’s Floored Plans, an interactive real estate marketing and leasing tool that puts real estate professionals in control of their test-fits. With Floored Plans, teams can quickly and seamlessly create, customize and share test-fits that meet tenant needs, while providing real-time visibility into key decision metrics, including headcount and open space. And with a simple click, test-fits are transformed into 3D immersive experiences, complete with accurate panoramic views and customizable design themes. CBRE’s Floored Plans drives process efficiency, creates visibility and, ultimately, enhances the tenant’s transaction experience.
Aenean sed pretium diam. Nulla facilisi. Ut volutpat, quam nec posuere euismod, urna massa suscipit sem, eu posuere nisl arcu eget nulla.
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We are a multidisciplinary group of building and construction experts, including project managers, licensed architects, engineers, building and quantity surveyors, valuers as well as BREEAM and LEED assessors and auditors. We primarily support our clients, developers and tenants alike, throughout the design, permitting, construction and production fit-out process.
We deliver a number of essential and complementary services including Architectural Design as well as Technical Advisory and Due Diligence. Our services are demanded by all types of property market players. We deliver client-tailored solutions for various types of assets, including all commercial sectors (office, retail, industrial and hotels) and multi-functional buildings with residential and leisure elements, as well as technical buildings.
Free and easy to use, no login required
Save and Share feature - come back to your program later or send results to a colleague
Accuracy is absolutely crucial for our clients.
We approach every property individually – and give it the attention it needs to get the right results
A precise visualisation of a physical object.
In our world; a 3D representation of a building, a plot of land, a street.
Becomes powerful when it starts to absorb data and knowledge from its physical twin.
Historic 2D data-sets not fit for purpose.
Data captured utilising terrestrial 3D scanners and UAV (drone) technology.
Storage of large data-sets for Clients.
Provision of raw ‘point-cloud’ data for architects.
Provision of 3D BIM-ready Revit (AutoCAD) models.
Visualize Yourself in the space
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The Story
Additional Information:
Highlights key property areas, features and views in fully interactive 3D tour environments
Explores interiors and exteriors from any remote location
Links to the virtual model in messages, websites and presentations
Experiences space in 3D even before it exists
Virtual reality for your Tenant
Being green and effective
Accessible: A secure online environment through which design teams, consultants, vendors and owners can quickly and easily store, exchange, and view project documents, assign tasks and receive notifications
Connect: A mobile platform that is compliant with mostdevices on the market, Kahua can be accessed wherever you are, for smooth and seamless project management
Budget and financial management: A simple means of sharing, reviewing and approving budgets and paying change orders and invoices, Kahua streamlines the purchasing process
Schedule Management: Kahua synchronises with Microsoft Project for consolidated, user-friendly and robust schedule management
Insightful: Users also have access to CBRE’s global, sector-specific and customised insights that integrate with CBRE’s business intelligence dashboards for a robust and empowering perspective
transparency and effective process control
Additional Information
The Host
( Lifecycle of your building )
How much space the Tenant needs?
Evaluate Your Property
Your property in the digital word
For your building to meet your ambition
Gathering needs, ambitions, deadlines and determining the final budget
Analysis of legal, technical, architectural and environmental conditions
Definition of the scope of the project
Cost estimate, planning, execution of work
Transparency and clarity
Occupier Lifecycle
Investor Lifecycle
Learn More
Watch the Video
Additional Information
Optimizes space utilization, amenity access and building systems delivery
Connects users to their environments via technology, amenities and communities
Differentiates assets to attract and retain high-quality tenants
Delivers valuable data to drive experience-aligned decisions
integrated workplace services
Integration with CBRE’s 2D and 3D floor plan visualization
Effective total project process
Vision to reality