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Templates - Sports Splash-page
A single-page long scrolling experience that leverages subtle animations, bold photography, and multiple embedded objects to showcase the season of Russell Westbrook.
Lock objects on your canvas using the shortcut "." to avoid accidentally clicking on these objects when scrolling.
Pro tip: Hold "L" to select locked objects on the canvas.
Layer semi-transparent shapes over top of the "Theme Background" image to create depth and a fun 3D scrolling effect.
Notice how the "Theme Background" stays pinned in place while the background shape continues to scroll.
Create a neat glitching effect by combining a few seperate animations in sequence, with each animation having a very short timeline.
In this case we are combining a "Flash" animation with a .002 second duration and a 4.4 second delay, and a "Fade in down" animation with a .04 second duration. By setting this entire sequence to repeat, ever 4.4 seconds the image will appear to glitch.
Match your bolded text to the background color on your canvas to create an outline effect.
Pro tip: create an outline in Photoshop to allow a background image to be visible through the text area.
If you are hosting your videos on a third party site like Youtube, Vimeo, or Wistia, you can pull them directly into Ceros using the "Embedded Object" tool. This will ensure the view counts remain on that 3rd party server.
You can easily copy and paste animations from one object to another. In this case we copied the animation from the header image and pasted it on the black-and-white Russell Westbrook image.
Right-click on an image and select "Copy Animation" and then select the target image to "Paste Animation".
Slightly increase the delay on multiple images in a section to create a cascading animation sequence.
Pro tip: select all images in a section you want to animate in a cascading effect. Apply the animation in bulk to every object, and then deselect one object at a time by holding the Cmd button and selecting the first object in the layers panel. From here, increase the delay slightly (.1 seconds between each object) to create a cascading waterfall effect.
You can easily embed social posts by clicking on the post you want to share and copying the embed code. From there, draw out an "Embedded Object" placeholder and paste in the desired embed code.
Pro tip: we will always default to the dimensions provided in the embed code. Set the width and height to be 100% to fit it to the canvas container.
Russell Westbrook accomplished something this regular season that hasn't happened in 45 years: averaging a triple-double. Take a look over this quick recap to see some of Westbrook's best plays and explore some key statistics.
Monster dunk
Most points scored in a
triple double(57)
First triple double without missing a shot
Most triple doubles by an individual in a season (42)
FOUR 50 point
games this season
Off the court, Russell Westbrook's fashion sense has grabbed headlines. Take a look over some of his best outfits from the last 12 months.
To recap, Russell Westbrook accomplished something this regular season that hasn't happened in 45 years: averaging a triple-double. Congratulations!
It goes without saying that Russell's biggest achievement this year was welcoming Noah Russell Westbrook into the world.
A season to remember