Although Apple Watch was the most commonly named, three out of the top five devices adopters are interested in for enterprise use are smart watches.
Apple Watch Piques Enterprise Interest
Only 8% of adopters say they are completely ready to gain actionable insights from the volume of employee and customer data generated from wearable technology.
Taking Action on Wearable Data Is a Challenge
Hover over the icons to the right to see real-world examples of how an enterprise business professional can use the Apple Watch.
What does a day with an Apple Watch look like?
Enterprise businesses are most interested in smart watches when considering wearable technology.
Wearables are a valuable source of data, but are businesses ready for the shift?
in the next two years
Many companies are either already experiencing success with wearables or planning to increase their investments in wearable technology.
How are companies already using wearables for customers?
Due to the significant success these companies are seeing so far, 86% expect their wearable technology spend to increase over the next 12 months.
Among current users, 76% report already seeing improvement in their business performance since implementing wearable device technology.
A majority of adopters (79%) agree that wearables are or will be strategic to their company’s future business success.
Lower costs and devices that can better multitask are the top motivators for adopting wearables in the enterprise.
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How are companies already using wearables for employees?