Data and the insights it uncovers are now seen as essential to running higher ed institutions. It can be used to find new enrollment prospects, raise retention and student satisfaction rates, and create financial efficiencies to improve revenue. But higher ed’s efforts to use data to make better-informed decisions have yet to instill widespread confidence. The Chronicle of Higher Education surveyed a group of 452 college administrators to explore their views on the increasing use of data, how data is being used on their campus, and where the barriers lie. Download our latest Research Brief, “Becoming a Data-Driven Institution”, where we share our survey findings and analysis, including:
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97% of administrators surveyed believe that higher education needs to better use data and analytics to make strategic decisions
23% of respondents say the biggest barrier to using data effectively is decentralized or siloed data collection on campus
66% say academic advising is one of the key areas where better data is needed
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