Leading the way to a sustainable future
The ESG investing story has been driven by growing public awareness of climate change. But the coronavirus pandemic has ignited a new awareness of a much wider range of issues as well as the importance of things we take for granted.
example: water
The outbreak of Covid-19 has had a disproportionate impact on the urban poor, partly because lack of running water made good hygiene impossible. And yet two billion people around the world still lack access to sufficient water.
Water doesn’t just sustain life and vital hygiene. It’s perhaps the earth’s most essential resource, used in the manufacture of everything from jeans to the chips in your phone.
Investors are increasingly aware of the powerful structural growth stories that underpin ESG investing: the global demand for water and waste solutions as populations grow, and the need for clean energy solutions, are two of the most obvious.
There’s no shortage of ESG funds on the market. But the number with decades of experience, in-depth processes that can challenge consensus views, and performance numbers that compare favourably with mainstream global equity funds is much smaller.
Natixis Investment Managers’ multi-affiliated model provides investors with a global platform of diverse investment expertise, which includes a comprehensive suite of ESG capabilities and innovative thematic equity investments.
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