2022 Grant
Mentors in Motion
Mentors In Motion (MIM) is a nationally recognized non-profit organization, registered in Missouri, dedicated to providing quality mentoring and educational programs to youths at-risk, throughout the St. Louis area. Our goals are to inspire, educate, motivate, and empower the creativity of youths through music, technology, career development, healthcare assessments and various extracurricular activities.
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NPower creates pathways to economic prosperity by launching digital careers for military veterans and young adults from underserved communities. In today’s economy, over 50% of all jobs require some degree of technology and digital skill.
NPower currently operates in New York, Texas, California, Maryland, Toronto, New Jersey, Missouri, and Michigan.
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The Village
To extend an honest hand to the next generation by connecting youth with empowered and enlightened adults who will provide those youth with academic assistance, spiritual guidance, and life skills training to give them the experiences needed to excel in all aspects of life. With the help and support of the community, together we can fulfill our mission.
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Institute of Positive Education
The mission of the Institute of Positive Education (IPE) is to provide educational services and culturally relevant programs using African-centered themes that integrate skills intended to educate the “whole child”, enhance social skills, and inspire in our children a passion for learning. Our commitment is to improve competencies in reading, oral and written language, math, science, technology, and arts.
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The Hip Hop Architecture Camp
The Hip Hop Architecture Camp was created in 2016 by Michael Ford, a licensed architect who is also known as The Hip Hop Architect! The camp is a one week intensive experience, designed to introduce under represented youth to architecture, urban planning, creative place making and economic development through the lens of hip hop culture.
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ECCSC's mission is to provide dedicated community servants trained to change the dynamic of trauma and violence in our communities. We provide innovative violence prevention and intervention programs and/or resources that are aimed to prevent violence at the source, reduce recidivism, support positive re-entry, build strong youth, families, and communities, and provide non-traditional public safety emergency support to underserved communities.
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